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  1. #1
    MlatiMudan is offline New Member
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    Exclamation 1. Cycle instructions for Test E and equipoise ?

    Hi I am 22 years old and have 4 years of lifting expiriance
    Trained 3 x week for 2 years and 2 every day
    Also trained thriatlon but stoped 2 years ago
    I am 195 cm high and 80 kg

    I Need some mass that i will keep after the cycle so i decided the Test E and equipoise

    Test E 500 mg 1-10 weeks
    equipoise 400 mg 1-12 week

    My question is should i use nolva all the way througout the cycle and how much daily
    And when to start a pct and in which dose becouse the test E and equipoise dont last the same
    I will keep some arimidex on side since it is expensive
    So please respond to the nolvadex and pct question since I am running low
    on time I will start competing in 6 months so i need this cycle for strength and a bit off lean mass since d bol and Test E will not give that much lean mass as this (more is lost after the cycle)

  2. #2
    jfalco's Avatar
    jfalco is offline Member
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    Test should be run longer than the eq because eq has a longer ester. You should stop eq 1 week before you stop test.

    Eq is usually run for a minimum of 12 weeks.

    It is generrally recommended that you run test only for your first cycle. You didn't include you past cycle experience, so I'm not sure if you need this one.

    During the cycle you only need nolva to fight estrogenic sides. Use as needed. You do not need to run it through out cycle. Save it for pct unless you get early signs of gyno.

    You should probably add some clomid to your PCT.

    Start PCT 2 weeks after last Test injection and 3 weeks after last eq injection.

    Most people run 40/20/20/20 on nolva and 100/50/50/50 on clomid.

  3. #3
    MlatiMudan is offline New Member
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    I wrote wrong ment 12 week equipoise and 14 test E
    This would be mine 1. cycle
    I know it is not the standard test only or test dbol stack but as said i really need a lean gain in mass and equipoise and test E will have less side effects then test E and dbol
    It is importent for me to get the mass as lean as possible with less bloating and aromatization
    S basicly is this good

    1-14 week 500 ml testosteron E
    1-12 week 400 Equipoise boldenon
    10 mg nolvadex throughout

    15 week clomid 100 mg
    16,17,18 week 50 mg

    week 16 40 mg nolvadex
    week 17,18,19 20 mg nolvadex
    arimidex on side for emergency
    Is this good ?

  4. #4
    gordongecko74's Avatar
    gordongecko74 is offline Junior Member
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    2nd cycle preplanning

    Check out this thread i started about a week ago. i was lookin to accomplish the similar cycle and got some good advice from tmos.

    run ur eq up till 1 week before the test ends

    dont start pct of any kind until 2 weeks after last test pin

  5. #5
    MlatiMudan is offline New Member
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    1-15 week 500 ml testosteron E
    1-14 week 400 Equipoise boldenon
    10 mg nolvadex throughout

    16 week clomid 100 mg
    17,18,19 week 50 mg

    week 17 40 mg nolvadex
    week 18,19, 20 20 mg nolvadex
    arimidex on side for emergency
    Do i need hcg and when to use it and how much

    Is this ok now i think nolva throughout will reduce chances of side efects
    from cycle which i want to avoid

  6. #6
    gordongecko74's Avatar
    gordongecko74 is offline Junior Member
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    looks good but ive told a few times that clomid should be run 2 weeks after last pin of test so in ur situation lookin at week 17. im a little new so do some research to confirm. in my first cycle (week 6) of test e and havent experienced any sides so u may want to save ur nolva and use as needed should some issues arise. either way should be good to go.

  7. #7
    MlatiMudan is offline New Member
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    1-15 week 500 ml testosteron E
    1-14 week 400 Equipoise boldenon
    10 mg nolvadex throughout

    17 week clomid 100 mg
    18,19,20 week 50 mg

    week 17 40 mg nolvadex
    week 18,19, 20 20 mg nolvadex
    arimidex on side for emergency

    Do i need hcg and when to use it and how much ?

    Ok to finalize can someone more expieianced comment so i can start.

  8. #8
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    besides being to young and if this is your first cycle just run test.

    otherwise the above looks fine,, i wouldnt worry about hcg unless you already have it.

  9. #9
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    You don't want someone with more experience to comment

    Because my comments would be that you could reach your goals with just a TEST cycle which is what you should do for your first cycle.

