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Thread: steorids and muscle memory?

  1. #1
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    steorids and muscle memory?

    so lets say you were very musclular in highschool more than you are currently, than you used steroids. withing the first week or two of adminstration of testosterone would you gain all the muscle mass you had from highschool quickly due to muscle memory, than continue on with the other weeks of the cycle to gain further mass on top of your muscle gained from muscle memory?

  2. #2
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    that's not what muscle memory means.

    Muscle memory comes from repeating the same motion numerous times. Eventually the movement becomes second nature and you can do it with out thinking. your muscles remember to motion.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by jfalco View Post
    that's not what muscle memory means.

    Muscle memory comes from repeating the same motion numerous times. Eventually the movement becomes second nature and you can do it with out thinking. your muscles remember to motion.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jumbo18 View Post
    so lets say you were very musclular in highschool more than you are currently, than you used steroids. withing the first week or two of adminstration of testosterone would you gain all the muscle mass you had from highschool quickly due to muscle memory, than continue on with the other weeks of the cycle to gain further mass on top of your muscle gained from muscle memory?
    Depends on how long you've been out of highschool for and how long you've been out of the gym for. They say if you were once stronger then u are now its easier to get back up to where u once were.

  5. #5
    it would probably take more than a few weeks to get back all that you had lost from high school...but this will also depend on how much you have lost since high school

  6. #6
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    Is this is a serious question? Would you get all the muscle you lost in high school back in the first two administrations of steroids?

    One of the dumbest questions I have seen,

    1) It takes more than two weeks to gain substantial "muscle" especially everything you have lost for god knows how long you haven't worked out and ate mcdonalds and sat around on like a couch potato.

    2) Steroids aren't magic you don't injection yourself twice and boom your big, wtf this isn't a cartoon.

    Sometimes I worry for humanity when they make questions like this, you don't need to be a steroid whiz to have commom sense

  7. #7
    Muscle memory: If you have been there before(size/strength wise) It's much easier to get back there a second,third time etc etc

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Is this is a serious question? Would you get all the muscle you lost in high school back in the first two administrations of steroids?

    One of the dumbest questions I have seen,

    1) It takes more than two weeks to gain substantial "muscle" especially everything you have lost for god knows how long you haven't worked out and ate mcdonalds and sat around on like a couch potato.

    2) Steroids aren't magic you don't injection yourself twice and boom your big, wtf this isn't a cartoon.

    Sometimes I worry for humanity when they make questions like this, you don't need to be a steroid whiz to have commom sense
    i tried to take a more delicate approach than this lol

  9. #9
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    I want my abs to remember what they looked like in high school. Maybe I'll try ab injections...

  10. #10
    ^^lol good idea

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gappa View Post
    Muscle memory: If you have been there before(size/strength wise) It's much easier to get back there a second,third time etc etc

    Muscle memory is a common term for neuromuscular facilitation, which is the process of the neuromuscular system memorizing motor skills.

    I hate having to repeat myself. If you don't know what something means, look it up before you talk about it.

    If this defintition doesn't make sense to you I defined it in layman's terms in my first post.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by jfalco View Post

    Muscle memory is a common term for neuromuscular facilitation, which is the process of the neuromuscular system memorizing motor skills.

    I hate having to repeat myself. If you don't know what something means, look it up before you talk about it.

    If this defintition doesn't make sense to you I defined it in layman's terms in my first post.
    most people think of the following when they think of muscle memory, including myself...i just copied and pasted this from an online article:

    "Anyone who has lifted weights, on and off, for several years is familiar with the concept of "muscle memory". Muscle memory in this context refers to the observation that when a person begins lifting weights after a prolonged lay off, it is much easier to return to their previous levels of size and strength than it was to get there the first time around. Even when significant atrophy (muscle shrinking) has taken place during the layoff, previously hypertrophied muscle returns to its previous size more quickly than usual."

    so i think everyone one is right, but there are different meanings to the same term...the poster was refering to this definition of the term however

  13. #13
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    The top was Christian bale in the machinist in 2004 the bottom was him in Batman Begins in 2005.

    Proof of muscle memory right there, the longer the muscle is lossed the harder and longer it will take to gain it back.

  14. #14
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    Muscle Memory is a commonly used term which is understood by most people exactly the way I define it. Just google it, and you will find thousands of hits that define it the way I have. No hits that use your definition on page one of google search.

    To me, it seems like your definition is a bastardization of the term and if you use it that way with anyone who is not a body builder they will not understand you. The only place I can find the term used in the way you define it is in the article from which you quoted.

    I appologise if I came off like an ass. I have been an athlete all my life and have used the term muscle memory since I was a kid, but never heard it used this way.

  15. #15
    "Anyone who has lifted weights, on and off, for several years is familiar with the concept of "muscle memory". Muscle memory in this context refers to the observation that when a person begins lifting weights after a prolonged lay off, it is much easier to return to their previous levels of size and strength than it was to get there the first time around. Even when significant atrophy (muscle shrinking) has taken place during the layoff, previously hypertrophied muscle returns to its previous size more quickly than usual."

    THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I SAID WITHOUT SO MANY WORDS I have trained for 15 years at a pro level, i would hope i knew what MM was.

  16. #16
    neuromuscular facilitation blah blah.... cmon we aint rocket scientists we are bodybuilders.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gappa View Post
    neuromuscular facilitation blah blah.... cmon we aint rocket scientists we are bodybuilders.
    that's why I used layman's terms first.

