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Thread: redness a day and a half later

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    the north pole

    redness a day and a half later

    Started my cycle 1 day and a half ago... i complained about extreme soreness but its going away now, then only thing that i have is redness around the injection site about a 3" radius, like I said its been a day and a half first time doing test enanthate. i stacked 150mg (1/2 ml) deca and 350mg (1ml) test E. could this be from the elevated content of Benzyl alchohol in the test E???? INPUT GREATLY APPRECIATED

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    On the moon
    Umm redness around the injection site means you could have infection, keep a eye on it, and if it doesnt go away in say about a day from now go see a doctor the soreness is normal, hurts more the second day but should be almost gone by the third. But the redness= bad

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by doctorclaus View Post
    Started my cycle 1 day and a half ago... i complained about extreme soreness but its going away now, then only thing that i have is redness around the injection site about a 3" radius, like I said its been a day and a half first time doing test enanthate. i stacked 150mg (1/2 ml) deca and 350mg (1ml) test E. could this be from the elevated content of Benzyl alchohol in the test E???? INPUT GREATLY APPRECIATED
    is it warm to the touch? how did you inject?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    the north pole
    yes warm to the touch....infection= NO GOOD damn crap.... yes it is warm... im really careful about the way i inject..take a shower clean the area very well...use alcohol to clean before and after injection also. could it have anything to do with a damn air bubble that i dont know hoe it got in there????

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by doctorclaus View Post
    yes warm to the touch....infection= NO GOOD damn crap.... yes it is warm... im really careful about the way i inject..take a shower clean the area very well...use alcohol to clean before and after injection also. could it have anything to do with a damn air bubble that i dont know hoe it got in there????
    if it's warm it's a possible infection, i would watch it and if it stays red for another day go to the doctor(personally i would go now), it might be due to contaminated gear, doubtful about the air bubble

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    the north pole
    woke up today, redness is diminishing im thinking it might have been an allergic reaction but im keeping a close look on it the soreness is prettty much not there anymore either.

    Ive been doing a lot of research into old threads and other forums and it seems that a lot of people have this same issue with TEST E @ high mgs per ML.

    asked a nurse and did research on medical websites it seems like a body response to injection and the fact that i was shaking and my muscle was sore from training didnt help either. ill keep posting on the outcome

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    the north pole
    All gone im good to go

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