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Thread: Suspected bunk gear....NEED ADVICE !!!!

  1. #1

    Suspected bunk gear....NEED ADVICE !!!!

    This is my delima:
    I am almost eight weeks into my cycle, made some gains (about 5-6 lbs) GREAT strength gains, major nasty sides (my dick doesnt work!). I am doing 500wk test cyp 400 deca. My thought is that I have bunk test. Either that or its severely undedosed....At the first to the cycle my libido was through the roof! Here lately I start out great but my erection doesnt last. I havent really gained alot in the last few weeks. I saw the biggest change in the first 4 to 5 weeks. I need some advice! Would you guys continue the cycle on out and take the gains I get since I only have the one side or would you stop the cycle run a PCT and start over? Or would you guys switch to enanthate asap and run it on throught the rest of the cycle and maybe extend to 14 weeks? I have buddies on the same gear and they are gaining WAY more than I am. One did have a similar issue on the cyp and switched to Enanthate and he has since jumped WAY ahead of me...Cmon guys help me out!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    R.I.P. T-MOS

    your gear might be fake.. or you may be aromatizing way to much with high estrogen levels..

    u got a big bloat going on??

    how about some stats


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    you answerd your own question, Switch to the test E

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Well if someone else has jumped ahead with the switch to the Enan, it's pretty much common sense for you to do the same thing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Matsuflex78 View Post
    This is my delima:
    I am almost eight weeks into my cycle, made some gains (about 5-6 lbs) GREAT strength gains, major nasty sides (my dick doesnt work!). I am doing 500wk test cyp 400 deca. My thought is that I have bunk test. Either that or its severely undedosed....At the first to the cycle my libido was through the roof! Here lately I start out great but my erection doesnt last. I havent really gained alot in the last few weeks. I saw the biggest change in the first 4 to 5 weeks. I need some advice! Would you guys continue the cycle on out and take the gains I get since I only have the one side or would you stop the cycle run a PCT and start over? Or would you guys switch to enanthate asap and run it on throught the rest of the cycle and maybe extend to 14 weeks? I have buddies on the same gear and they are gaining WAY more than I am. One did have a similar issue on the cyp and switched to Enanthate and he has since jumped WAY ahead of me...Cmon guys help me out!
    What issue did your friend have with cyp, no gains or erection problems?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    only put on 5-6lbs in 8 weeks? thats 2/3 of an average cycle.... in 2 months i can put on 6 lbs naturally..... Something doesn't seem right? How is your diet?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post

    your gear might be fake.. or you may be aromatizing way to much with high estrogen levels..

    u got a big bloat going on??

    how about some stats

    Forgot to mention taking .25 Adex eod, no bloating

    Age: 30
    Weight: 206
    Height: 5' 10''
    BF: 12.5%

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by BritishColumbian View Post
    you answerd your own question, Switch to the test E
    Only thing....8 weeks into cycle. Should I run test E for longer than the remaining 4 weeks? Since both tests are similar, does the test E have a loading time or will it be immediate?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by marcmoran View Post
    What issue did your friend have with cyp, no gains or erection problems?
    No gains only

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Tip Toein on Hells border
    If your test IS bunk, what good would it do to switch? Doesn't it take about five weeks to get to anabolic state? That would be just when you were ending your cycle...someone correct me if I am wrong.

  11. #11
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan ^ View Post
    If your test IS bunk, what good would it do to switch? Doesn't it take about five weeks to get to anabolic state? That would be just when you were ending your cycle...someone correct me if I am wrong.
    Need to see the diet as well... Doesn't matter how anabolic your body is if you aren't feeding it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan ^ View Post
    If your test IS bunk, what good would it do to switch? Doesn't it take about five weeks to get to anabolic state? That would be just when you were ending your cycle...someone correct me if I am wrong.
    Good point, but it could also be underdosed and the the new test could give him a boost where he needs to be..........

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Tip Toein on Hells border
    Quote Originally Posted by 8iron View Post
    Good point, but it could also be underdosed and the the new test could give him a boost where he needs to be..........
    Ok so say it is completly bunk...this kids been on a deca only cycle for eight weeks. I am assuming he is running it ten weeks and test 12 since this seem to be the industry basically he has two more weeks of a deca only cycle....If the only side he has is a limp dick, do we tell him to run the two weeks do his PCT and get a better source next time or do we tell him to stop now and run a good PCT to get the natty test back? As we all know deca is very supressive of hpta. IMO...and this is just what I would take it with a grain of salt, I would run the two weeks to finish do a PCT with a little kick (even I would have to research this because I havent seen a PCT for deca only before) and I would start again on my next cycle with legit gear. Again JMO.

    If the gear is underdosed, I would say to up in mg/week or try the test e. However, theres not too much time left in this cycle to determine or say its gonna do much good. again JMO.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    i would lay off the decca.. and umm ya

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Tip Toein on Hells border
    Quote Originally Posted by RipitFuel View Post
    i would lay off the decca.. and umm ya
    that's the solution then huh?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by RipitFuel View Post
    i would lay off the decca.. and umm ya
    Agreed. I have had nothing but problems with Deca. I'd be willing to bet if you drop the Deca your dick will work again.

  17. #17
    Alright so a little update, I had some blood work done and my test levels are low. How the fux does that happen if I am on 500mg/wk? does the blood test pick up synthetic test levels? If so then I have my answer and the gear is bunk! so I have been on a deca only cycle for eight weeks.....If this is the case, should I drop it now, do a PCT and then pick up with some new test from a better source? Or is it gonna hurt too bad to run it on out as Spartan said and then do a PCT. Also, how long will it take for my dick to work again if I drop it? I know deca stays in for a LONG time...

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