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  1. #1
    anabolian's Avatar
    anabolian is offline New Member
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    Post My 12 weeks cycle


    I want to present my 12 weeks cycle.
    I have 28 yo, 103kg, 1.84m height, training hard in the past 3 years.
    I do bodybuilding from 16 yo, but from 20 to 25 years have dropped sports.

    So, my steroids cycle.

    EOD: Proviron 50mg
    PCT: Clomid 50mg / day x 14 days + Proviron 50mg / day x 14 days

    Also, i apply the Slingshot training system of Ronnie

    WEEK 1

    Day 1- 250mg Sustanon + 100mg Primobolan
    Day 2 - 50mg Winstrol
    Day 3 - 250mg Sustanon + 100mg Primobolan
    Day 4 - 50mg Winstrol
    Day 5 - 250mg Sustanon + 100mg Primobolan
    Day 6 - 50mg Winstrol
    Day 7 - 50mg Winstrol

    WEEK 2

    #### The same as the Week 1 ####


    WEEK 3

    #### The same as the Week 1 ####


    WEEK 4

    #### The same as the Week 1 ####
    WEEK 5

    Day 1- 100mg Primobolan
    Day 2 - 250mg Sustanon
    Day 3 - 50mg Winstrol
    Day 4 - 250mg Sustanon
    Day 5 - 100mg Primobolan
    Day 6 - 50mg Winstrol
    Day 7 - 50mg Winstrol
    WEEK 6

    #### The same as the Week 5 ####
    WEEK 7

    #### The same as the Week 5 ####

    WEEK 8

    #### The same as the Week 5 ####
    WEEK 9

    Day 1- 50mg Trenbolone
    Day 2 - 50mg Trenbolone
    Day 3 - 250mg Sustanon
    Day 4 - 50mg Trenbolone
    Day 5 - 50mg Trenbolone
    Day 6 - 250mg Sustanon
    Day 7 - 50mg Trenbolone
    WEEK 10

    #### The same as the Week 9 ####
    WEEK 11

    #### The same as the Week 9 ####
    WEEK 12

    #### The same as the Week 9 ####

    So, what do you think about this kind of stack?

    Have a great day!

  2. #2
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    I highly recommend looking into just a single estered test alone.
    You also gunna want to look at the PCT forum and pick a better one.

  3. #3
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    um... what else have you done for cycles b4?

  4. #4
    anabolian's Avatar
    anabolian is offline New Member
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    Another 4 cycles:
    nandrolone - 3 months
    sustanon - 2 months
    testosterone propionate - 1 month
    sustanon - 2 months
    Last cycle was from January to February.

    What i have to say is that i have a very rapid rate of metabolism, i eat a lot and i cant gain mass. So this are my genetics..... only the hard training and quality food can help me.

  5. #5
    alpmaster is offline Member
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    That has to be the stupidest proposed cycle I have seen yet. What is your reasoning behind anything?

  6. #6
    anabolian's Avatar
    anabolian is offline New Member
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    Why you consider that?
    Only a few words can't help.
    Thank you for your reply, maybe you can tell me more about your opinion.

    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    That has to be the stupidest proposed cycle I have seen yet. What is your reasoning behind anything?

  7. #7
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    yea that needs alot of work,, you need to simplify this. Run your tren longer and what kind is it. Also throw the winny at the end of cycle not beg. Try to keep your doses consitant. The way this is written is confusing


    wk 1-12 500mg/wk sust
    wk 1-4 100mg/ed primo

  8. #8
    doctorclaus's Avatar
    doctorclaus is offline Associate Member
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    Ive heard at mixing sust and primo leads to gyno, is that true? also might want to up the dose. the way you lost your virginity was a waste sorry...

  9. #9
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by doctorclaus View Post
    Ive heard at mixing sust and primo leads to gyno, is that true?...
    I thought I had heard all of the silly parroted rumors, but I've never heard that. why would mixing test and primo lead to gyno?

  10. #10
    anabolian's Avatar
    anabolian is offline New Member
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    The Trenbolone is by diamond (trenbolone acetate).

    OK, i try and i do as chuckt12345 told.
    I will rewrite the entire cycle an i will repost it.

    Thank you!

    About gyno, i read to about this facts, but i think that if you have genetics for gyno, you will reach it without any combination, not only mixing.
    Last edited by anabolian; 04-30-2009 at 01:27 AM.

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