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Thread: 2nd Cycle

  1. #1
    MekeMeke's Avatar
    MekeMeke is offline Associate Member
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    2nd Cycle

    Sup guys. Just started my second cycle yesterday. Let drop my stats first.

    9% BF
    30 y/o
    Training since high school on and off

    Cycle looks like this: Test C 750 MG/wk 12 wks
    Deca 400MG/wk 10 wks
    Anadrol 50MG/day first 4wks
    Nolva & Clomid PCT

    Couple of questions. I've got some injectable Vitamin B Complex on hand. Is it adviseable to include in this cycle? If so, how much and how often would you recommend. Also, since I am mixing my test and deca in 1 syringe and inject on monday night and friday morning, can I also mix the B complex in there?

    My last question is this. The test C 10ML bottle is 200MG per ML. Now it'll be kinda hard getting exactly 750MG from it in 2 injections. I thought of pulling 2ML (400MG) day one and 2ML (400MG) day 2 of inject. Normally you would lose some ML etc and 50 MG is like a 1/4 of a ML. Even if I get 800MG of it a wk its not really much more than 750. I apreciate any usefull critique, tips, and comments, thanks

  2. #2
    satnic33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MekeMeke View Post
    Sup guys. Just started my second cycle yesterday. Let drop my stats first.

    9% BF
    30 y/o
    Training since high school on and off

    Cycle looks like this: Test C 750 MG/wk 12 wks
    Deca 400MG/wk 10 wks
    Anadrol 50MG/day first 4wks
    Nolva & Clomid PCT

    Couple of questions. I've got some injectable Vitamin B Complex on hand. Is it adviseable to include in this cycle? If so, how much and how often would you recommend. Also, since I am mixing my test and deca in 1 syringe and inject on monday night and friday morning, can I also mix the B complex in there?

    My last question is this. The test C 10ML bottle is 200MG per ML. Now it'll be kinda hard getting exactly 750MG from it in 2 injections. I thought of pulling 2ML (400MG) day one and 2ML (400MG) day 2 of inject. Normally you would lose some ML etc and 50 MG is like a 1/4 of a ML. Even if I get 800MG of it a wk its not really much more than 750. I apreciate any usefull critique, tips, and comments, thanks
    I would get ahold of some hcg bro and run it in conjuction with your cycle, start at week 3 or 4. Also get some A-dex and use for gyno or excessive bloating. Peace


  3. #3
    Jfew44's Avatar
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    What did your first cycle consist of?

  4. #4
    MekeMeke's Avatar
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    First cycle was d-bol first 4 wks and test c 12 weeks at 500mg, had no signs of gyno during entire cycle, so I guess I am not really gyno prone. PCT was clomid and Nolva, cleared me out really well. Never had any problems with any side effects. I finished my last cycle around the beginning of september of last year.I will have arimidex on hand here in a bit. As for HCG , it will be really hard for me to get. Thoughts?

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    MekeMeke's Avatar
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    Come on guys...anyone? Also, I have a 10ML bottle of Test Prop 100MG/ML.
    Can I inject 1ML every other day until I finish the bottle while I wait for the test C to kick in? Or wouldn't this be a good idea...thanks

  7. #7
    MekeMeke's Avatar
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  8. #8
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    cycle looks like this: Test c 750 mg/wk 12 wks why the bump to 750mgs? There is no need.
    deca 400mg/wk 10 wks looks good.
    anadrol 50mg/day first 4wks ever use it before? Start with that, but youll likely wanna bump to 100mgs.
    nolva & clomid pct whats it look like?

    couple of questions. I've got some injectable vitamin b complex on hand. Is it adviseable to include in this cycle? If so, how much and how often would you recommend. Also, since i am mixing my test and deca in 1 syringe and inject on monday night and friday morning, can i also mix the b complex in there? shouldnt be a problem if you want to add it.

    my last question is this. The test c 10ml bottle is 200mg per ml. Now it'll be kinda hard getting exactly 750mg from it in 2 injections. I thought of pulling 2ml (400mg) day one and 2ml (400mg) day 2 of inject. Normally you would lose some ml etc and 50 mg is like a 1/4 of a ml. Even if i get 800mg of it a wk its not really much more than 750. I apreciate any usefull critique, tips, and comments, thanks

    again, 750mgs is too much for a second cycle. If you need more than 600mgs a week to gain, you have diet/training issues, or youve done 5+ cycles.

  9. #9
    DS21 is offline Member
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    I agree with War in regards to it being too much test. I would stick to 300mg 2xwk. I would also add the prop as a kick start. The cycle looks good, just don't know what dose you are running your PCT?

