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Thread: Quick Letro, Caber Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Northern Iowa

    Quick Letro, Caber Question

    Im not sure where to get Caber but I have Letro which I will start 2 weeks before start of cycle at .25mgs ed. I am under the impression that I shouldn't need caber because letro should eliminate my estrogen levels enough by binding with the receptors that I should not get any prolactin sides? (I think I read C-bino's thread 100 times)

    Proposed Cycle

    Week 1-10 Test E at 625-750mgs (not sure if I should go up to 750mgs)
    Week 1-8 Tren E at 400mgs (have enough for 10 weeks?)
    Week 6-10 Winny 40mg ED (have enough for 50mgs at 6 weeks)

    (Planning on running Letro at .25mg ed through out)


    Week 9-12 HCG at 500ius every 3 days
    Week 12-16 Aromasin at 25mgED
    Week 12-16 Nolva at 20mgED

    Background, 4th Cycle, previous 500mg Test E 10 weeks; 500mg Test E, dbol 50mg; 500mg Test Prop 10 weeks, 400mg NPP 10 weeks, 50mg Winny last 6 weeks


    I ran NPP with no AI through out cycle, and had no sides, i've never had any gyno sides or nipple sensitivity at all in any of the previous 3 cycles even with 19-nor NPP.

    I guess I'm just kind of scared of Tren? I am hoping because of no sides with NPP 19nor that I should be o.k. with Tren as long as I run letro at .25mgs

    1. Do I NEED like HAVE TO HAVE caber??? (if so, where do I get it?) Or am I safe enough at .25mg ed of Letro?
    2. Should I run Tren E for the full 10 weeks on my first go round?
    3. Winny 40 or 50mgs? and last 4 or 6 weeks?
    4. Why am I so scared of Tren???
    5. Should I bump Test E to 750 or keep it at 625mgs?
    6. Is 400mgs a good starting dose for Tren E or should I drop it to 300?
    7. I have tons of HCG should I run it through out cycle at low dose like 250iu's E3D, then bump it the 3 weeks before PCT, or just run it the 3 weeks before?

    Im looking for some answers fairly soon, I have a July Trip to California and would like my last shot to be the day before I leave so I can have my 2 weeks between last Enathate shot and PCT out there, so I do not have to travel with or ship any gear except HCG...Thanks guys, havent posted for about 5 months but I sit in the shadows!
    Last edited by dhriscerr; 04-18-2009 at 01:05 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Northern Iowa
    Come on guys.....I know someone can answer this!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    These are informed questions.

    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr View Post
    Im not sure where to get Caber but I have Letro which I will start 2 weeks before start of cycle at .25mgs ed. I am under the impression that I shouldn't need caber because letro should eliminate my estrogen levels enough by binding with the receptors that I should not get any prolactin sides? (I think I read C-bino's thread 100 times)
    Firstly you only want to reduce not eliminate estro, contrary to popular belief it is quite valuable to your cycle. SEE BELOW REGARDING LETRO/CABER.

    Proposed Cycle

    Week 1-10 Test E at 625-750mgs (not sure if I should go up to 750mgs)
    Week 1-8 Tren E at 400mgs (have enough for 10 weeks?)
    Week 6-10 Winny 40mg ED (have enough for 50mgs at 6 weeks)

    (Planning on running Letro at .25mg ed through out)


    Week 9-12 HCG at 500ius every 3 days
    Week 12-16 Aromasin at 25mgED
    Week 12-16 Nolva at 20mgED

    Background, 4th Cycle, previous 500mg Test E 10 weeks; 500mg Test E, dbol 50mg; 500mg Test Prop 10 weeks, 400mg NPP 10 weeks, 50mg Winny last 6 weeks


    I ran NPP with no AI through out cycle, and had no sides, i've never had any gyno sides or nipple sensitivity at all in any of the previous 3 cycles even with 19-nor NPP.

    I guess I'm just kind of scared of Tren? I am hoping because of no sides with NPP 19nor that I should be o.k. with Tren as long as I run letro at .25mgs

    1. Do I NEED like HAVE TO HAVE caber??? (if so, where do I get it?) Or am I safe enough at .25mg ed of Letro?
    Letro will suffice, but shouldn't be administered until problems arise, or unless you're prone (have had estro complications in the past and anticipate them again).

    2. Should I run Tren E for the full 10 weeks on my first go round?
    Yes. Your cycle experience is more than adequate, and one would expect that you'd know your body quite well after said experience. Often too much can be made of Tren's NUMEROUS POSSIBLE, side effects. In actuality very few are ever realized.

    3. Winny 40 or 50mgs? and last 4 or 6 weeks?
    Better at 50, best at 100mgs ED, but either way be sure to divide the dosage (early & late) due to the very short half-life.

    4. Why am I so scared of Tren???
    Likely for the same reason indicated above, namely the litany of possible sides which really are not as notorious as the reputation portends.

    5. Should I bump Test E to 750 or keep it at 625mgs?
    This is largely a judgement call, but should be contingent upon your last cycle dosages & results.

    6. Is 400mgs a good starting dose for Tren E or should I drop it to 300?
    Another judgment call, again your experience makes 400 acceptable, but if you want to start lower you can always increase during the cycle.

    7. I have tons of HCG should I run it through out cycle at low dose like 250iu's E3D, then bump it the 3 weeks before PCT, or just run it the 3 weeks before?
    You haven't yet validated the necessity for this, and therefore it shouldn't be added until you do. Past testicular atrophy or erectile dysfunction issues? Slower than normal post-cycle natty recovery? What???

    Never add something merely because someone's protocol recommends it. Learn precisely what it's for, then determine your need if any. Remember this is your body!

    Im looking for some answers fairly soon, I have a July Trip to California and would like my last shot to be the day before I leave so I can have my 2 weeks between last Enathate shot and PCT out there, so I do not have to travel with or ship any gear except HCG...Thanks guys, havent posted for about 5 months but I sit in the shadows!
    Master Pai Mei of the White Lotus Clan

    My motto: SAFETY & RESPECT (for drugs and others).


    Difference between Drugs & Poisons

    Half-lives explained

    DNP like Chemotherapy, can be a useful poison, but both are still POISONS


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Northern Iowa
    Thanks for all of your advice Magic32!

    I have had no testicular atrophy or ed issues, and normal recovery very few losses after cycle and PCT end. I bought Letro for each cycle and never had to use a drop not even nipple sensitivity.

    Cycle will be

    Test E 625mgs Weeks 1-10
    Tren E 400mgs Weeks 1-10
    Winny 100mgs Weeks 6-10

    HCG for 3 weeks prior to PCT
    Aromasin 25mg ed 4 weeks of PCT
    Nolva 20mg ed 4 weeks of PCT

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    If you're worried about the Tren, switch esters, to acetate, that way it will clear in days, as opposed to weeks if youn have a problem with it. Better safe than sorry.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Northern Iowa
    I would have, but supplier was out of Ace and had been for awhile, due to trip to Cali, I went with what he had. I would have love to run prop and ace due to less water retention then Enathate but I will work with what I have, I am not trying to do to much, just harden up a bit and cut a little bf% no big bulk or competition style cutting.

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