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Thread: Newguy Need some help Yes i did search winstrol

  1. #1

    Newguy Need some help Yes i did search winstrol

    Hey everyone im new here in the forum.

    My stats
    21 years old
    178 lbs
    17 to 18% BF
    7 months of straight training and before use to do baseball but no actual weights
    This will be my first cycle of anabolic did a test booster a month ago everything went well.

    Since my starting date 7 months ago I started with a BF count of 22%. I use to look almost how I look now but ive gotten leaner and more muscular so it has payed off. Ive gained strength, lost body fat and my cardio is better. My goal is to stay @ 170 to 180 and just pack the most possible muscle on that weight. I don’t want to hit 200 pounds and be huge never been my thing no offense to anyone just not my thing.

    The anabolic that I want to take is Winstrol. Don’t know if to take it by injections or oral? I’ve read the goods and bad of both. Injections hurt but your body process the full shot and oral doesn’t hurt but you only get about 70 percent of what you intake since it goes through your liver first and also its more damaging to your liver but ive read that drinking a lot of water and also drinking liver protectors help. So don’t know which one to buy oral or inject able and what brand also how big of a dose for my size?

    Now ive read that when you take winstrol you need to take test because winstrol shuts down your body’s natural testorone productions. What I want to know is if by taking a test booster like novedex XT or 6x0-0 solves that problem or do I have to take an anabolic test?

    Aside from taking the winstrol and test booster or anabolic test. What else can I take. I know that winstrol dries your joints up. Here is a list of supplements that I have in mind. Any suggestions r welcomed

    Twin lab amino acid
    Twin lab daily one caps (multi vitamin and minerals)
    Mitotropin fat burning pills (not sure if needed)
    N.O explode (not sure if needed)
    L glutamine
    Animal flex (joint support)
    ISO100 protein (25g per scoop)

    Guys my over all plans is to do winstrol to help me cut up and gain that amount of muscle that im looking for. If this one doesn’t do it for me ill redo another one in 6 months. I heard this is addicting but im good at controlling myself. Your help will be very appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    R.I.P. T-MOS
    get your diet tweaked first bro.. then look into compounds..

    im sure u feel ur diet is fine, but it can ALWAYS be bettered

  3. #3
    i actually wanted to talk to you because i had made a diet and ive heard that you know your stuff when it comes to diets and wanted to see if you could take a look and tell me what you think and any suggestions you may have.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    R.I.P. T-MOS
    well, post it up and we'll get u goin...

  5. #5
    This is something that i came up with dont know how accurate the values r got them from a diet book that i borrowed from a friend. i think the diet is low on carbs i tried it out for a few days but i would feel light headed when the time came down to each meal. the protein intake is about 271gm and carb intake is about 152 gm. i know this one needs work any help would be appreciated. Right now im on a simpple diet just eat basic nothing crazy lots of fiber stay away from sweets and high calories.

    BTW gmp = grams in protein and gmc = grams in carbs

    9:00 AM

    4 egg whites 14 gmp 1.37 gmc
    1 protein 25 gmp 1 gmc
    1/2 cup oatmeal with water 4gmp 30 gmc
    2 oz potatoes 10gmc

    11:30 AM

    2 scoop protein 50 gmp 2 gmc
    6 oz potatoes 30gmc

    2:00 PM

    7 oz chicken breast 42gmp
    1/2 cup brown rice 22gmc
    1 cup brocolli 10 gmc

    4:30 PM

    2 scoops protein 50gmp 2gmc
    20 sticks asparaguas 20 gmc

    7:00 PM

    7 oz fish 42 gmp
    2 cups tomatoe 20gmc

    9:30 PM

    1 can tuna in water 20gmp
    1 scoop protein 25gmp 1gmc
    1 cup bell pepper 6gmc

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    LOL. And JamyJam has another one.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    you dont look 18% but pic is pretty fuzzy

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by The_machine View Post
    This is something that i came up with dont know how accurate the values r got them from a diet book that i borrowed from a friend. i think the diet is low on carbs i tried it out for a few days but i would feel light headed when the time came down to each meal. the protein intake is about 271gm and carb intake is about 152 gm. i know this one needs work any help would be appreciated. Right now im on a simpple diet just eat basic nothing crazy lots of fiber stay away from sweets and high calories.

    BTW gmp = grams in protein and gmc = grams in carbs

    9:00 AM

    4 egg whites 14 gmp 1.37 gmc
    1 protein 25 gmp 1 gmc
    1/2 cup oatmeal with water 4gmp 30 gmc
    2 oz potatoes 10gmc

    11:30 AM

    2 scoop protein 50 gmp 2 gmc
    6 oz potatoes 30gmc

    2:00 PM

    7 oz chicken breast 42gmp
    1/2 cup brown rice 22gmc
    1 cup brocolli 10 gmc

    4:30 PM

    2 scoops protein 50gmp 2gmc
    20 sticks asparaguas 20 gmc

    7:00 PM

    7 oz fish 42 gmp
    2 cups tomatoe 20gmc

    9:30 PM

    1 can tuna in water 20gmp
    1 scoop protein 25gmp 1gmc
    1 cup bell pepper 6gmc
    What kind of tuna is that? All my tuna has like 36gm per can.
    Maybe too many shakes?

