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Thread: 3rd cycle. want to change gear every 3wks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    3rd cycle. want to change gear every 3wks

    this will be #3 for me. i seem to get burned out after about 5-6 weeks on any gear. my source says my receptors are full so he wants me to try changing every 4 weeks.
    this is what he wants me to try. any opinions?
    wk1 test 500mg
    wk2 test 500mg
    wk3 test 300mg
    wk4 test 200mg
    wk4-6 dbol 20mg/5days a week
    wk7 dbol 10mg/5days a week
    wk7 winny-v 400mg
    wk8 winny-v 300mg
    wk9 winny-v 300mg
    wk10 winny-v 200mg
    hcg wk5 and at the end

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Your source doesn't know what he's talking about.
    Back to the drawing board.........

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I agree with MBaraso .. you need to do a little more research b/c the cycle you have laid out there is not a great choice, imho.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BC, Canada
    These guys are right bro...back to the drawing board. Good thing you came here to ask first, that's always good.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    your source is trying to make some extra grip off you...Madmax...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Boise, Idaho
    Why don't you try something like this...

    Week 1-5 40mg dbol
    Week 1-10 500mg Test
    Week 1-10 400mg Deca
    Week 8-13 50mg Winnie ed

    Clomid, Anti-Es, etc.

    Tell us what your previous two cycles were and we can tweak this one a little.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Hey bro, i agree with my brothas here. Ur source dont know shiat! Sorry!
    Check out the cycle dizzle put up. Now thats more like it...


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    these are my first two. not real monsters but i keep it somewhat mild because my girlfriend doesn't know and besides i'm not trying to do a show or get a freaking pro card or anything.
    cycle 1 400mg primo per week for 8 wks
    cycle 2 250mg sus per week for 9 wks frontloaded wk 1 with 500mgs, finished with hcg and clomid

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BC, Canada
    How much did you put on with these cycles?

    BTW not everyone here wants to be a pro but just to improve their overall physique and wouldn't go to the gym and only do half the reps and exercises just because you didn't want to be a pro would you? I sure wouldn't. Just a little food for thought bro...I know it ain't really what you meant


  10. #10
    Dont worry about getting a pro card...You obviously dont know enough to even think about a competition. Dizzles cycle is pretty basic and should give you the gains you are looking for. Good luck

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Originally posted by Jenseno9
    Dont worry about getting a pro card...You obviously dont know enough to even think about a competition. Dizzles cycle is pretty basic and should give you the gains you are looking for. Good luck
    When did he say he wanted to be the next mr O?
    Basic cycles are the best anyways. Or do you get your stuff from uranus?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    i put on 12 and kept 8 lbs with the 1st and put on 18 and kept 12 with the 2nd. two cycles and have KEPT 20 lbs and the first one 6 months ago the second 3 months ago. not bad to me. i didn't think i would get such stupid responses. thanks for those who were serious. half of you misunderstood me and must not have anything better to do than to write stupid ass responses to threads. i have done tons of research and my source competed thoughout college and is still big and an active weightlifter and gets his ideas from a guy in california that has his pro card. i just wanted some opinions. plain and simple. here is a response from a bro on another board.

    "for some odd reason this weird cycle makes sence to me, i know it shouldnt, but here is what i am thinking guys,
    if his test is long acting then it will be effective weeks 3-6 with most amounts af accumulation in weeks 3 and 4 then it will slowly taper down as long acting test do, then as it is tapering down he will be on dbol wich will help increase androgens at that moment until he drops the dbol the same day the test leaves at wich point he begins winny to cary to the last few weeks, i can see some of the reasoning behing it but I dont think it would work as well as if you ran something like a base test for 10 weeks, with an eq and just switch over the orals you are using throughout maybe something like this
    test cyp 1-10 400mg
    EQ 1-10 400mg
    dbol 30mg ed weeks 4-6
    anadrol weeks 7 and 8
    winny week 9-11

    i quit making gains after about 5 weeks so Im just trying to throw around ideas to maybe spark some new ideas or responses to this one from other people.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    novice1: Hey, I am a firm believer in listening to your body and learning from each cycle I do. I will try different things also to see how my body responds.

    Don’t worry about what Jenseno9 had to say, very few here are going pro anytime soon. And to slam someone elses knowledge.... who is he?

    But with the cycle you proposed, you are tapering your test from the start, it will just be kicking in when you stop it. Then starting the dbol at very low amounts, I doubt you will see any results from it at 20mg/day. You may want to rethink this one. Just a thought!
    Last edited by NoLimits; 12-04-2002 at 02:38 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    no limits, thanks for the reply. i really want to try changing up the gear. i think it will help me. if not so what. i will atleast learn a little something. the reason for the taper is that the weeks overlap. when the mg of test go down the dbol will make up for the rest. same for when the dbol drops the winny picks up. its just an idea. since you think the dbol is to low, if you were going swap every three weeks from test to dbol to winny what mgs would you recommend

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Stuck under 135lbs. on th
    Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one, and they all stink. That being said, here is my smelly opinion. NoLimits is correct in that it is best to listen to your body and figure out what it responds to best. My 3rd cycle was similar to your 2nd cycle except I used 500mg of Sus/week for 8 weeks. I think I gained about 26 pounds. Unlike you, I lost almost all of it b/c of improper ancilliary usage. I have read about cycles similar to the one your source proposed, but in my 10 years of lifting I have never actually seen anyone try it that way. NoLimits is correct again in stating that your test will probably just be kicking in about the time you stop administering it. The guy from the other thread you were on had a bit better idea as far as staying on the test at ~400mg/week and adding some EQ or something similar. However, given your first statement, you are looking to avoid detection from your girlfriend. You WILL put on size taking dbol and Anadrol. And probably not just a little size. That's not to say girlfriends can't be fooled, but be ready with your story as to why you just gained 30 pounds in two months. If I were you, this is what i would do:
    weeks 1-10: 400 mg/week Test
    weeks 1-10: 400 mg/week EQ
    weeks 3-7:

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Stuck under 135lbs. on th
    Whoops, hit the wrong button. Here is the rest
    Weeks 3-7: 30mg/day Dbol
    Weeks 9-13: 50mg eod Winny.

    Hope this helps.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    thanks butcher

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    novice1- if you want to switch up your gear it does work, I believ you need to use fast acting esters though. I've heard of people switching gear every 3-6 weeks and staying on for long periods of time. Do a little more research though.

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