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Thread: Debating first cycle (Dianabol) - please advise

  1. #1

    Debating first cycle (Dianabol) - please advise

    Hello People - Just after some advice here, I'll try an keep this as short and informative as possible.

    I've been training for 2 years 9 months. Prior to this I was heavily involved in martial arts, so I carried over good stamina thus weightlifting didn't completely wipe me out. My main aim when I started was to put on weight as I felt I was too slim. I weighed under 9 1/2 stone when I first started. I am now floating around the 12-12.3 stone mark and have been consistantly at this weight since the new year. I do feel as though i cant put any more weight on, its bloody hard work. I have to eat so much already and all I can manage is maintaining my current weight. If I have one weekend of going out, bad diet and skipping a few meals, there's a drastic drop on the scales and its very depressing! Thats just the body type I have. I have to remain dedicated just to keep my current weight!

    I am 23 years old. Just over 12 stone as mentioned and just under 5.9ft tall. If I had to take a wild stab at my current body fat, I'd say its between 13-15% as I can barely see my abs anymore. My goal is to get to 13 stone and maintain it.

    I seeked some advice from someone I trust and they said, since its my first cycle to go with pills rather than injectable. His reasoning was, that if I have any bad reactions, they will disperse in 2-3 days whereas with injectables it could take weeks. Anyway, Dianabol was suggested for a 4-6 week cycle and he told me to keep my diet clean to get the best out of it.

    Currently my diet is ok. I'm trying to pack on as many pounds as possible so I eat everything I can, this does also include things I wouldnt eat if I was cutting down! But the way I see it, I'll never put on weight if I restrict my diet to just healthy things. But I would keep it clean if I start Dianabol.

    My training is quite extensive and I really enjoy it. I get massive pumps from my 5 day split and dont think I need any help there. I know I havent been training very long (some may say), but, i began my training with someone who was quite experienced. So I learnt a lot with him then began taking it within myself to learn elsewhere and do my own research. I feel I have a strong understanding of technique. And since I started I have seen good gains in size and strength.

    I personally think my weakness is diet. Not in the sense of eating the right foods but just not enough calories. Obviously if I ate more the weight would go on, but it just doesnt feel that way anymore! I prob need to up my protein intake as well. I average between 100-140g a day through 2 protein shakes and a bar. I rarely take that much if I havent trained that day. In this sense I have probably slacked off.

    So I suppose what I'm asking is, is Dianabol a good starter?

    Also I should mention as it might be of relevance, that I have a lot of food allergies. Seafood, Nuts, Yellow Melon and Honey. And I also have Hayfever. Will this mean I am more likely to suffer side effects from the Dbol? Or is it irrelevant. Will my Hayfever pills react with the steroids?

    Should I be considering post cycle supplements? Or does my cycle not require it. I know its not the most hardcore of cycles but am still wondering about PCT. What sides am I likely to encounter through Dbol? Should I even be taking it.

    Any comments are welcome. If you require any more info, just let me know. Just to let you know I'm not too savy with all of the abbreviations used on this site. Cheers.

  2. #2
    Just thought I should include them my current sleeping pattern isnt good at all. So that needs improving. I use a descent protein by Optimum Nutrition. Per 34g I get 24g protein, 5.5 BCAAs and 4g glutamine.

    I have experimented with many dietary supplements in my time. Cyclone worked really well but was pricey. I think im going to go back on the creatine and arginine this week as I got quite a bit of it all left over.

  3. #3
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    No, Dbol is NOT a good cycle to do on its own for MANY reasons.

  4. #4
    I have read people use it as a 'kickstart' and combine it with many other things but why shouldnt it be done on its own?

    Does it just make the side effects more likely, is that the main problem?

    What do you suggest for a first cycle...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    As a kick start to a cycle yes as a cycle on its own no .you need to go and read some of the educational threads then you can find out for yourself why it is not a good idea to do dbol on its own

  6. #6
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    you need to have an understanding of what you are putting into your body and not just ask us to TELL you what to do.

