Despite advice given here for me to keep my cycle to 10 weeks, I am finishing the 10ml bottles test E & 10ml deca (both 250mg) 2x week, which will take me out to 15 weeks. At the 10 wk point I was up to 218 lbs (from 195 starting) that I front loaded with 50mg Dbol for 25 days.
I'm at 217 lbs, but leaner; I've lost the Dbol bloat & improved my diet immensly (the Dbol made me really hungry & I was binge eating a bit). I'm making nominal gains still, but not like at first.
Is 10 weeks an "optimal" cycle time? I should've listened to you all, and saved the last two bottles for a winter bulk-up. But I'm still getting gains though but not like earlier in the cycle.
What's your insight? I've done cycles in the 90's but basically unassisted besides advice from other users & Muscle Media 2000 / Dan Duchaine publications...I've learned alot more here in the past few weeks, but probably need to heed the advice more stringently given here!