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Thread: I need You Guys' Honest Opinion...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Cool I need You Guys' Honest Opinion...

    With my cycle coming to a close here in about 5.5 weeks... I will be returning to my TRT ... 200mgs EW of Cypionate....

    I am going to opt for using Enanthate instead of my Pharm Grade Cyp .. and just save it for later.. I got a whole bunch of Norma's ... My fave ever !!

    So hence it's dosed at 250mg/ml. I'm prescribed 200mgs EW and that's fine for a TRT dose... but I was thinking of bridging instead of running a TRT dose.

    so for the next 16 weeks before my next cycle I was going to run 317.5 mgs EW instead of the 250mgs EW... Is this worth it?? The extra 1/4ml per week?? Or should I just stick to the simple 250mgs EW??

    I obviously want to maintain my gains and heck GAIN some more between cycles... I don't think that adding that extra 1/4 ml per week will hurt me in any way, shape, or form. In fact I believe that it will give me that added bump to push me ahead of the curve.

    During my BRIDGE of 16 weeks between cycles I am also going to do a 6 week course of TBOL half way through this just for an added KICK.

    The cycle I have planned and ready for in 20 weeks isn't a ridiculous cycle ... but it is a bulker. This Bulking cycle will consist of 16 weeks. 5 different compounds.

    1-16 Test Cypionate 800mgs EW
    1-16 Equipoise 1000mgs EW
    4-16 Primobolan 1000mgs EW
    1-4 Anadrol 100mgs ED
    10-16 Anavar 100mgs ED

    It seems like a lot but these (aside from the DROL) are all mild and weak compounds. BUT !! When used in conjunction with each other will produce the results that I am looking for from this cycle... (I HOPE !!) I have always wanted to try a cycle of this nature... Instead of the typical Test/Deca/Drol Bulker. Using these Milder compounds at higher doses but not astronomically high should yield the type of muscle tissue I am looking for. Yes muscle is muscle but... I have learned through experience, when you deal with a test/deca/drol cycle .. you deal with A LOT of added water weight.. more bloatyness that you have to control with an AI... And I was thinking to myself... WHY RUN A BULKER that I would have to control my estrogen with ... Why not run a Bulker that will make me GROW but at the same time keep the sides of High Estrogen to a minimum.

    Am I wrong in my assumption here? Should I say screw this experiment and just stick with the typical bulker?? OR should I say LETS DO IT !! And give it a whirl and see what comes of it?? I know that it's not the compounds that build the body it's the food(diet) and training that do all the leg work but .. a lot of it when you break it down has to do with exactly what compounds you will be using...

    Odds are 21 weeks from now when it's time to run my BULK. I will have a totally and completely different mindset and up doing something totally different but right now I have my mind set on not using a 19-nor. AND if I do decide to opt for a 19-nor in this BULK cycle I will probably use TREN just because I LOVE IT so much more than DECA. If this change happens I will probably eliminate the PRIMO and throw in TREN E at 500mgs EW for 12 weeks (The first 12 not the latter twelve like I have the PRIMO situated).

    What is guys honest opinion on these issues?? I know this is a ways in the future but I want to have a feel of what is going to be going on... and PLAN AHEAD.


    1) TRT Dosage for 16 weeks.. stick with 250?? or do the added bump of the 1/4 ml to make it more so a BRIDGE instead of a replacement dose.

    2) Critique the possibility of the Bulking cycle I have outlined.

    3) Screw the PRIMO in the Bulk cycle and go with the TREN or try it like I have layed out.

    Thanks guys... just figured I would throw this out there and get some opinions and break up the monotony and GIVE YOU SOMETHING ELSE TO PONDER OVER OTHER THAN THE TYPICAL "D-BOL Only cycle" Threads that you all are accustomed to reading....

    Anyways let me know... Thanks bros !!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    LOL... WAS this too involved for you guys?? TOO MUCH INFO TO DIGEST?? Or ...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    good thing you put that summary in there:

    1. I'd just stick with your TRT dose.

    2 and 3) looks fine. hell ya add the tren, baby!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Yeh Trenbolone !!! WOOOO !!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I agree with the derek^

    but good lord 3 grams of gear that is quite a bit plus orals. what are your stats and is that avi current??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Avi Not current... That was 6 weeks ago... I was 222lbs... 19%BF

    Currently 227 16.59% BF ....

    Yah i thought it was a lot of gear too.. but since they are such mild compounds and you basically NEED that much with those certain compounds to get the FULL REAL BENEFITS from them I had to think about how to use them to their full potential so they wouldnt be a waste and actually BULK me...

    Thinking of Just going TEST/TREN/EQ.. route... saying screw the DROL at the beginning and keeping the VAR at the end tho... I love VAR !!

    P.S. - I know I need to get working on getting a current AVI pic... maybe that's what I will do tomorrow on me day off....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    but good lord 3 grams of gear that is quite a bit plus orals.
    yah, good point.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I hear what your saying but adding in the tren what would the amount be. Stick with a lower dose on the tren.

    Good job on bringing your bf down and gaining weight must have your diet worked out pretty well.

    I was just thinking it was a little much for someone at your stage that is all and it is not meant to be deeming in any way.

    Test/tren/eq sounds like a good cycle. let us know what you work out

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by derek7m View Post
    yah, good point.
    See that's why I love this place... you guys are here to critique stuff and make me see that yah 3 grams worth of gear is a lil overboard....

    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    I hear what your saying but adding in the tren what would the amount be. Stick with a lower dose on the tren.

    Good job on bringing your bf down and gaining weight must have your diet worked out pretty well.

    I was just thinking it was a little much for someone at your stage that is all and it is not meant to be deeming in any way.

    Test/tren/eq sounds like a good cycle. let us know what you work out

    The Tren amount would be either 400-500mgs Per week.

    Thanks bro... It's been hard... Diet is key... no cheating.. sticking to it.. but i needed to do it... I look in the mirror and FAT disgusts me so that makes me want to do everything correctly and not mess up.. ya know??

    Plus I am on a TEST ONLY CYCLE right now... 100mgs of PROP daily..

    ... plus a multitude of supplements... inject vitamin b-complex, a multi-vitamin, caffeine tabs, glucosamine chondriton + MSM, O M E G A 3,6,9 .. Liv-52, Milk Thistle, and Taurine... not to mention Protein (whey +casein w/ all the BCAA's I need)... I feel like I am eating waaaay too many supps but I dunno it's just something I always do... dropping the liv-52 tomorrow tho... I only run it for 2 weeks following any orals I may do (was on winny 50mgs ED for 3 weeks , that's why the liv-52)

    This cycle has been pretty much a jumbled mess... but hey... I am achieving the results that I wanted from it so that is all that matters !!

    And no I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND !! I know you werent trying to bash on me in any way....

    I am going to go with the Test/Tren/EQ cycle... no orals... maybe Var ... but maybe not either... I am going to keep it simple and depending on what my weight and BF % I am come time for the first inject will determine a lot... I wanna be 220 12-13% by that time.. ONLY TIME WILL TELL

    That's what dedication is all about

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