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  1. #1
    tard_zone is offline Associate Member
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    First time tren use

    I wanted to add some tren enth in my next cycle, but I keep changing my mind if I want it or not. I have EQ and test enth on hand, so I wanted to throw some tren enth into (because all long acting esters). I've never used tren before and I know first time tren users should use tren ace but It wouldn't work with my long acting steroids such as EQ, test enth, and primo. I would like to add it but the side effects are a concern. My main concern is the infamous "tren cough". With tren enth how bad is it? I can put up with a cough, but I also heard that this cough causes lung damage and could cause formation of scar tissue in lungs. I've read many threads on this, but no one has came to a conclusion. The fact tren is meant for beefing up cattle is another concern, since there is no human use (I know ppl are goin to bring up EQ, but it is a very mild steroid in comparison). So I am going to appologize in advance for bringing up another tren sides thread, but I can't find anything on this board and many other boards wether or not the lung damage is true or not. Also with low doses (300 mg/wk) is the insomnia and night sweats bad?

  2. #2
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    cycle history

    tren does cause a cough.. im doing 50mg ed right now and i feel it...

    i highly recommend u do tren ace, so if you do exp harsh sides, u can stop quickly

    also recommend a-dex and caber while ur on it...

    dont know about scare tissue in the lungs.. news to me

  3. #3
    Jfew44's Avatar
    Jfew44 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tard_zone View Post
    I wanted to add some tren enth in my next cycle, but I keep changing my mind if I want it or not. I have EQ and test enth on hand, so I wanted to throw some tren enth into (because all long acting esters). I've never used tren before and I know first time tren users should use tren ace but It wouldn't work with my long acting steroids such as EQ, test enth, and primo. I would like to add it but the side effects are a concern. My main concern is the infamous "tren cough". With tren enth how bad is it? I can put up with a cough, but I also heard that this cough causes lung damage and could cause formation of scar tissue in lungs. I've read many threads on this, but no one has came to a conclusion. The fact tren is meant for beefing up cattle is another concern, since there is no human use (I know ppl are goin to bring up EQ, but it is a very mild steroid in comparison). So I am going to appologize in advance for bringing up another tren sides thread, but I can't find anything on this board and many other boards wether or not the lung damage is true or not. Also with low doses (300 mg/wk) is the insomnia and night sweats bad?

    Well I don't know about the lung damage, but I can tell you on 400mgs/week of tren e for 5 weeks now, I have no insomnia. Night sweats are easy enough to deal with. You can still use tren ace, just wait until your test kicks in. I would recommend that, but I'm a first time tren user using e, so I guess I'm a bit of a hypocrite.

    It would be best to know your stats and cycle history like jamy said.

  4. #4
    Jfew44's Avatar
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    Also, I've had no noticable cough yet. I could be one of the lucky ones...

  5. #5
    tard_zone is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post

    cycle history

    tren does cause a cough.. im doing 50mg ed right now and i feel it...

    i highly recommend u do tren ace, so if you do exp harsh sides, u can stop quickly

    also recommend a-dex and caber while ur on it...

    dont know about scare tissue in the lungs.. news to me
    My last cycle was test enth/eq and I wanted to do it again but add something. Tren is really attractive, but after research I found out if can be really damaging to the lungs. If you google "tren and lung damage" or "tren lung scar tissue" you will see some threads on it. If it indeed does this, I am not going to consider doing it. Also I've heard the cough shows up less on the enanthate version

  6. #6
    tard_zone is offline Associate Member
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    Also was considering primo to add to test/eq since I liked my last test/eq cycle. But you have to do so much of it to get results and its considerbly more expensive.

  7. #7
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tard_zone View Post
    My last cycle was test enth/eq and I wanted to do it again but add something. Tren is really attractive, but after research I found out if can be really damaging to the lungs. If you google "tren and lung damage" or "tren lung scar tissue" you will see some threads on it. If it indeed does this, I am not going to consider doing it. Also I've heard the cough shows up less on the enanthate version
    Tren hasn't been linked to lung damage, any of the few cases out there are inconclusive. Lung scaring is primarily due to the inhalation of dust/chemicals that are harmful or haven't been properly filtered as well as sickness' such as pneumonia, bronchitis, and lung cancer.

  8. #8
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    so how many cycles have you run??

  9. #9
    sonysucks is offline Associate Member
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    First time tren user here to chime in.
    Most importantly in your indecision to do tren is to make sure your first stab (pardon the pun) is with tren ace...I didnt care for ed or eod but had to man up to take tren...if you get bad sides ...its easy to get off the ace ...the E ester takes first get some prop in your sweaty hands then the real decisions have to be made...
    I chose to go for it...
    3rd cycle.
    so far...4 shots later at eod frequency and all is okay.
    night sweats are not happening...however I am sweating alot during workouts...I mean alot...2xd showers are needed.
    The dreams are friggin fantastic!!!!!!!!!
    I started with prop for the first 2 weeks and in a few short days will start on the tren E. I feel confident to take the next step ( I am only at 300 mg a week of tren).
    So, IMO if you are gonna try it, try it with a short ester at moderate dosages...
    if you need more details pm me.

  10. #10
    Adreja is offline Associate Member
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    Everybody keeps talking about tren cough and night sweats and dreams and so on which are the side effects of tren. Interesting thing is that i have just finished a tri-tren cycle and didnt have any of these sides. Did sweat a little at bigining but that stoped quickly. The strength went through the roof (an example is bench which went from 100kgs once to 190kgs once) but weight gain was only about 7-8kgs.

    P.s I ran tri-tren with test e and no Ais. Had no problems with sides.

  11. #11
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    I am running 670mg/week of tren ace currently, the sides are very bareable. Just increased sweating, decreased cardio, and I get "hot" easy.

  12. #12
    tard_zone is offline Associate Member
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    How about running a very low dose of tren enanthate in the cycle? Like 200 mg/wk, or would I even benefit from it. The only thing I really don't like is the tren cough, and after tons of research there are some good arguments backing up some lung damage you could get.

  13. #13
    tard_zone is offline Associate Member
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    Also due to the esters of everything else, I would prefer enanthate or acetate and I know I'll have to put up with the sides a little longer.

  14. #14
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tard_zone View Post
    Also due to the esters of everything else, I would prefer enanthate or acetate and I know I'll have to put up with the sides a little longer.
    200mg won't do much. I'm starting 600mg of tren E next week. It's my third run with tren. The first two were with acetate.

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