I'm prescribed adderall xr (extended release) for adhd symptoms. It works like a charm for me, but I am wondering if anyone else here has been taking this med regularly? I stopped for 3-4 days while on vacation, and noticed my appetite and weight rise. I gained 3 lbs in a couple of days, while I have been a hardgainer my entire cycle. Now that I'm back in school (and not drinking) and taking the adderall again, I have lost a few lbs and am steady at 199 lbs.
I am satisfied with my gains, but I'm wondering if its possible that adderall is limiting the weight I am gaining? Keep in mind that there are definite size,strength, and muscle increases. Also, I don't let stimulant treatment limit my eating habits. I eat enough calories, often enough, and supplement a good amount of protein in addition to that.
If adderall can limit WEIGHT gains, why do you suppose that is? Increased metabolism, or something else?