hey bros iv finally saved up and am ready for my 2nd cycle,, i got amazing results with 500mg test e for 10 weeks and after waiting 15 weeks im ready for cycle no.2
i am planning to run 500mg of test e for 12 weeks and 250mg(or200mg) ~1ml~of eq along side it. i was thinking deca, but my stretchmakrs will explode i suspect,m and i rekon no xplode has shat on my liver enough without dbol making it worse lol. i responded very well to just the test before so this is as to why the eq dosage is so low..i don't think all people will agree with this cycle but i would really appreciate you guys input,, stats are 6ft 1 and 105kg
(~?250lbs?~) and i eat a ****load of musesli, chicken brown riuce eggs and tuna, my diet changes around too much to write down but trust me its solid. thanks so much in advance guys... any cycles you'd reccomend.. im leaning towards cutting moreso than bulking,, but at the end of the day muscle gains=fat loss anyway..ty