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Thread: Finally got clomid need advice!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Finally got clomid need advice!

    Need some help


    dbol week 1-4 20 mg ed
    deca week 1-10 400 mg week brovel
    supertest 250 week 1-7 500 mg week tornel
    winny tabs 50 mg a day week 8 - current

    started at 186lbs got up to 208lbs by week 6 then gaines plane off week 6-10. I think the brovel deca and tornel sus is just weak that's why gaines did not keep progressing. Last inject sus oct 21 2002 last inject deca nov 4 2002. I am still on whinny tabs 50 mg each day will run out in about a week I had about 40 of them. I have been using tribulus for about 2 weeks because had a problem getting clomid it just came today I know I should have waited until I had eveything.

    Currently I am 202lbs attribute weight loss to adding in cardio the past month and the cutting effects of the whinny. Strength is still going up evey week. I have not experienced any effects coming off the injectables and libido is still fine. I do not feel like I have hit a wall or anything. Is it too late for the clomid. Should I still take the clomid therapy even though I am going on 4-5 weeks after the last inject of deca and 6 weeks after last inject of sus. When should I have started clomid and should I still take it after the whinny runs out or start it right now. Need some advice please bros. Thanks

  2. #2
    you need take take clomid 2-3 days out of the winny.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    thanks for the help tren. Any other input guys?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    come on guys any other input

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    start clomid 3 weeks after last deca injection and a day or two after winny ends...

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