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  1. #1
    genkeko is offline New Member
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    Apr 2009

    gynocamastia fear

    So i am a 22 year old male who has been working out off and on since i was about 16. The last three months have by far been my best and most consistent work out routine, where i am finally taking my creatine correctly, eating a good amount (although perhaps still not enough) and taking 2-3 protein shakes a day. I am the strongest i have ever been, the biggest i have ever been, but i feel as though i am not satisfied and feel as though i may just be genetically screwed.

    I would be very interested in starting a cycle of steroids , i would most certainly be doing a very light cycle to build lean mass, i have NO intention of becoming HUGE. i am currently 6 feet 175, and would love to be around 190-200 of muscle.

    The biggest fear i have is the fear of gynocomastia (spelling?) I have always had a pretty big chest, i at first though it was because i benched too much in my early lifting career but now i feel as though i just may naturally have kind of a flabby chest or maybe even a VERY slight case of gynocomastia..although at its current point my chest does not look horrible, for how much i lift weights, eat healthy, and run..i feel that my chest just remains somewhat flabby, anyway im worried that if i start taking steroids..even a very small amount, i will get "man boobs" Anybody have any experiences or advise they want to share? I know that there is a supplement i can take along with the steroids that is supposed to stop the testostorone from turning into estrogen, is this 100% reliable?

  2. #2
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    blue trunks
    If you have NO intentions of becoming HUGE you don't need steroids .

  3. #3
    The Deuce's Avatar
    The Deuce is offline Anabolic Member
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    Thank you ... WELL SAID !!!

  4. #4
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yeah I dont understand....genetically screwed? Dude you just said youve been lifting seriously for 3 months lol

    Not to be rude or anything but don't you think you should at least get into a steady routine for more than 3 months before you do steroids ?

  5. #5
    makod's Avatar
    makod is offline Associate Member
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    If theres anything this site has tought me its that before doing any type of AAS you should have trained SERIOUSLY for atleast 1-2 years.

    For my fear is of connective tissue - if its not there your going to lift some heavy weight and f*** your body because it just cant handle the load.

    For the chest - run your ass off. 5-6 days low intensity for 30-60 mins. The only way to get rid of fat is diet, cardio and a bit of clen if you want. your chest might be the last place that fat comes off but hey by that time the rest of your body will be ripped as.

  6. #6
    genkeko is offline New Member
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    Apr 2009


    thank you for your responses, but i think the word "huge" is very subjective, i know that there are several different types of steroids and as i said i would like to get to the 200 maybe 210 size with very little fat, i suppose that may be huge but not to the point of freakish.

    i used to run 5-6 days a week and it worked well, i was fairly ripped but doing that much cardio really affected my lifting. I now run 3 days a week..30 minutes. Like i said i have experimented with several different work out routines and supplements since high school, although the last few months has been my best routine/result, i feel as though i want that extra push and help.

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