hy!!i am interested on maximum strentgh,energy,endurence&agresivness levels without adding body weight..i have talk to a guy who was competing in the past in bodybuilding shows and he have told me that he have use Methyltestosterone in his preparations for the contest..he have said to me that it's strentgh have go up very very much and it's agressivness was unmatched...but i know that Methyltestosterone gives water retention a lot unfortunely..so?
also i have read this,i think on the CHEMICAL MUSCHAL ENCHACEMENT:
"Methyltestosterone and Oxandrolone made any reported AAS cycle much more effective. Methyltestosterone increases 3-guanidinopropionate and Oxandrolone increases CP synthesis."
WHAT ABOUT "Methyltestosterone increases 3-guanidinopropionate??"I HAVE NEVER READ THIS THING ANYWEAR ELSE??