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  1. #1
    chinups Guest

    Calling all Newbies

    I got this from another site. This was suggested based on the old schoolers dosages..

    He reported liked 600 of primo and 50 of d-bol per day.

    This huge bro used 200 of deca /week and 20 of winny per day.

    Frank likeed 100 of deca and 100 of primo and was know to use a little thyroid as well.

    Dave used 25 of winny per day way back in the late 60's

    Larry used 10 of d-bol in divided doses per day. This was considered a large dose back in the mid 60's

    Now all these guys are bigger than 95% of the members of this board I am sure and if they didn't need large doses then why do you?
    Do what they a lifter first and then use a little roid as a SUPPLEMENT.

    Unless you are 40 or more pounds above your natural maximum weight AND are a top competitor I see no reason to use high doses of gear. Even Quadsweep "The Voice of Reason" who is a top national level competitor doesn't use half the juice that many of you use.

    It has been said by many that gains made slowly and in smaller jumps are kept better. I for one strongly believe this. The human body is not meant to gain 30 pounds of bulk in 8 weeks..much of that will be lost post cycle as the body just can't hold it all at once. It makes much better sence to gain slowly but surely. It is better for your health and the low doses avoid the puffy watery look that was not even acceaptable in the off season in 1975.

    Perhaps we all need to re-think how we use steroids .

    Realgains suggestions for the newbies.

    200 of deca/week for 10 weeks and 10- 20 of d-bol per day for 4-6 weeks in divided doses.

    200 of deca/week for 10 weeks and 25 of winstrol per day for 4-6 weeks

    250 of test alone for 8-10 weeks

    250-400 of primo alone

    250-300 of EQ alone

    10-20 of d-bol alone in four divided doses per day for 6 weeks

    Good luck!

  2. #2
    2timer's Avatar
    2timer is offline Senior Member
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    I dont believe this one bit

    I read in muscle magazine pro's use 3500-4000 per week of roids. That stuff is probably daily rather then weekly.

  3. #3
    chinups Guest

  4. #4
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    May 2002
    Deja vu ?

    I posted this same post from Elite just a few days ago. Read the follwoing link if you are interested in reading the what members of AR said/discussed:
    Last edited by BASK8KACE; 12-07-2002 at 02:17 AM.

  5. #5
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    the vast wasteland
    this thread is right up your alley bro, i figured we'd get more than "deja-vu" out of ya on this one .........hehe.

    peace bb79

  6. #6
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    May 2002
    Originally posted by barbells79
    this thread is right up your alley bro, i figured we'd get more than "deja-vu" out of ya on this one .........hehe.
    peace bb79

    The reason I wrote only "deja vu" was because I posted the same thread (same copied post from Elite) just a couple days ago. If you look at the link in my post (above), you'll see that the result of my posting was a very long discussion--approximately 42 responses long.

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