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  1. #1
    dece870717's Avatar
    dece870717 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Nov 2006

    Is it just bloat?

    Currently on the end of Week 5 of cutting cycle...

    Test E 750mg/week Weeks 1-10
    NPP 100mg EOD Weeks 1-6
    Halo 20mg/ED Weeks 5-8

    Well I've been carb cycling since I started and been alternating between 3 different days, 50g carb days, 200g carb, and 400g carb. Doing 40 minutes of cardio everyday which is a little over 3600 calories a week burned from the cardio, wieght lifting 5 days a week and according to the scale and just looking in the mirror it looks like I've lost absolutely nothing in 5 weeks. I'm 6' 225lbs with about 12% body fat and it seems like I'm the same exact weight and fat as when I started. Last week lowered Test to 250mg/week hoping to see if just the test bloating me causing this problem which i really hope it is because this is so demotivating to do all this pain in the ass cardio and watching what i eat and eating so much less than i normally do and seeing no progress what so ever. I have some aromasin on hand and wondering if that would do anything to get rid of this bloat if it is bloat, rather quickly.

  2. #2
    alpmaster is offline Member
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    Mar 2009
    What have been your weights since week 1? You should be tracking any and all changes in weight and BF% week by week, as well as caloric totals to make sure you are doing things right.

  3. #3
    Karo is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717 View Post
    Currently on the end of Week 5 of cutting cycle...

    Test E 750mg/week Weeks 1-10
    NPP 100mg EOD Weeks 1-6
    Halo 20mg/ED Weeks 5-8

    Well I've been carb cycling since I started and been alternating between 3 different days, 50g carb days, 200g carb, and 400g carb. Doing 40 minutes of cardio everyday which is a little over 3600 calories a week burned from the cardio, wieght lifting 5 days a week and according to the scale and just looking in the mirror it looks like I've lost absolutely nothing in 5 weeks. I'm 6' 225lbs with about 12% body fat and it seems like I'm the same exact weight and fat as when I started. Last week lowered Test to 250mg/week hoping to see if just the test bloating me causing this problem which i really hope it is because this is so demotivating to do all this pain in the ass cardio and watching what i eat and eating so much less than i normally do and seeing no progress what so ever. I have some aromasin on hand and wondering if that would do anything to get rid of this bloat if it is bloat, rather quickly.
    I'm doing almost the exact same thing right now. 30-40 minutes cardio/day. Weight training 5 days/week. Lowered my carb intake to around 200g/day and I eat all of them before noon. I'm keeping my protein high, around 250g/day. I started dieting 2 weeks ago while I was on Test E. I switched over to Test P (75-100mgs/ED) and dropped 5-6lbs of water the very first week. Week 2 I didn't see much difference. Week 3 I started taking Lipo 6x and have been getting more intense with the cardio. I'm losing fat and can see it in the mirror. Its coming off slowly but surely. I'm going to stick with my current diet/training/gear/fat burners for the next 6 weeks and I think it should get me where I want to be.
    My goal is 10% bodyfat with abs. I probably have to lose 7-8lbs of fat to get there.
    If it's possible for you to switch to Test P i'd recommend it. After the water retention and just the sloowwww action of Test E (5 weeks to kick in) i'm going to have a hard time using it again. I'm really liking Test P at the moment.

    Hope that helps. I've been in your shoes and it is very frustrating. Good luck.

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