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Thread: Gyno ???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Gyno ???

    Hey bros, I am seeking some help here. I am in the 10th week of my deca/test (deca dose varied from 300-600 mg/wk through this cycle, test was 400-600mg TT enan). I just have one more shot of deca to do, and then one week of test only, but I am starting to wonder if I am having symptoms of gyno. Basically I am starting to itch on my chest sometimes, but not on my nipples. Its not bad at all, just an occasional itch, but its still there. There isn't any big change in sensitivity and they don't hurt ever. I have nolva, but I don't think I need to take it. I'd really like to hear some opinions!

    I have my DNP bridge planned for next friday, so I really don't want to be taking anything other than my supps during that time. But I also don't want to have any gyno issues that could have been prevented.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    If its not around the nipples then you are fine. If it were a deca related gyno since you are running it at 600mg your Nolvadex will do shit anyways since it will be progesterone related occurance. I never did like deca....progesterone gyno and a limp dick, who needs that?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Originally posted by Bobber
    If its not around the nipples then you are fine. If it were a deca related gyno since you are running it at 600mg your Nolvadex will do shit anyways since it will be progesterone related occurance. I never did like deca....progesterone gyno and a limp dick, who needs that?
    Your deca bashing! That's ok though, because everyone is entitled to their opinions on the subject since we are all affected differently. Since I'm running the deca with test, I haven't had any issues with deca dick. The only problem is keeping it in my pants! I guess I could have picked up some bromo, but I doubt I'll be venturing with deca again. Takes too damn long to kick in and I do feel the lethargy side.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    It's not gyno bro. I get that itchy feeling on Enanathate for some reason. I think it's just the paranoid feeling of getting boobs.
    If gyno did occur, it could come from the test, and could be the Decca. but I think you have no worries.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    If you want run the nolva @ 20mg/ED till the end of the cycle incase the test is giving you some syptoms but I feel you have nothing to worry about at this point.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Thanks bros, I think ya'll are right! I seriously ask myself, "do i have gyno?" about 3-5 times a day consciously. I'm sure that the symptoms are probably just in my head.

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