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Thread: Low dose Test cycle

  1. #1

    Low dose Test cycle

    What is considered the lowest dosage of Test that would be considered a cycle and not TRT. Would 300 m/g weekly, shot Mon/Thurs 150 m/g be considered a cycle and if it is does anyone here have experience at this low dosage, did you have any gains, is it worth it or should the min be 500m/g weekly. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Depending on diet and training 300mg per week should be very good imo...

  3. #3
    300mg is low. the normal dose is 500mg if you want your moneys worth and good results.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    N. of the arctic circle
    Still plenty of posts here about guys getting good results from something like 350 mg/week.
    Specially if its there first cycle

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Yah that's what I am sayin' 300mgs is more to me just a cruising dose and 200 is a TRT dose... and 500 mgs should be the minimum for any cycle. I like 750 mgs... and 800 mgs respectively when comparing the two esters (Enan and Cyp). And when running Prop minimum of 75mgs daily.. optimum 100mgs ED and the best 150mgs Every friggen day !!!

    But then again this is just one opinion...

  6. #6
    thanks guys thats what I was wondering, it is my first cycle, trying to keep my diet in check and doing the work in the gym. I started on TRT and have great success from just 150m/g a week, so now I'm going to try to increase that to 300m/g (150m/g Mon/Thur) for 10 weeks and see what happens. I know from what I found on this site and others that 300m/g used to be considered a cycle but like everything else bigger/more is better, just don't want to push it to much and was wondering what kind of success anyone has had at this dosage. Thanks again.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    i usually run 350 mg a week of test

    but i always stack it with something... i.e. deca, tren etc.

    though 350 a week works well though

  8. #8
    I can probably squeeze 400 m/g weekly out of what I have for 10 weeks, would there be a big difference from 300-400m/g? I guess at what point does the dosage/benefit ratio drop off?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    350-400mg is a really good first cycle dosage.
    With perfect training and nutrition you'll grow really good on that.
    Actually have many buddy's that run this, and everyone has grown (they are serious people though)

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