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Thread: Original plan fell please!!!!

  1. #1

    Original plan fell please!!!!

    I'm on my last week of test e with eq and I had HCG all lined up. I may not get the HCG in time to run as planned.
    After last pin of test e and eq planning to run 500iu's ed of HCG for 7days then 250iu's ed for last 7 then start the nolva for 2-3 weeks at 20mg ed. This was my original plan, but I may not get the HCG in time because of all the contests coming up, should I start the nolva? I know the half-life of test e is about 7 days that is why I was starting the nolva at day 14 and that eq is about 10 days, but since I may not have the HCG should I start it now. I had no probs during cycle that is why I never touched it or ran it all during cycle. What do you guys/gals recommend? My little world is turned upside down right now and I had it all planned so perfectly. I may still get the HCG in time, but I want a back up plan. I look freaking amazing and do not want any unwanted sides. I also have some clen on hand but was waiting to run that status post 4wks pct, when I start my cutting cycle with tren and prop.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    1st off test e half life is 14 days

    EQ is 21 days

    you want to stop EQ a week before test e

    looks like you screwed up, gonna have to forget about the HCG

    your pct needs help... you need clomid and aromasin (or even adex) to add in there

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Southern California
    look in the pct forum.... everything u need to do is in the stickies

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Southern California
    Quote Originally Posted by CHUCKYthentic View Post
    1st off test e half life is 14 days

    EQ is 21 days

    you want to stop EQ a week before test e

    looks like you screwed up, gonna have to forget about the HCG

    your pct needs help... you need clomid and aromasin (or even adex) to add in there
    i guess im a slow typer. this is good advice

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    LOL guess i just got to that one fast... you were about to say the exact same thing im sure of it bro

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Lightsout2184 View Post
    i guess im a slow typer. this is good advice
    Sorry didnt explain myself very well. Did stop the eq already and have one dose left of test e. Thanks for the tips. I can get the clomid no problem, so I will get that and run with the nolva. I have checked out the educational threads and that helped form the original plan....I guess I was just in a slight panic. So clo with nolva should suffice if I do not get the HCG? Atleast that is what I got from the educ threads it should.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Southern California
    no i took the late night lazy aproach of refering him to the pct forum stickies.

  8. #8
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    Southern California
    Quote Originally Posted by hrdgainer View Post
    Sorry didnt explain myself very well. Did stop the eq already and have one dose left of test e. Thanks for the tips. I can get the clomid no problem, so I will get that and run with the nolva. I have checked out the educational threads and that helped form the original plan....I guess I was just in a slight panic. So clo with nolva should suffice if I do not get the HCG? Atleast that is what I got from the educ threads it should.
    just make sure u get the clomid that is step one and just follow the rest of chuckyauthentics advice. i was in the same position as u r when i did my very first cycle i know the feeling

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    ya just make sure you wait 14 days sfter last test e shot to stat pct

    clomid and nolva will be good enough...hcg just mimics leutenizing hormone to get things goin from there, then clomid nolva finishes it off to say. hcg does help with a faster recovery, but you ll be fine

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by CHUCKYthentic View Post
    ya just make sure you wait 14 days sfter last test e shot to stat pct

    clomid and nolva will be good enough...hcg just mimics leutenizing hormone to get things goin from there, then clomid nolva finishes it off to say. hcg does help with a faster recovery, but you ll be fine
    Thank you very much guys I really appreciate your help and knowledge. I guess its pretty obvious that this is my first cycle...huh? I read phenos pct thread again and got this
    PCT for cycles 8-16wks:
    Day 1-30- .25mg L-dex + 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolva
    Is the AI totally necessary since clomid is being used along with nolva? Seems like a little overkill imo. But my opinion doesnt matter since I dont really have the experience to back it up.

