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  1. #1
    doctorclaus's Avatar
    doctorclaus is offline Associate Member
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    INJECTING WORKED OUT SORE MUSCLES, im freaking out help

    I injected test E last nite for the first time into my right delt that was sore from a good workout. woke up this morning and i feel like someone punched me really hard. Is test E suppossed to hurt like this??? I feel like I injected WINNY thats how sore it is.. is this normal? also when i drew a bubble went into the syringe (dont know where it came from, could it be that it was in the pin between some gear?? i made sure there was not air in it) it freaked me the hell out after i was done. but im alive this morning... should i worry about?? could it Be related to the soreness?? or could it be that i was shaking like a maniac while i was injecting???

  2. #2
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    You talk about it's as sore as if you'd injected winny, but didn't know you'd see bubbles when aspirating and were shaking like a maniac?

    Are you new to injecting?

  3. #3
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    test e, just shoot that in the glute bro,,

  4. #4
    doctorclaus's Avatar
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    no injecting is a breeze for me or at least used to be i've been clean for 2 yrs. so Test E does make you sore??? ill have to order me some 11/2 pins.... damn i dont like glutes its just been so long, You think i can do glutes with a 1" needle?? im 12% bf

  5. #5
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    test e never usually makes me sore unless im to shaky or hit a bad spot. i use 1" 23gauge and have no prbs in the glute. and a few air bubbles isnt gonna do shit

  6. #6
    jfalco's Avatar
    jfalco is offline Member
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    I also use 1" in glute and my bf is about the same as the op.

    It doesn't hurt at all when I do glutes, but quad injection hurt for 2 days.

  7. #7
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    started a short and sweet prop cycle this week and almost hit my fkn hip bone last night cus i was in a hurry,, can barely walk today

  8. #8
    inky-e's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doctorclaus View Post
    I injected test E last nite for the first time into my right delt that was sore from a good workout. woke up this morning and i feel like someone punched me really hard. Is test E suppossed to hurt like this??? I feel like I injected WINNY thats how sore it is.. is this normal? also when i drew a bubble went into the syringe (dont know where it came from, could it be that it was in the pin between some gear?? i made sure there was not air in it) it freaked me the hell out after i was done. but im alive this morning... should i worry about?? could it Be related to the soreness?? or could it be that i was shaking like a maniac while i was injecting???
    Everone reacts differently...I've shot test E and had some soreness, not nearly as bad as lets say prop or also depends on the lab you use. I found that adding just a little grapeseed oil to the shot made it totally painless...but thats just how it works for me.

  9. #9
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    Whats it dosed at? On my first cycle I ran Test E @ 400mg/mL. First 4 injects were so painful and would develope a hard lump. I switched to Cyp to finish that cycle and used Cyp since. Im planning on going back to E on next cycle, its dosed @ the regular 250/mL.

    Just got a new source for my gear and my buddy who is using same guy just started his Test E cycle 2 nights ago and said his first Test E inject into the left delt went great, just enough sensation to know he injected.

  10. #10
    MaGiCJNG is offline Associate Member
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    The very first time i injected test e was in my delt and two days later i thought i had a pulled muscle. I didnt even put 2 and 2 together thats how bad it was. Then when i injected into my other delt, it hurt again.

    It was attributed, from what i gather, a virgin muscle as well the type of oil thats used. Not sure how much of this is true but now when i inject i barely get any pains afterwards.

  11. #11
    doctorclaus's Avatar
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    After all day research i found out that the soreness came from too much BA in the juice being that each ml has 350 mg the more mgs per ml the more ba has to be used. thank you all for your input and due to my first time shootin test E and on top of that a sore delt didnt help either I hope i get used to it IM glad i put 150 mgs of deca in there too.

  12. #12
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    lol, bro... Save your hair line!

    Test E does cause pain in some people, whether it be the ester or, in this case, the amount of BA in your batch.
    Take into consideration, the amount of shaking, and the already damaged muscle that you injected with 1ml of a substance.
    For one, the muscle is already in a damaged state and you introduced a foreign entity.
    Two, you're just nuts! Calm down

    Honestly, at this point, nothing you can do except be calm. The combination of everything you did in this scenario is causing you pain.
    Wait a couple days, and massage it in the "mean time".
    There are even instances where some medical facilities administer injections without any sterilization of the skin before hand. They dictate in their own studies, that it is not that large of a factor, as I dictate that you can never be too safe.

    You're fine.

  13. #13
    doctorclaus's Avatar
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    thanks bro i use a whole fvckin bottle of alcohol to rub the spot to be injected before and after and i only inject after a nice hot shower. now about the hairline put it this was i have to literally shave my forehead bc my hairline almost meets my eyebrows. you think i should bring down the test e to 500 mg per week as opposed to 700?? it was just sitting rite there and it looked so delicious....

    [B]am i running test E too high for my first time?
    5'10'' 197lbs 12%bf
    8 weeks first cycle sust @ 500mg week
    winny 100 mg week
    no pct lost 40% gains

    10 weeks second sust @750 mg per week
    deca 300 mg per week
    pct lost only about 15%

    (this one )

    week 1-10 test e @ 700 mg per week (twice a week )
    week 1-8 deca@ 300mg per week (twice a week)
    week 9-12 winny @ 50 mg every other day

    any pct suggestions???
    Last edited by doctorclaus; 05-01-2009 at 06:55 PM.

  14. #14
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    Personally, I would run Test E at 500mg/week (shoot every 3rd day). I have never been a huge fan of large amounts of hormone. 500mg/week will do what it is supposed to.

  15. #15
    doctorclaus's Avatar
    doctorclaus is offline Associate Member
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    Snax stats please....i will do as you preach i was kind of feeling the same way its just that the juice is 350mg per ml

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