    Again, sorry if I came off like an ass, but say muscle memory to someone who isn't a body builder and see what they think it means.

    Most people are not body builders, hence they have never heard of the body building definition.

  18. #18
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    ask the average layman about test, and few would assume you mean testosterone. some terms have a different understood meaning in the bodybuilding community than they do outside of this community. the term "muscle memory" refers to something different here than you seem to think.

  19. #19
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    please google the term and read what you find.

    as far as I can tell the only place where muscle memory is defined in the bber sense in in the quoted article. Litterly thousands of hits using the term as I define it, and almost all sports related. Pretty confusing to take a term commonly used in athletics and change the definition for one specific sport.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    ask the average layman about test, and few would assume you mean testosterone. some terms have a different understood meaning in the bodybuilding community than they do outside of this community. the term "muscle memory" refers to something different here than you seem to think.
    once again, I appologise if I came off like an ass.

    point taken.

  21. #21
    The layman or tard version is simply. if ones body has done it before in the past and then resumes again at a later time the body still has it's blueprint.. it "knows" what it had done before.
    S#!t it's easier to big again if you been big before. I think we are getting too technical when we start talkin about linear motions and contractions.

  22. #22
    no j you dont come off as an ass. you are just arguing from a different point

  23. #23
    muscle memory for a cyclist or an MMA fighter will be quite different from a bodybuilder.

  24. #24
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    Everyone's body is different. As well, depending on what compound you are taking, it may not kick in for about 3-4 weeks. Ie Test E or Cyp takes this long.

  25. #25
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    interesting thread haha quit keeping me up, or maybe it's the tren... =/

  26. #26
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    Would muscle memory (bber's definition) work the opposite way round, if you take roids and build a solid physique (obviously should have built base naturally but!!!!) and then say have a major injury, losing most of the mass. Would it be easier or harder to obtain your previous build naturally. Am thinking it would make the process even harder which would put anyone straight back on roids.

  27. #27
    well see there you go and throw another variable into the equation by juicing. your body still has that "blueprint" from what it had been if say you had trained naturally for your first 8 years then laid off for two years. Then when you started back up decide to hit the drugs. Although that would be a perfect recipe for an injury combining muscle memory with the explosive gains of AS you would still be able to get your previous physique back faster than an individual with no previous training.
    And yes the "wiki" definition focuses on singular motions and the brain muscle connection. but come on, we as bodybuilders focus on the result not on the actions to obtain that result.

  28. #28
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    I thought test e takes a few weeks to kick it. I just started mine, but it seems like I got a little roid rage on this thread last night.

  29. #29
    lol my tren&T combo might be doing a little of the same.
    you know j, I am not sure about you but anytime i take Test in any form I feel it mentally right away. Then it takes time to feel in the gym.

  30. #30
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    My first time, so I don't know.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by jfalco View Post
    I thought test e takes a few weeks to kick it. I just started mine, but it seems like I got a little roid rage on this thread last night.
    "roid rage"

    No, it was just you...not the test

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    "roid rage"

    No, it was just you...not the test
    I know.

  33. #33
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by jfalco View Post
    that's not what muscle memory means.

    Muscle memory comes from repeating the same motion numerous times. Eventually the movement becomes second nature and you can do it with out thinking. your muscles remember to motion.
    think someone needs a new text book lol

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Gappa View Post
    "Anyone who has lifted weights, on and off, for several years is familiar with the concept of "muscle memory". Muscle memory in this context refers to the observation that when a person begins lifting weights after a prolonged lay off, it is much easier to return to their previous levels of size and strength than it was to get there the first time around. Even when significant atrophy (muscle shrinking) has taken place during the layoff, previously hypertrophied muscle returns to its previous size more quickly than usual."

    THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I SAID WITHOUT SO MANY WORDS I have trained for 15 years at a pro level, i would hope i knew what MM was.
    i know you said this...i was just reiterating it so our little friend could understand....calm down sweetie

  35. #35
    gotta b the tren lol...

  36. #36
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    Hey guys if I took a couple Viagra pills and put back on my AC Slayter jacket will I get hot chicks like back in High school because of penis memory?

  37. #37
    only if you bend over and close your eyes

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by strength_addict14 View Post
    Hey guys if I took a couple Viagra pills and put back on my AC Slayter jacket will I get hot chicks like back in High school because of penis memory?
    LMFAO! There seems to be more and more comments in here that really have me laughing out loud! Friggin AC Slater jacket...... LOLOL

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  39. #39
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    Technically it isn't called muscle memory, but its the name that makes the most sense for the application. The fact is, if it took you 2 years to go from 150 to 190 and then you didnt eat or train right for a year and went back to 150, it would take considerably less time to make the same gains again. Your body remembers how it adapted before and the muscle fascias have already been stretched.

    I dont think you can play down the knowledge factor tho, I know 100 times as much about training, diet and gear than when I started training. If newbie gains gave me 20lbs in 6 months, then if I had the knowledge I do now, it would have been 30lbs.

    To the op, you should probably train natty for 3 months or so, get your training and diet sorted before you jump on gear again, it sounds like its been a while since you last juiced. Put your body in the best position to grow from.

  40. #40
    it is funny the poster is asking whether one would gain all of his previous mass back within one or two weeks of taking it don't work like that. You gotta be on for awhile to start to realize any gains

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