  11. #11
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    Jan 2009
    AI's and SERMS are totally different

    but yes id get an AI like arimidex or aromasin, thought i mentioned that but guess i didnt

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by CHUCKYthentic View Post
    AI's and SERMS are totally different

    but yes id get an AI like arimidex or aromasin, thought i mentioned that but guess i didnt
    Cool. Will do. and again thanks for responding so quickly and with great info. I really appreciate it a lot. I have one more question. when should I start the cutting cycle? I was planning on a total of 4 weeks pct then starting tren and prop. I have all the dosing and wont bore the shit out of you with that, I just want to make sure the plan is solid before I implement.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    well without blood work rule of thumb is
    time on cycle + pct = time off cycle

    you need to give your body about 3-4 months (at very least) to re coup and get back to its normal, healthy levels

    if by chance you get blood work done in say 2 months and everything is normal then its your choice to start up again

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by CHUCKYthentic View Post
    well without blood work rule of thumb is
    time on cycle + pct = time off cycle

    you need to give your body about 3-4 months (at very least) to re coup and get back to its normal, healthy levels

    if by chance you get blood work done in say 2 months and everything is normal then its your choice to start up again
    Thanks bro. I just sent you a pm, so dont worry about it. you answered me. I really want you to know that I appreciate your help. This is scary stuff we are all messing with and I think some people really dont understand the ramifications of doing it wrong. I think some people just get lucky and then try to give advice and dont really care about making sure you have all the info before you start. so again thank you...

  15. #15
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    chuckythentic strikes again

  16. #16
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    Jan 2009

    no worries man, everyone has to learn some how... i learned a grip on this site form these guys

  17. #17
    I hate to sound like a noob, im not new to the gym, but I am new to using gear. I was always one of those guys everyone hated, looked like I was cycling, but never did. Well age and lack of training hard with diet finally caught up and I found my wife saying you dont look like you did when I first met you. I know she was just being honest and I love her for it, but damn what a blow to the ego. I understand the time off and giving the body some rest, but what if and again that is why I came onto this site in the first place, what if I wanted to to run it after the 4wks of pct? the tren and prop that is. Would I really put myself in jeopardy of getting really fkdup. Or since my goal is to lean out after the test e/eq would I be better off just to pct then start some clen and change the diet up to lean out. My current stats are 212 5'9 at 10-11%bf if that helps at all.

  18. #18
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    those stats are good man, i wouldnt complain

    how old are you?

    cycling right away puts you at health risks, yes. you could end up on TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) the rest of your life

    you re best off to finish this cycle right, keep training hard and dieting. 4-5 months will roll around in no time! use the clen if you feel the need

    as for the tren, no way man, hold off for a few cycles for that... especially if you were to jump into that right away, you could do serious serious damage, tren is very suppressive on your hormone levels

  19. #19

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by CHUCKYthentic View Post
    those stats are good man, i wouldnt complain

    how old are you?

    cycling right away puts you at health risks, yes. you could end up on TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) the rest of your life

    you re best off to finish this cycle right, keep training hard and dieting. 4-5 months will roll around in no time! use the clen if you feel the need

    as for the tren, no way man, hold off for a few cycles for that... especially if you were to jump into that right away, you could do serious serious damage, tren is very suppressive on your hormone levels
    Got ya. I am going to follow your advice and wait then. I am 34. I guess I am falling into the psychological trap that Ive seen others do...MORE MORE MORE......I will pct, train, keep the diet solid and wait. thanks again..I owe you.

  20. #20
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    haha ya man, trust me if you could stay on cycle year round or forever, all of us will!

    no problem man, good luck on your journey!

  21. #21
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    R.I.P. TMOS
    I see that no one has mentioned that hCG should NOT be included in PCT as it is surpessive.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by WARMachine View Post
    I see that no one has mentioned that hCG should NOT be included in PCT as it is surpessive.
    Not doubting the suppressive portion of HCG, but it is a potent LH stimulator and if done correctly is an excellent addition to PCT. But unfortunately most people do not do it right or dose to high, or stay on too long. I followed this up with an endocrinologist and he concurred with my dosing regimen stating it would be an excellent way to stimulate the leydig cells to start back up and then to stop after 14 days and start the nolvadex. I even read up on it with the steroid guru's papers, Duschaine. He even recommends it if memory serves. Again not doubting you just pointing out the obvious benefits of HCG to any pct IF done correctly.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by WARMachine View Post
    I see that no one has mentioned that hCG should NOT be included in PCT as it is surpessive.

    I actually told him through a PM to take the HCG out of his pct

    i prefer the method of running it your last few weeks of your cycle and the weeks in between end of cycle and start of pct (with long esters that is)

    i know some guys prefer stopping it a week before pct

    there are sooo many ways out there to do it

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