    HOW will you know what the test is doing to your body good or bad when you combine it with something else?? YOU need to learn what ONE compound does to you before you can build on that knowledge and add other compounds

    HOW will you know if the EQ is working or giving you good or bad sides , since you have NO experience with one compound let alone two????

    if i coverted correctly, you are 6'3" and ONLY 176 lbs ??? IF this is correct then you should NOT be using steroids yet at all as you have NO CLUE how to eat to grow

    you should be able to get to 240 lbs NATURALLY before ever touching a steroid

    The gains you may make from this cycle will NOT be kept if you do not know how to eat to grow !!


  10. #10
    MlatiMudan is offline New Member
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    i know abou test only but resoult is more importent besides equipoise is not heavy on sides like deca or dbol
    As i understand it should be a better cycle then those other , becouse it is only 2 needles a week also
    1 ml of test an EQ in each shot every 3.5 days
    Simmilar to any test and oral combo
    but much less side efects
    And lower chance of estrogenization becouse there is no deca or dbol
    Right ?

  11. #11
    MlatiMudan is offline New Member
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    I know how to eat to grow
    But when you train trilathlon for 10 years every day it is hard to grow
    Thats why i want to use these few months to get some mass and strength which I will keep for the start of compatition training
    Thats why i need quality

  12. #12
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    * shaking head * as I said you can get the same results ........oh whatever

    I love when people come here for advice BUT don't want to listen to it if it is different from what they want to do

    Enjoy your cycle, good luck, i am OUT !!

  13. #13
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    * shaking head * as I said you can get the same results ........oh whatever

    I love when people come here for advice BUT don't want to listen to it if it is different from what they want to do

    Enjoy your cycle, good luck, i am OUT !!
    lol, would you expect anything less?

    To OP,, like we all said its better to run test only but id assume like 95% of everyone out there your going to run it regardless so your last post with your cycle looks fine.
    Good luck and keep a post of your progress/problems

  14. #14
    MlatiMudan is offline New Member
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    you made me think in previous post so i have done a stupid thing
    I asked my couch!!!! foradvice
    Asked him :Listen i would like to do a cycle before the compatition , but cant decide which one .....
    And he said: Finally thinking like a pro , hell you will be like all the rest
    Why do you think that everyone has so many acne on the body and they shower after every training 30 min
    And said that i use this one

    Week 1: Dbol 30mg(3 pills) every 4hours ED - 2 shots T-E 250mg(1ml) Sunday & Wednesday
    Week 2: Dbol 30mg(3 pills) every 4 hours ED - 2 shots T-E 250mg(1ml) Sunday & Wednesday
    Week 3: Dbol 30mg(3 pills) every 4 hours ED - 2 shots T-E 250mg(1ml) Sunday & Wednesday
    Week 4: Dbol 30mg(3 pills) every 4 hours ED - 2 shots T-E 250mg(1ml) Sunday & Wednesday
    Week 5: 2 shots T-E 250mg(1ml) Sunday & Wednesday
    Week 6: 2 shots T-E 250mg(1ml) Sunday & Wednesday
    Week 7: 2 shots T-E 250mg(1ml) Sunday & Wednesday
    Week 8: 2 shots T-E 250mg(1ml) Sunday & Wednesday
    Week 9: 2 shots T-E 250mg(1ml) Sunday & Wednesday
    Week 10: 2 shots T-E 250mg(1ml) Sunday & Wednesday

    PCT Starts 14 days after last shot (Wednesday)

    Day 1: 20mg 1 pill
    Days 2-14: 20mg 1 a day
    Days 15-21: 10mg 1 half a day
    Days 22-31: 10mg 1 half a day

    Testosterone E 20 ml
    Dianabol @ 10mg each pill) - 84 pcs (3 ed for 28 days)
    Nolvadex @ 20mg each pill - 22 pcs (14+8)
    arimidex 28 pcs box on side for emergency

  15. #15
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    ^^^ Now that's MUCH more reasonable !!!

    if you eat right , you will get great gains !!!!

  16. #16
    MlatiMudan is offline New Member
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    damn steel shocked about my couches reaction
    And now undertand why i had simmilar resoults as everyone else but couch allways said that i am far best
    The gear made a diffrence
    I will leave test e equipoise for the 2. cycle if everything goes right

    P.s. do i need nolvadex throughout becouse of dbol for safty since i have a lot
    around 10 mg a dayto supress side efects only and use more if trouble starts

  17. #17
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    nolva is up to you during cycle,, that or you can use .25mg eod arimidex ,, your still puttin the clomid in pct right?

  18. #18
    alpmaster is offline Member
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    You sir, have one smart couch.

    Anyway, if you want to compete in a triatholon, why do you want to put on mass? You want LESS mass for a triathalon, you should stick to training and being light if you want to be competitive.

