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Thread: how do i use it

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    how do i use it

    I need some help! I have been on 2 cycles first using just Test Eth., the next Test Eth. and Deca D. I am about to start my Third cycle. I am going to try to stack Equipoise, Test Suspension and Deca D. Can anybody give me any ideas on how to stack these. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Susp. is good, but A LOT of shots, plus if you're already using long esters such as EQ and Deca, why not just use enanth again? Maybe screw the Deca and give EQ a go by itself, that's a lot of prog. that could turn into gyno.

    Run the enanth @ 600 and EQ @600. You should see great lean gains off that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    I'd run it like PPP said. If you wanna use suspension switch from enanthate to suspension the last 4 week. But you probably want to switch Eq with something also. What are you looking to accomplish?
    Last edited by RON; 11-13-2001 at 08:23 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Switching is a valid point as this will help post cycle recovery.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    The island of Lesbos..where every guy wants to be.
    What Im reading is Suspension, Deca, and EQ.

    Since this is # 3 here's my .02

    Eq-300-400mgs per wk for 10-12 wks. Since you've never done this one..give it a try.

    Deca...I would run 300-400 per wk for 8 wks. Let the EQ out run it.

    The suspension...50mg ed or eod in the thighs. Will hurt like a mofo but they will blow up. Becareful and watch out for abseces. I would try this for a total of 6 wks and run it the 2nd half of your cycle.

    EQ as a base is not a bad idea. I know some are in the habit of using it as the STACKER with usually a test.

    If you could use the deca as your base.

    I've got 2 thoughts here.

    Suspension for 6 wks either way and in the thighs...and shoulders if you can handle it.

    EQ...make this one out run everything you use by at least 2 wks.

    Deca...start with it and go 8-12 wks.

    Eq will help you with the eating that deca requires for superior growth.

    I don't think you even need to stack EQ though.

    Give eq a try on its own and see how your body responds to it. Hell....could give you another 15lbs all on its own.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    Outstanding post CB

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Thumbs up thanks

    Thanks to both PPP and Big C sounds like you both agree to a point so I will take your advice. I'll let you guys know how it works.

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