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Thread: first clen cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    first clen cycle

    Just got my clen from lion, having alittle trouble with the dosage because they gave me an oral syringe but its in tsp and ml only so the ratio on the bottle is 200mcg/ml so if i want 60mcl = slighty under .3ml, 80mcl=.4ml, and 100mcg = .5ml

    So is it safe to just eye those or should i get an oral syr. with mcls?

    And do you have to keep the clen refrigerated or anything?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Middle of a Cornfield
    No it's fine at room temp. You got the dosing right. It's not that difficult. Easy enough to measure out .3mls.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by NathanSummers View Post
    Just got my clen from lion, having alittle trouble with the dosage because they gave me an oral syringe but its in tsp and ml only so the ratio on the bottle is 200mcg/ml so if i want 60mcl = slighty under .3ml, 80mcl=.4ml, and 100mcg = .5ml

    So is it safe to just eye those or should i get an oral syr. with mcls?

    And do you have to keep the clen refrigerated or anything?
    what did you expect it to be in? mcg?

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