Back in June til the end of September/Early October (I know first mistake it was too long but hear me out) of last year I did my first cycle consisting of a stack of test and finaplix. I started out shooting half a CC of each (I would do the test every Monday and Thursdays and the finiplix every other day) and after doing that for about 3 weeks I just bumped it up to 1 CC for each and never went above that. I got GREAT results and gains as far as strength and size and just felt overall GREAT.
Upon getting off of everything, I was told to take tamoxifen citrate (10 mg's, once in morning and once at night) and inject Novarel (the HCG stuff).
When I got off, I waited a week before starting injecting the Novarel but I was taking the tamoxifen citrate when I woke up and before I went to sleep. After that week I started with the Novarel. I injected every five days (5cc's the first shot, 3cc's the second shot, and 1cc the third shot and that was it). During this time I lost about 5-8lbs and I barely lost any strength.
2 or 3 weeks after being off of everything completely I started noticing an increase of acne but I didn't think nothing of it because I've always had a lil acne and it just went away, this wasn't the case this time. I don't know if anyone has seen that picture of the supposively the "Worst steroid acne ever" thing but mine was pretty close to looking like that and that lasted from November-February and it was the absolute worst expeirence/physical pain I have ever been through in my entire life (I literrally had holes in my chest and I couldn't work out just because of the discomfort). I was prescribed Accutane (80 mg's a day) and a heavy dose of Antibiotics and it has all cleared up now, I just have alot of scars which I honestly don't really care about.
I've started back working out now and I still have 1 months left on my accutance and antibiotics which I intend to finish. When I do finish though, I want to make another run at everything but I was wondering if I could get some advice on what I should do in order to go about doing things the right way this time and possibly avoid such a terrible acne breakout because I don't think I could go through something like that again without doing something stupid. I plan on just doing a cycle of test and test alone (I've read that some people who've used the finiplex have had the same problem as I did). I know I made some mistakes as far as using for too long and I guess I'll have to just look at it as a hard learning expierence.
I thank you VERY much if you've taken the time out to read this and if you could give me some tips.