Hey Guys,
First off, I'd like to thank all of you for your input throughout the last few months. Through your advice and mentoring, I've gone from 200-216 pounds, safely through 7 weeks of my test cycle.
I've been running test enanthate twice a week at 400mg/week. Running arimidex .25 eod.
I'm starting my eighth week tomorrow, and was planning on supplementing the cycle with 50mg var ed from week 8-PCT (planning on going 12 weeks).
Here is my problem:
1) My vial of test e is suspiciously low and I don't think it's going to last to the 12th week as it should.
2) I read from multiple sources that var sees diminishing returns after 50mg ed, but people are taking 80-100...
How would you guys add the var into this cycle to help solidify the gains. Any help is appreciated.