    Dbol will suppress your natural production of Testosterone, therefore by itself it is NOT a good idea, you will want to take some injectable testosterone if you are going to do this

    BUT there is MUCH more to this than just knowing what to take. There are things you will need DURING the cycle to stay healthy along with the most important part PCT which is the things you need for AFTER the cylce so that you get your HPTA back up and running again producing your own testosterone again

    So this is why research on your part is needed

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by sigman roid View Post
    As a kick start to a cycle yes as a cycle on its own no .you need to go and read some of the educational threads then you can find out for yourself why it is not a good idea to do dbol on its own
    I have actually been reading a lot about steroids in the past few months. I will admit I have found it quite overwhelming, since there is so many of them. I know a little about Dbol, what it consists of, how its works, doses, its side effects, hypertoxic etc. And to be honest after reading what I did it put me off. I felt I had to ask others though since it was dbol that was suggested to me, by someone who is, its fair to say, very experienced and a pro bodybuilder. Im not sure why he would recommend this to me, perhaps I will need to speak to him again. I wanted to come on here and see what other people thought before I bought it.

  8. #8
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    Jan 2009
    Dbol will put water weight on you. As soon as you stop it, you will lose everthong you gained. If your scared to pin, tbol would be an option for you.

  9. #9
    Let me put it this way, AAS should be the last thing you add in your regime after everything has been experimented with, you've made good gains, you know how your body functions and EVERYTHING is in order. Then you can add AAS to add better results.

    If you can barely maintain weight now, you won't gain any with the use of steroids. If you can't sleep well consistently then you will not gain. If you're sources of protein are from two shakes and a bar, you won't gain. If you're diet, training, and knowledge isn't close to perfected, you won't gain.

    What you need to understand is that steroids don't fix problems that exist, they can only make results better when everything else is in order.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    you need to have an understanding of what you are putting into your body and not just ask us to TELL you what to do.

    Dbol will suppress your natural production of Testosterone, therefore by itself it is NOT a good idea, you will want to take some injectable testosterone if you are going to do this

    BUT there is MUCH more to this than just knowing what to take. There are things you will need DURING the cycle to stay healthy along with the most important part PCT which is the things you need for AFTER the cylce so that you get your HPTA back up and running again producing your own testosterone again

    So this is why research on your part is needed
    I am basically trying to pick your brains about things I dont know much about, you are right I do need to do more research on my own behalf.

    I am already aware that it can halt my natural testosterone which is why I havent bought it yet. That was one of the sides I read about and questioned. PCT wasnt even suggested to me at the gym, I'm assuming this is terrible advice then.

    The other piece of advice I was given was not to use injectables on my first cycle. Incase of reactions. But your saying to use Dianabol without them is pointless. Do people commonly do their first cycle with injectables then?

    I need to do some homework on whats best to take on first time cycles, injectables or pills and which PCT to take afterwards. My main goal is size and strength. I never would have thought I'd need PCT after such a small cycle. I know a few people on multiple steroids who havent even thought of PCT, this must be careless. Can I find this out through other threads?

    Also can you answer any of my allergy/hayfever questions or should I post those elsewhere.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by kdizzog View Post
    Dbol will put water weight on you. As soon as you stop it, you will lose everthong you gained. If your scared to pin, tbol would be an option for you.
    I mustered up the courage for injectables. When I was on the verge of buying them, he suggested pills, because it was my first cycle. I then said I'd get back to him as I'd only read about what I planned to take rather than the pills. And most of the negative stuff I had read was abouts pills anyway so Ive delayed it. He said if I had any adverse reactions, they would last only 2-3 days. Wheras with injections 1-2 weeks. That was the reasoning.

    I'll read around tbol, cheers.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    this is what dbol going to do to you.

    youll start gaining weight and you will get stronger,, but the weight you gain is not that nice look you want,, its more bloat and log lookin. Youll prb break out and have a slight chance to catch a little case of gyno. Then when you get off more than likely you will lose 90% of that weight.
    so you gotta ask yourself if thats worth it to you to be strong for 4wks

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    Dbol will suppress your natural production of Testosterone, therefore by itself it is NOT a good idea, yo
    Hey Mos man,

    Does anybody like dbol for any use/reason?
    I read alot and I mostly see neg comments reguarding it's use.
    Only Positive I've seen posted is crazy fast tight pumps.
    Everybody else cries water ret. and gain loss PC.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    Let me put it this way, AAS should be the last thing you add in your regime after everything has been experimented with, you've made good gains, you know how your body functions and EVERYTHING is in order. Then you can add AAS to add better results.

