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Thread: Steroids in MMA

  1. #1
    NathanSummers is offline Banned
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    Steroids in MMA

    I was posting here a few days ago and was told that taking things like winstrol and trenbolone by themselves will kill your natural test levels. So when a mma fighter gets caught with just something like that in them, are they killing their natural test levels? Most of them end up on the losing end of the fight while being on these which might explain something.

  2. #2
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    they prob are on test but its very tough to determine test in a drug test...dont know why but it is.

  3. #3
    MMArmour's Avatar
    MMArmour is offline Senior Member
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    Ive noticed that AAS have made cardio more difficult for me but not enough to make the speculation that these fights gased. Winstrol is an obvious choice being that it acompanies no water retention and provides slow quality muscle and hardness. though its considering a cutting compound you can gain on it too. Its diet dependent.

    But i would assume they are definetly running test even at a TRT dose.

  4. #4
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    If you are an MMA fighter and take Tren , jeez you got balls. I am on tren and I feel like having a heart attack in between sets I am panting like a horse who just ran the derby. Can't imagine doing MMA endurance training and fighting while on it.

  5. #5
    NathanSummers is offline Banned
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    Royce Grace -Nandrolone Metabolite
    Chris Leban- Stanazolol
    Ken Shamrock- 19-Norandrosterone, 19-Noretiocholanolone and stanozolol .
    Phil Baroni- Boldenone and Stanozolol

  6. #6
    gymnerd's Avatar
    gymnerd is offline Senior Member
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    I always wondered why they don't use Halo more? It dramatically raises red blood cell counts which is why those guys are running mountains at big bear and sleeping in hyperbarack(spelling?) chambers in the first place.

  7. #7
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Its all about detection time guys.

    Short estered Test and Winny are the most popular AAS for guys...

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