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  1. #1
    Edward88 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2009

    Totally discouraged need help

    Alright let me give you a little insight.
    Age 35
    Weight 205
    Height 5'9
    Body fat ??
    I started working out pretty hard a little over 3 years ago. All natural at that time. about a year ago I decided to try some that i had gotten from a friend Of course me being new.. i did not know anything so i believe what i got from him is from a Vet, in Mexico. Now this shot me up, I got huge, and strong.. very quick.. with in weeks I was doing 315 from where i was doing 225 10 or so times. Now the way i was doing my cycle was 1 cc every week. I was also reading that you are suppose to take a lot more than this a week.
    Anyway. So once that was out.. i went to sus for my next cycle. again 1 cc every week really 7 to 8 days. I lost some strength went down to 295 from 315.. all cool and all.. The whole time tho I gained zero weight.. I was at 214 from time i started my cycle to the time i ended it. Of course my strength increased. I am now on Deca same kind of cycle. about half way thru it. I am gradually gaining strength while gaining a little weight. I am at 205. Now after reading some of the awesoem info here.. I am in total lost.. it seems i might have wasted my cycles not knowing the proper way. But alas.. it seems my friends friend is changing careers. So after some good advice from a fellow member on some supplements. I need to know..

    I am looking to maintain and gain some strength ( very important.. I really like to continue to gain and not lose the weeks it took me to get here) while of course getting larger..and trimming up along the way. So what kind of not only supplements but anything from ARR that might be beneficial to me in my goals.

    the supplements suggested to me were Whey isolate, waxy maize, micronized creatine, cla.
    I have no idea what cla is ..

    Thanks for all your is greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    MD22 is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2008
    What did you use for your previous cycles? I saw the sust, which you said you shot once a week.. Sust needs to be shot Every other Day..

    And for your current cycle, Im under the impression you're running Deca all by itself?? Deca needs to have Testosterone run with it.. Seems like you're doing plenty of injecting with minimal to no research.. BUT its good you're here now because you're in the right spot. How many weeks are you into the Deca, and at how many mg per shot.. Are you also just injecting this 1x/week? now and what do you have set up for PCT? Deca is a 19-nor, and shuts down your natural test levels, which is a good chance the reason you're feeling the way you are now.
    Last edited by MD22; 04-19-2009 at 08:33 PM.

  3. #3
    Edward88 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by MD22 View Post
    What did you use for your previous cycles? I saw the sust, which you said you shot once a week.. Sust needs to be shot Every other Day..

    And for your current cycle, Im under the impression you're running Deca all by itself?? Deca needs to have Testosterone run with it.. Seems like you're doing plenty of injecting with minimal to no research.. BUT its good you're here now because you're in the right spot. How many weeks are you into the Deca, and at how many mg per shot.. Are you also just injecting this 1x/week? now and what do you have set up for PCT? Deca is a 19-nor, and shuts down your natural test levels, which is a good chance the reason you're feeling the way you are now.
    THANK YOU.. yes my previous cycles were of Sust. and yes I was just doing it once a week. Yes to the Deca , I had just read that it need to be run along with test... and since my good friend never mentioned it to me.. I had no idea. I am in my 3-4 week of it.. and do 1 mg per shot. ( if i have my conversion table correct.. i do one ml in the needle ) I am unfamiliar with PCT?
    I been thinking i need to get some Test boosters.. from GNC.. to help out.. then i think i might not even done anything with the one injection a week.

    I was on here to find if a online distributor was legit and found tons of more information. Know i have to start from scratch..
    Please let me know what you think..


  4. #4
    Edward88 is offline New Member
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    I am also thinking of dropping the rest of the deca cycle due to the fact i don't have the test to run with it.. or do you think some test booster from GNC would help?

  5. #5
    MD22 is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2008
    PCT= Post Cycle Therapy

    Check out this link :

    Tons of good information reguarding PCT.

    Unfortunately Deca is pretty extreme when it comes to shutting down natural levels, to the point, where after one injection of deca has been shown to completely shut you down. Look into Clomid to get you're natural levels back to normal asap. It might be in you're best interest (long term) to stop the deca, and get on PCT compounds. Test boosters from won't cut it. Is any test available to you, or not so easy?

  6. #6
    Edward88 is offline New Member
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    I totally agree Deca is not for me. and I have stop it.. I was to have another today.. but after reading this i decided not. As for test being available unfortunately No. Funny thing tho.. if i wasn't searching for some online I would been wondering what the hell is happening to me and be none the wiser.
    I can not tell you what a great service you done me.. if i had only been looking for it before i would have found you guys. I will be ordering some Clomid. I am assuming that i can follow that link and order it there? I will also be reading the information about PCT. But as you know you don't think there is any good supplement that i can go get now that might help out.

    Man thanks again really.. this information is super valuable.. and if nothing else it has saved me from some serious therapy.

  7. #7
    Edward88 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2009
    Clomid? how is it taken? once ordered will there be instructions? will i need needles etc?

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