  10. #10
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Wouldnt use the Prop as a kickstart.

    If anything, id swtich to the Prop for the last few weeks in order to start my PCT sooner.

  11. #11
    DS21 is offline Member
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    Would you use or recommend an anadrol only cycle? If he doesn't use the prop that is what he would be running. He is already running the cyp two weeks longer then the deca , why would you want him to run the test longer??

  12. #12
    MekeMeke's Avatar
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    War, could you please elaborate why one wouldn't want to kickstart with Prop since its a short ester and will clear out of the system pretty quick? I am only asking to gain some knowledge....thanks

  13. #13
    WARMachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DS21 View Post
    Would you use or recommend an anadrol only cycle? If he doesn't use the prop that is what he would be running. He is already running the cyp two weeks longer then the deca, why would you want him to run the test longer??

    Thats not at all what i said. Youre taking it out of context.

    When i said swtich to Prop at the end of the cycle, i ment switch the esters completely. As in, stop the C around week 8 or 9 and begin using Prop. That way he can stop his cycle on time on week 12, and begin PCT ASAP.

    And what in the hell do you mean would i use or recommend an Anadrol only cycle? He is using Test C the first week as well you do know?

    I see what youre insinuating, due to the fact that Cyp doesnt kick for 4-6wks, but nonetheless hes not running JUST the Drol.

    And for the record, the only reason why people dont advise Anadrol or Dbol only cycles is due to the fact that prolonged use can cause liver damage. Not to mention how little the gains are after an extended period off the compounds.

    Either youre comments were taken completely outta context, or you dont have a F'n clue as to what youre talking about.

  14. #14
    WARMachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MekeMeke View Post
    War, could you please elaborate why one wouldn't want to kickstart with Prop since its a short ester and will clear out of the system pretty quick? I am only asking to gain some knowledge....thanks
    It doesnt matter if you use a kickstart with Prop or Drol.

    Both are perfectly fine.

    The only difference is the amount of circulating Test that will be in your system during those first 4 weeks.

    Its up to you really. Doesnt matter, i was just giving you other options. Most Vets here dont like to wait 2 weeks to begin PCT.

  15. #15
    MekeMeke's Avatar
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    Ok man, gotcha. I see exactly what you mean with the prop and it does make sense because I would like to start PCT ASAP after the cycle.
    So I'll drop the test to 600MG and take the cyp to 9 weeks and run 3 weeks of prop at 100MG EOD would you say?
    As for the drol, I never used it before, I did use dbol as a kickstart my last cycle of test c. I was afraid of the hepatoxicity of the drol so thats why I started taking it at 50MG. Can I do maybe 50 wk 1-2 and 100 wk 3-4? Or do wk 1-4 100MG? Thanks again brah.....

  16. #16
    WARMachine's Avatar
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    Start with 50mgs for the first two weeks if youre really worried. Im sure you wont wait to bump it to 100mgs.

    As for Prop, imo it needs to be pinned ED. EOD is okay, but ED is optimal.

    75mgs ED, or 150mg EOD.

  17. #17
    MekeMeke's Avatar
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    Thumbs up


  18. #18
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MekeMeke View Post
    First cycle was d-bol first 4 wks and test c 12 weeks at 500mg, had no signs of gyno during entire cycle, so I guess I am not really gyno prone. PCT was clomid and Nolva, cleared me out really well. Never had any problems with any side effects. I finished my last cycle around the beginning of september of last year.I will have arimidex on hand here in a bit. As for HCG, it will be really hard for me to get. Thoughts?
    Don't worry the hcg during your cycle. If you can get it, use it the last three weeks, if not, don't worry about it.

  19. #19
    MekeMeke's Avatar
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    Thanks Hank. I am still working on getting the HCG though.That way I could use it later on.
    I think I will be going to 100MG of Anadrol today, see how that goes.
    Yesterday I bought some milk thistle, 450mg per pill. I've read on here that some people use it while on heavy orals etc to protect the liver but others say that the milk thistle will impede the effect of the oral. Now, what should I do? Take the milk thistle or not? If not, when should I take it?

  20. #20
    MekeMeke's Avatar
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  21. #21
    WARMachine's Avatar
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    I dont think its a bad idea to take it.

    Personally i never have.

    100mgs for 4 weeks is hardly anything to get up in arms about.

  22. #22
    MekeMeke's Avatar
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  23. #23
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    This got me thinking bro.

    I did see a thread a while back and sure enough i do have it saved.

    Here, take a read on this.

    Liver support and Orals, do they hinder gains?
    Liver support & Oral Steroids!?

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