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Thread: how quickly does your body adapt to a specific AAS dose

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    The Endless Obsession

    how quickly does your body adapt to a specific AAS dose

    im on a cruise and blast and i take anywhere between 250-750mg of test/week along with other AAS occasionally(i add in something when i run the test at low doses, works for me). i change the dose every 10 weeks. I cannot find any solid info on this subject. i realize everyones body is different, but is there a general rule of thumb?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    I would say it would take the regular kick in times to start working.
    If thats what your asking?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    If you change test dosages every 10 weeks then when do you cruise?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    The Endless Obsession
    well i cruise at 250mg/wk for 10 then 750mg/10wks then 500mg/10wks and then back to 250mg/wk and repeat. am i doing this efficiently? lol the cruise doesnt last long i change doses just to keep my body from getting used to it has worked so far

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    The Endless Obsession
    is this ok is what i am tryting to ask or maybe too much

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    So basically you cycle for 20 weeks and only take 10 weeks off?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I dont think he ever is off as i understood , he is cruising immsoldier, am doing the same thing.

    well , there is no general rule really , but i persnally take like 2 or 4 months on 200-250 mg test e per week cruise smoothly , then i do a normal cycle while bumping the test up to 500 mg per week plus adding other things depending on what i am doing , for example am now into a " cutting blast" for the summer, i am doing 500 mg test per week , with a diet and cardio , when i get to a low enough bodyfat i will do wnstrol for 4 weeks . and IF , and only IF i need something like t3 i will add it if i notice that i am not loosing like i want , but that rarely happens with me cs i loose fat real easy.

  8. #8
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    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by SilverTest View Post
    I dont think he ever is off as i understood , he is cruising immsoldier, am doing the same thing.

    well , there is no general rule really , but i persnally take like 2 or 4 months on 200-250 mg test e per week cruise smoothly , then i do a normal cycle while bumping the test up to 500 mg per week plus adding other things depending on what i am doing , for example am now into a " cutting blast" for the summer, i am doing 500 mg test per week , with a diet and cardio , when i get to a low enough bodyfat i will do wnstrol for 4 weeks . and IF , and only IF i need something like t3 i will add it if i notice that i am not loosing like i want , but that rarely happens with me cs i loose fat real easy.
    I understand that, being "off" means he is running TRT level of test (200mg/week) if you run a 20week cycle or "blast" and your cruise lasts only 10 weeks you aren't giving the body enough time to recover before you blast again (obviously natural hormone levels aren't a problem, but lipid profiles and the likes are). From what I understand he doesn't even cruise for long, he goes to 200mg then bumps to higher dosages to keep the body from "adapting" to the test levels which if this is what he is doing its stupid, it is defeating the purpose of a cruise.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    The Endless Obsession
    ok so ill cruise or "take time off"(250mg/wk) for a longer amount of time, thanks for the advice guys. btw i shouldnt of used the word cruise, immortal i am very well educated on this i am trying to get ready for a contest(my 1st one) and i was wondering if what i was doing(changing the dosage) was appropriate as i usually just do cycles, so i dont appriciate you calling me stupid bro. im not worried about lipid profiles as i get blood test done for free every 6 months, i have other probs so my med insurance covers it.
    Last edited by Andro9; 04-27-2009 at 08:11 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    The Endless Obsession
    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    So basically you cycle for 20 weeks and only take 10 weeks off?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Andro9 View Post
    ok so ill cruise or "take time off"(250mg/wk) for a longer amount of time, thanks for the advice guys. btw i shouldnt of used the word cruise, immortal i am very well educated on this i am trying to get ready for a contest(my 1st one) and i was wondering if what i was doing(changing the dosage) was appropriate as i usually just do cycles, so i dont appriciate you calling me stupid bro. im not worried about lipid profiles as i get blood test done for free every 6 months, i have other probs so my med insurance covers it.
    Re-read my post, I didn't call you stupid, i said what you are doing is stupid. You don't cruise instead what you do is blast for 20 weeks than cruise for a little before you start blasting at test only dosages, moving the test around never lets your body to recover or stablize. I am thinking about this for a health stand point, I mean i understand you are doing contests, but I doubt you are trying to be an IFBB pro so take your health into consideration.

    This is just my two cents

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    The Endless Obsession
    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Re-read my post, I didn't call you stupid, i said what you are doing is stupid. You don't cruise instead what you do is blast for 20 weeks than cruise for a little before you start blasting at test only dosages, moving the test around never lets your body to recover or stablize. I am thinking about this for a health stand point, I mean i understand you are doing contests, but I doubt you are trying to be an IFBB pro so take your health into consideration.

    This is just my two cents
    true, im just trying to reach 280lbs with sub 10% BF. once i reach my goal i will back off on the length of the blasts considerably. thanks for the advice guys. i guess ill just go by how my body responds

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