Can you mix the 2 together for 1 injection? I am pretty sure you can but I was told different by some guy at the gym.
Can you mix the 2 together for 1 injection? I am pretty sure you can but I was told different by some guy at the gym.
yes you can... i assume you re using the prop as a kickstart?
Yes brah, kick starting this cycle. Prop by itself is kinda painful, but not as bad as Deca, today I will be injecting Test C and P plus Deca same spot. Good idea?
depends on how many CCs and where you re injecting?
Glute, and 6.5 CC's (4CC Deca, 1.5CC Test C and 1 CC Prop)
ya you def need to spread that injection out! personally would ever inject more than 3 ccs in glute, 1.5 in delt, 2 in thigh
how much longer you using the prop? and what is the dose of your deca? 4ccs is extreme
I've got the prop for another 2.5 wks. Injecting it ED 1CC in the quads or glute. 1 CC in the quads hurts like a fvcker next day. I did inject 5CC in glute and it wasn't really too bad, just felt sore because of the Deca. My deca is dosed at 50MG per ML (organon), thats the only one we can get over here (Venezuela).
oh alright makes sense now
ya just be careful injecting all that oil. it can take time to absorb and if you do go back to a sight u did recently, u can hit a pocket of unabsorbed oil, not so good
as for the thigh, you will get use to it. i use to have the same problem. try to workout you legs after your injection, the day u inject into the thigh... that always helps me. same with the delts
Freaking great advice brah, thx. I WILL try that, inject the quads and work 'em out a bit to relieve. How's delt injections? Are they painfull or same as quads? I love quad inject its just the next days soreness that I dislike. I guess that U should use the same pin in the delts as in the quads right?
1st couple of times you may be sore with delts jus like the quads. ive only pinned test e and eq in the delts ever though... yet to try anything painful like tren a or prop in the delts.; but hopefully by now it wont be an issue
same thing though. work em out later that day... as for pin size i use 25g 1inch for delts and quads
Gotcha...thanks brother!!
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