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  1. #1
    sonysucks is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2007

    The new cycle is on. tren A and E and test P and E

    Just finished the first two weeks on test prop and tren A to see how I felt. (its a first for both)350 mg each /week, plus started the test e at day one to get it rolling at 250 mg/week.
    Felt fine...sweaty ,oily, and a few hot flashes...a little restless sleeping ,but nothing scary, so I felt it was okay and will make the transition to tren E... just added tren e by way of TNT (tren e test e combo fyi....)
    So for the next two weeks of transition its
    TNT 400 e3.5d equals Test e @ 500mg a week and tren E @300 mg /week
    test prop at 350 mg /week
    tren A at 350 mg/week

    so in more standard from its like this.
    week 1 and 2
    test E @ 250 mg/week
    test P @ 350 mg /week
    tren A @ 350 mg /week
    mast @ 300 mg/week
    this was the test out sides period

    week 3-4
    test P @ 350 mg/week
    tren A @ 350 mg /week
    TNT @800mg/week (tren E @ 300mg and Test E @ 500 mg/wk)
    mast @ 300mg /week
    this is preloading at higher dosage and transition period.

    week 5-12 now at e3.5d intervals and Enanthate all around
    TNT @ 800 mg/week (test E @ 500mg and Tren E @ 300 mg/week)
    Mast E at 300 mg week
    anti e via arimidex is on hand as needed...hoping the mast e will be enough.

    week 10-14 this is the end of the cycle and the waiting for the esters to clear pre pct
    as above till week 12 plus
    HCG x 1000 iu /week
    t3 ramping from 20-80 and back down

    Week 14-18 Pct time
    proviron at 50 mg/day
    nolv at 20 mg/day
    clom @ 50 mg/day
    aromisan at 25 mg/day

    I think it looks okay ,but would appreciate all helps the learning curve.I read so much from the handbook and online to get a base of was exciting to learn and learn...nut still its only a scratch on the surface...experience seems to be the best teacher... I feel the nolv and clom dosages may be low......I want keep them to the same dosages as last time to see what difference the hcg will add to my pct.
    3rd cycle.
    previous were based on 500 mg/week sust or test e and orals like a few weeks of dbol and anavar . Had great results. got leaner and added nice shape...lots of I was pleased.

    5'9" at 170 lbs at start after serious dieting to be at low bf at the start of cycle...regularily around 185.
    40+ age
    Last edited by sonysucks; 04-30-2009 at 06:38 PM.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    maybe I'm just getting tired...but that all looks terribly confusing to me.

    why not just simplify it and run prop and tren a?

  3. #3
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Stats don't match the cycle you are trying to do...

  4. #4
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    WOW 3rd cycle.... 5'9 170.. EVEN 185 is still WAY WAY LOW.... ^^^ Agreed

  5. #5
    sonysucks is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Last edited by sonysucks; 05-01-2009 at 09:47 AM.

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