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Thread: Diminishing Returns on Long Cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    City of Independence

    Diminishing Returns on Long Cycle?

    Despite advice given here for me to keep my cycle to 10 weeks, I am finishing the 10ml bottles test E & 10ml deca (both 250mg) 2x week, which will take me out to 15 weeks. At the 10 wk point I was up to 218 lbs (from 195 starting) that I front loaded with 50mg Dbol for 25 days.

    I'm at 217 lbs, but leaner; I've lost the Dbol bloat & improved my diet immensly (the Dbol made me really hungry & I was binge eating a bit). I'm making nominal gains still, but not like at first.

    Is 10 weeks an "optimal" cycle time? I should've listened to you all, and saved the last two bottles for a winter bulk-up. But I'm still getting gains though but not like earlier in the cycle.

    What's your insight? I've done cycles in the 90's but basically unassisted besides advice from other users & Muscle Media 2000 / Dan Duchaine publications...I've learned alot more here in the past few weeks, but probably need to heed the advice more stringently given here!
    Last edited by Triple Stack; 05-03-2009 at 10:22 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I feel the same way. I think short burst cycles more frequently are best for gains unless you plan on staying on year round. however i dont like the idea of cycles back to back so i stick to a long cycle maybe once a year. but definately feel i reach a point of diminishing returns in the growth department.

    interested to see what others say.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    id say just end it now. then you can run another cycle sooner than if you were to drag this one out an extra few weeks. plus, you will be quicker to recover from a shorter cycle.

  4. #4
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    cycles i run that include deca or eq are frequently 14-16 weeks in duration and very productive. I would bet had you not started with dball your gains now would be consistent with when gear all kicked in and prob will remain that way up to 14 -16 weeks. JMO.....

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Southern California
    u have to run the test longer then the deca. i always recommend atleast 12 weeks for test e and test c. dont know where the 10 weeks being a magic number came from

  6. #6
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    Southern California
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    cycles i run that include deca or eq are frequently 14-16 weeks in duration and very productive. I would bet had you not started with dball your gains now would be consistent with when gear all kicked in and prob will remain that way up to 14 -16 weeks. JMO.....
    same here. anything less just seems short to me

  7. #7
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    also something i just thought about when was the last time u uped ur calorie intake. u weigh a lot more then when u started so u have to take in more

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lightsout2184 View Post
    also something i just thought about when was the last time u uped ur calorie intake. u weigh a lot more then when u started so u have to take in more
    Yes, I upped it last week now that you bring it up...I had thought that might be the case so maybe I have yet to reap the benefit of the recent increase of calories.

    I got the idea here of 10 weeks being an optimal cycle time. No statistical data to back it up; just from the posts I've read seem to focus on @ 10 weeks? Personally I thought 15 would be good, since that's how long they lasted for me "back in the day" in my 20's (I'm 40 now & was juice free for about 14 years). It feels good to be back on!!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Southern California
    15 weeks isnt bad. i think people just hit up 10 weeks a lot because it is 20ml.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    City of Independence
    Cool - thanks. I'm just going to finish up what I've got, then PCT.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    longer esters make for longer cycles i think. Its hard to work out the dose needed for a burst type cycle if you are running something like decca or eq

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