Okay, I've changed up my cycle a bit, so I'd really appreciate some opinions. I'm at 19%bf 5'10 185
Running test at 350mgs a week. I know it's a pretty low dose. Trying to make it last throughout and avoid gyno.
Starting Dbol tomorrow at 45mgs daily for 25 days
Going to start EQ 400mgs per week for 12 weeks
I want to include Clen and some type of SERM and possibly an AI like Arimidex. I do not want to get gyno.
Here's what I'm thinking. I'll run a short stint of Clen during the cycle and then go on it for another 2 weeks during PCT.
To prevent gyno I am thinking of running Arimidex (for a couple weeks?) during cycle and then a SERM during PCT. I am concerned about progestin. If I have stopped taking the dbol for a couple weeks before PCT, should I be fine to take nolvadex for pct? EQ isn't going to create progesterone right?