  19. #19
    MlatiMudan is offline New Member
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    195 cm and 80 is too little even for tria
    Swimming running cycling requiews a lot of strength
    Sometimes my beck and hands hurd more after a race then after gym workout
    My goal is around 86-88 kg once i finish
    By the way i i will put them mostly spread out on beck legs arms
    As little as possible

  20. #20
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
    Hunter-S-Thompson is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MlatiMudan View Post
    damn steel shocked about my couches reaction
    And now undertand why i had simmilar resoults as everyone else but couch allways said that i am far best
    The gear made a diffrence
    I will leave test e equipoise for the 2. cycle if everything goes right

    P.s. do i need nolvadex throughout becouse of dbol for safty since i have a lot
    around 10 mg a dayto supress side efects only and use more if trouble starts
    tell me where i can purchase one of these talking couches...

  21. #21
    MlatiMudan is offline New Member
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    Probablly anywhere nowdays just look at the most athlets C, Ronaldo example
    On some pics you will see a lot of acne for some cool model-football player too much esspecially when he is ripped as that
    Coincidence - i dont think so ?
    For someone who spends 2 hours on makeup and hair style per day too much acne
    He is an example only

  22. #22
    alpmaster is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MlatiMudan View Post
    195 cm and 80 is too little even for tria
    Swimming running cycling requiews a lot of strength
    Sometimes my beck and hands hurd more after a race then after gym workout
    My goal is around 86-88 kg once i finish
    By the way i i will put them mostly spread out on beck legs arms
    As little as possible

    Mmm no, it requires very little strength, a little bit of power, and A LOT of endurance. That will be up to training. You do not need to put on mass or gain strength at all, doing so would make you worse.

  23. #23
    MlatiMudan is offline New Member
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    yes But stronger bigger muscle means more endurance
    For example how many pushups could you do when you started BB
    10-15 at a time , and how many now
    Its same pushups are about strength and endurance and pullups also
    Have you seen swimmers how they look
    Probablly best developed athlets
    Wide shoulders , strong arms , developed abs ....
    And marathon runners , opposite right
    Well triathlon is something in between
    Personaly I am best at cycling , then running , and finally swimming
    Thats why i need some mass and strength , to improve my swimming and running a bit since I am not naturally all to fast ( 195 cm runner )
    If I get to much I can cut down easily
    Hell , once on lets say IronMan like weekend challenge I lost in 2 days 5 kg
    and believe me it was not much of a fat of it
    So 2-3 kg for me is nothing muscle or fat i can burn anything very fast
    It is simple when you can run 20-30 km cross country without stopping
    Not that I brag , but just explaining since you seem to be interested
    Also I have time to finish the cycle do pre season training and cuting if needed
    Funny thing the body
    I can cut 5 kg in half a week and most people need months if naturally trying
    but i cant gain a gram of weight evan if I eat 6000 cal a day
    If I calculated now on that IronMan i eat around 6000 cal a day in 30%P 60%C and 10%F and lost 5 kg
    Rice , pasta, grain, fish,chicken and a bit of vegies with each meal plus Whey+dextrose shakes
    Man when i remember that i want to puke
    Eat like a pig , run like a gazelle , swim like a dolphine and cycle like Lance A.
    This is the longest post I ever wrote , most were copy/paste untill now

    P.s. do i need nolvadex throughout becouse of dbol for safty since i have a lot of it

  24. #24
    southrnathletic is offline New Member
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    i enjoyed reading this thread..haha....sorry for bumping it but i had to

  25. #25
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by southrnathletic;492***3
    i enjoyed reading this thread..haha....sorry for bumping it but i had to
    why did you have to? if you're going to bump old threads in the Q+A you should at least stay on topic and contribute to the thread. another useless bump.

  26. #26
    neptunoprofundo is offline New Member
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    So young man, how did your cycle go? We probubly have a simular motabolism and triathlon interests and even at 50 years old, I still have a very agressive motabolism...

    Any more I just ride 40 miles/day in 1:45 & I may ghost ride the next Ironman in 1 week, but just for fun... but one thing I will say about us lean types that participate in endurance sports, once you put on the muscle, either by a cycle or naturally, You will develope muscle memory... I was a stick, no matter how much I ate & trained, until my first cycle at age 34 (and I've only done 5 in my life) Thereafter, when I returned to the gym, swimming, riding & running... The muscle came back... Another words, from my 1 st cycle 16 years ago, I'm no longer a stick while training without steroids ! IMO, You have lots of time young man, you can space out your cycles by years and get the best results! when you are 50, if you are so blessed, your fat friends will be green with envy and you'll have a young girl friend that's HOT!

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