    If you can barely maintain weight now, you won't gain any with the use of steroids. If you can't sleep well consistently then you will not gain. If you're sources of protein are from two shakes and a bar, you won't gain. If you're diet, training, and knowledge isn't close to perfected, you won't gain.

    What you need to understand is that steroids don't fix problems that exist, they can only make results better when everything else is in order.
    Sorry I probably didnt make it clear enough with regards to my protein intake. I get 100g-140g (on a good day) just through the supplements. But thats not my only source of protein! I get the rest from my meals. Eggs, Chicken and various red meats. I couldnt give you an exact measurement (grams of protein) as its difficult to measure, but I make sure I eat plenty of it.

    I have maintained my weight since the new year. I've been floating around the 12 stone barrier since the new year. What I meant was, is if I dont eat like a horse, the weight just falls off. So if I lose focus or start skipping meals I get punished, i drop pounds.

    Your getting the wrong idea here, but im prob not explaining myself correctly. I'm not after a quick fix, im after a boost to my training. I already know my diet isnt perfect but I feel everywhere else is. I need to increase calories so your prob right im not trying hard enough, but im literally forcing food down and have been doing it since i started. It gets tiring, do you mean I need to try harder in this respect eat more? You raise one about the sleeping. This is something I am trying to address. So in your opinion, get the sleep sorted, then the calories intake, then consider anything else afterwards?

    I do appreciate the help. Cheers

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    this is what dbol going to do to you.

    youll start gaining weight and you will get stronger,, but the weight you gain is not that nice look you want,, its more bloat and log lookin. Youll prb break out and have a slight chance to catch a little case of gyno. Then when you get off more than likely you will lose 90% of that weight.
    so you gotta ask yourself if thats worth it to you to be strong for 4wks
    Doesnt sound like its worth it, to be honest mate. Gaining weight is difficult for me, so if I got to 13 stone, Id want to keep it no doubt about it.

  16. #16
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    Im not going to read anything in this Thread and still post this just from the title...

    IF YOU ARE "DEBATING" your first cycle then dont do it... you have to be 100% sure that this is what you want to do... 100% !!! This is your bodies own natural endocrine system you are messing with and should not be taken lightly or debated...

    my $.02

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by butch_tkd View Post
    Doesnt sound like its worth it, to be honest mate. Gaining weight is difficult for me, so if I got to 13 stone, Id want to keep it no doubt about it.
    yea just take your time and read up on here,, youll figure it out if your patient

  18. #18
    I'm 100% sure I want them. It just a case of which one. I was told Dianabol. Now after some of my own research and based on what people say on here, I should not bother if im taking it, on its own.

  19. #19
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    just get some test then,,

  20. #20
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    dude you cant cycle only dianabol you need test to keep you balls going........honestly ur sex drive should be more important than not wanting to do injections. If you dont want to do an injectable then drop the whole dbol idea...this is your body your messing with!

  21. #21
    Its not that I will not do the injections, I was just told I shouldnt on my first cycle, which is where I was given/got the idea of pills. The only reason I havent gone ahead yet is because I read about them and it didnt seem right, and now I've heard contrasting views, I'm glad I posted. Seems I would have made an error. I dont get why it was suggested down the gym, it doesnt make sense.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    just get some test then,,
    I'm gunna look into the different types and decide on one and go from there. I've read someone elses thread and they are running Test on its own for a first cycle. So it sounds like a better idea than what I already had.

  23. #23
    Thanks for the comments so far. If anyone can answer my allergy queries from the first post it would be much appreciated.

    -Does my various food allergies mean ill be more susceptible to steroid sides?
    -Does anyone else have hayfever and take medication for it whilst on a cycle?

  24. #24
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  25. #25
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by butch_tkd View Post
    Thanks for the comments so far. If anyone can answer my allergy queries from the first post it would be much appreciated.

    -Does my various food allergies mean ill be more susceptible to steroid sides?
    -Does anyone else have hayfever and take medication for it whilst on a cycle?
    I used to take weekly allergy shots even while on a cycle.
    I do not think your food allergies will have anything to do with the sides you get from using steroids.

