i want to start my 3rd cycle but want to make sure i got everything straight b4 i jump into it. my 1st cycle was t400 and deca my second was deca and cyp done 1 yr apt. did'nt run an AI on cycle or do PCT for either. stupid i know now i had no idea what i was doing other than advice from the guy i got from who obviously knew as much as me-nothing. luckily i had no sides on cycle and even though it took longer to get back to normal post cycle no problems there either. what i want to do now is T400 and EQ300- 600mg of of EQ300 wks 1-14 and 800mg of T400 wks 1-16 i plan to inject 1cc of each every mon and thurs. i also want to do d-bol 50mg ed weeks 1-6 take 4 week break from orals then do anavar 100mg ed for wks 11-16. i want to run a-dex on cycle .5mg eod because of the long heavy cycle. 2 weeks after my last injection of test i plan to run a standard PCT of nolva and clomid 40/20/20/20 and 100/50/50/50. i have everything and i'm ready to go. my stats are 41yrs old weight 210 bf% 10 at 6'1". my diet is very clean and i have been training for 14yrs the last 3yrs seriously. also should i get a blood work and liver function test done b4 i get started? i always hear u guys say educate b4 u medicate and thats what im trying to do here. any input would b appreciated