Hello People - Just after some advice here, I'll try an keep this as short and informative as possible.
I've been training for 2 years 9 months. Prior to this I was heavily involved in martial arts, so I carried over good stamina thus weightlifting didn't completely wipe me out. My main aim when I started was to put on weight as I felt I was too slim. I weighed under 9 1/2 stone when I first started. I am now floating around the 12-12.3 stone mark and have been consistantly at this weight since the new year. I do feel as though i cant put any more weight on, its bloody hard work. I have to eat so much already and all I can manage is maintaining my current weight. If I have one weekend of going out, bad diet and skipping a few meals, there's a drastic drop on the scales and its very depressing! Thats just the body type I have. I have to remain dedicated just to keep my current weight!
I am 23 years old. Just over 12 stone as mentioned and just under 5.9ft tall. If I had to take a wild stab at my current body fat, I'd say its between 13-15% as I can barely see my abs anymore. My goal is to get to 13 stone and maintain it.
I seeked some advice from someone I trust and they said, since its my first cycle to go with pills rather than injectable. His reasoning was, that if I have any bad reactions, they will disperse in 2-3 days whereas with injectables it could take weeks. Anyway, Dianabol was suggested for a 4-6 week cycle and he told me to keep my diet clean to get the best out of it.
Currently my diet is ok. I'm trying to pack on as many pounds as possible so I eat everything I can, this does also include things I wouldnt eat if I was cutting down! But the way I see it, I'll never put on weight if I restrict my diet to just healthy things. But I would keep it clean if I start Dianabol.
My training is quite extensive and I really enjoy it. I get massive pumps from my 5 day split and dont think I need any help there. I know I havent been training very long (some may say), but, i began my training with someone who was quite experienced. So I learnt a lot with him then began taking it within myself to learn elsewhere and do my own research. I feel I have a strong understanding of technique. And since I started I have seen good gains in size and strength.
I personally think my weakness is diet. Not in the sense of eating the right foods but just not enough calories. Obviously if I ate more the weight would go on, but it just doesnt feel that way anymore! I prob need to up my protein intake as well. I average between 100-140g a day through 2 protein shakes and a bar. I rarely take that much if I havent trained that day. In this sense I have probably slacked off.
So I suppose what I'm asking is, is Dianabol a good starter?
Also I should mention as it might be of relevance, that I have a lot of food allergies. Seafood, Nuts, Yellow Melon and Honey. And I also have Hayfever. Will this mean I am more likely to suffer side effects from the Dbol? Or is it irrelevant. Will my Hayfever pills react with the steroids?
Should I be considering post cycle supplements? Or does my cycle not require it. I know its not the most hardcore of cycles but am still wondering about PCT. What sides am I likely to encounter through Dbol? Should I even be taking it.
Any comments are welcome. If you require any more info, just let me know. Just to let you know I'm not too savy with all of the abbreviations used on this site. Cheers.