  9. #9
    its the smaller size yeah i was thinking the same thing in the shakes but wasnt sure. Im watching the Milos Sarcev's Seminar on nutrition heard its very good im doing the most research i can but somethings i dont find plus sometimes asking beats 2 hours of searching lol
    Last edited by The_machine; 04-30-2009 at 03:26 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Near Pittsburgh
    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    you dont look 18% but pic is pretty fuzzy
    I was thinking the same thing

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    winny will make you stronger but its not gonna give you the effects your prb lookin for.

  12. #12
    i had just finished working out chest and tries and did some quick traps dont know exactly how much i figured something around their

    Quote Originally Posted by PittBoy View Post
    I was thinking the same thing

  13. #13
    can anyone lend me a hand with what i should take winstrol with not sure im not looking to get crazy and take a big doze im just looking for a bit of that extra cheat i want a basic cycle that will help me advance more then naturally working out. Anyone?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    R.I.P. T-MOS
    Quote Originally Posted by The_machine View Post
    This is something that i came up with dont know how accurate the values r got them from a diet book that i borrowed from a friend. i think the diet is low on carbs i tried it out for a few days but i would feel light headed when the time came down to each meal. the protein intake is about 271gm and carb intake is about 152 gm. i know this one needs work any help would be appreciated. Right now im on a simpple diet just eat basic nothing crazy lots of fiber stay away from sweets and high calories.

    BTW gmp = grams in protein and gmc = grams in carbs

    9:00 AM

    4 egg whites 14 gmp 1.37 gmc make this 1 egg, 9 whites
    1 protein 25 gmp 1 gmc omit, eat real food
    1/2 cup oatmeal with water 4gmp 30 gmc
    2 oz potatoes 10gmc

    11:30 AM

    2 scoop protein 50 gmp 2 gmc omit for real food, 6oz lean meat
    6 oz potatoes 30gmc

    2:00 PM

    7 oz chicken breast 42gmp
    1/2 cup brown rice 22gmc
    1 cup brocolli 10 gmc

    4:30 PM

    2 scoops protein 50gmp 2gmc again, eat real food, shakes should be pwo
    20 sticks asparaguas 20 gmc

    7:00 PM

    7 oz fish 42 gmp add efa
    2 cups tomatoe 20gmc

    9:30 PM

    1 can tuna in water 20gmp
    1 scoop protein 25gmp 1gmc omit protien shake, omit tuna for a lean beef like london broil and add an efa
    1 cup bell pepper 6gmc

    comments in bold

  15. #15
    Thanks alot jammy I also looked at the videos from Milos Sarcev's Seminar on nutrition great info learned alot thanks again im doing some research on the anabolic ill be taking again any help will be appreciated

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    R.I.P. T-MOS
    post up a new diet for tweaking bro.. especialy since u watched the videos

  17. #17
    will do im working on it

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    why winstrol? why not use test? the gains you will get from winny will barley be noticable
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  19. #19
    well I want to take winny to cut but ive done some research and they say to take it with some form of test and one of my main questions is im not sure of which test to use with winny for a beginner cycle? The last thing I want is water retention. I want to maintain my current weight 180 or so and just drop body fat im only 5'9 and I don’t want to bulk up alot I just want to gain some size and cut up as much as possible.

    Also for my PCT ive read many good things of people taking clomid/nolva im leaning towards that direction since ive read that its worked in average of 1 month and people have their sex drive back. Not sure of amount to run still doing some research but advise is welcomes and appreciated.

    Two anabolics that have caught my attention one for PCT Letrozole and one for cutting/strength masteron not sure on the goods and bads that other members have had with this. I want to stick to basic things since this will be my first cycle. Winny is one of the easiest to get now I just need to figure out what test to take.

    Also im just looking to take the average dose for each don’t want to be 2 low or 2 high in dose. Again advise and suggestions r welcomed.

  20. #20
    here is the new version of my diet im going by the video and doing the 100gm of carbs a day since im on the endomorphic side.

    1st meal 9 am

    protein carbs
    9 whites 1 egg 35gmp
    1/2 oatmeal 4gmp 30gmc
    sandwich thins multigrain 4gmp 22gmc
    (burger bun look alike for sadwhich)

    workout after workout take supplements and eat or drink simple carbs just to replenish glucose in muscles (but not sure what amount to eat/drink of simple carbs)

    2nd meal 11:30 am

    8 oz fish 48gmp 2gmc
    fibers salad

    3rd meal 2 pm

    8 oz chicken breast 48gmp
    1/2 brown rice 22gmc
    2oz potatoes 10gmc

    workout after workout take supplements and eat or drink simple carbs just to replenish glucose in muscles (but not sure what amount to eat/drink of simple carbs)

    4th meal 4:30 pm

    lean steak 7 oz 45.5 gmp
    3 oz potatoes 15gmc

    5th meal 7 pm

    lean pork 6 oz 45gmp
    fiber salad

    6th meal 9:30 pm

    turkey breast 48gmp
    fiber salads

    On the efa's ima buy some daily capsules
    Last edited by The_machine; 05-04-2009 at 06:30 AM.

  21. #21
    BTW just got my BF% taken its 15.5 way better then what i expected i started in agust last year @ a 22.7 i believe. Definately good motivation to continue dropping.

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