  26. #26
    It was quite hard to find anything on that topic. Cheers for getting back to me.

    I Just wanna start the test today now. But am going to be patient and discuss it again with my guy at the gym and do some further reading on the different types. I never thought I'd have to purchase PCT as well, on a simple cycle that I was planning on going on. What kind of PCT will I have to take if im just taking testosterone?

    I'm going to get hold of a liver protectant supplement as well.

  27. #27
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    if your injecting only test then liver protection shouldnt be needed........For your pct youll need Clomid and Nolva which you take 2 weeks after your last test shot...... it should run at this


    Thats weekly not daily

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    blue trunks
    Get your diet in order. You can bulk up and still eat well. It sounds like you're eating burgers anf fries in a desperate attempt to gain weight. How about some steak, whole eggs, natural peanut butter, potatoes, and rice? Just to name a few.

  29. #29
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    Jun 2006
    First cycle.

    6 weeks Dbol with ..
    8weeks 500mg Test with ..
    a solid PCT afterwards!

    Never just Dbol, there are some that profess that it does what millions say & prove it does not, but.. I would stick with the majority concensus.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    Get your diet in order. You can bulk up and still eat well. It sounds like you're eating burgers anf fries in a desperate attempt to gain weight. How about some steak, whole eggs, natural peanut butter, potatoes, and rice? Just to name a few.
    Give me some credit lol. I've gone from 9 1/2 to 12.3 stone in around 2yrs 9 months. It wasnt through burgers and chips.

    I eat good solid meals. Quite often a lot of home cooked stuff as well. I eat whole eggs for breakfast most days in the week. I often have them poached as well, thats just a personal preference. I use to drink egg whites daily with orange juice but stopped that about a year ago. It worked well for me. Helped me gain some precious pounds, may reunite myself with the idea.

    I love steaks, who doesnt. I eat all kinds of potatoes, although I prefer rice (brown and white) and pastas more so.

    The only things I dont eat are Seafood, Nuts, Yellow Melon and Honey. As I am seriously allergic to all of those Gunna buy some flaxseed this week (never had it before), as I think I should be able to tollerate that. Gunna have to ask my doctors about EFAs.

    I even eat ridiculously late at night if I'm awake. Plates of pasta and cheese or sandwiches made from brown bread. Whatever I can lay my hands on really and then top it off with a protein shake before I hit the sack.

    I've experimented with weight gainers in the past. Esp when I first started, they were good but I cannot be arsed with them anymore. Its like drinking cake.

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Rugbyboys View Post
    if your injecting only test then liver protection shouldnt be needed........For your pct youll need Clomid and Nolva which you take 2 weeks after your last test shot...... it should run at this


    Thats weekly not daily
    I'll take notes. I'm going away in 8 weeks so will not have time to do a cycle of test now. Will have to do so, some time after I get back to peak fitness after my vacation. Just going to have to smash it as hard as possible diet and training before I leave. Are Clomid and Nolva taken orally?

    My mates who's on the gear isnt taking any PCT and is about to start another cycle. I need to have words with him. He sent me the details of what he is taking last night.

    He made good strength gains. I couldnt notice the size as I train with him everyday. But his benchpress went from 120kg to 140kg. His weight also shot up around 10lb so im told. He's had a 4 week break from the gear and is about to start another cycle (written below).

    Tri -Test 400 - 120 cyp, 120 enanth & 160 decanoate.
    Equibol 300

    He's taking 1ml of each one per week. And I think he's doing them on the same day in the same jab. 10 week cycle.

    His previous cycle was

    Tri - Test 300 and Primobol. He took 1ml of each per week also. 10 week cycle.

    Age 24
    Height 5.8ft
    Weight: 12.12 stone (he may have decreased in weight since end of cycle because his strength has slightly)
    He's been training on and off since 15-16 years old. But quite seriously in the last year.
    Has done steroids years ago also. But only a few times.

  32. #32
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    Mar 2009

    Exclamation Test:

    You need to run test ethanate with that D.Then have a pct plan,BEFORE YOU START YOU CYCLE!!!!!

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