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Thread: Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Just something that occured to me on test enanthate at the moment, just started a few days ago. if it takes a good four weeks to really kick in, should i put my self on a caloric surplus right away?

    i mean my diet is very clean and in check. but none the less, an extremely high calorie intake however clean it is would still result in fat gain if it is not being utilised by the body.

    therefore my question is, should i pace my self and amp the calories only after a few weeks, or should i do this from the get go?

    just a concern about unnecessary fat gain...your thoughts please

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Are you trying to gain weight or what? Eat everything in sight and lift!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    yea im trying to gain weight bro. and eating everything in sight and lifting is exactly wat ive been doing thus far. but three days into my cycle im feeling a little fat lol. u figure just eat big from the very start of the cycle or wat??

  4. #4
    I'm going into Week 3 and I would say you should use these four less-test-active weeks to guage your caloric intake so you don't go too overboard or not hit the mark and stay hypocaloric. Write down your macros for the day, see your caloric intake everyday, measure for the whole week, and see if you're gaining, losing, or maintaining weight. Try to keep water levels steady, and you will be able to see around what amount of food you're gaining at. It's pretty tedious and boring but it will help you cruise throughout the cycle on the right amount of food. Although you should always weigh yourself (weekly or mid-week) and see what you ate, because sooner or later you will have to increase the calories to stay in an anabolic state and keep gaining weight.

    Watch out for the bloat, too.
    Last edited by alpmaster; 04-23-2009 at 08:35 AM.

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