okay well here it goes. i used to be very into weightlifting and was very happy with my body. i was about 135lbs at 5'9, very skinny. i ate a whole lot and lifted heavy. long story short in about 9 months i went up to 155lbs. my diet wasnt strict but my body looked like it was. i had pretty nice muscles with a very cut look but i was eating kind of dirty to gain weight. i messed around with some dbol [at the time i wasnt informed about juice like i am now] and in about 5 weeks i went up to about 165lbs. i looked friggen great. i had like a four pack almost a 6 and big muscles. i should mention i never wanted to be huge so this was perfect for me. than after this i was all natural and gained about another 5 lbs which looked great on me. than some personal things i went threw put me in a depression. i let myself go. i stopped lifting. started over eating. i weighed 210 all fat. without even trying hard just stopped eating like a pig i shot down to 170lbs. i think it was because my body was never meant to be overweight. i know im giving you a big story but this is where im getting at...in about a month of lifting ill reach my desires. but this time around i have a pot belly to worry about. what would you do if you were me? im not looking for a huge body or a six pack i just simply want a flat stomach back while gaining back my nice little muscles that come so easy from just lifting heavy? sorry this was so long and thank you