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Thread: Questions relating ot Clen usage

  1. #1

    Questions relating ot Clen usage

    I have a question that I haven't really seen answered yet which relates to the sustained use of clen.

    If you taper up to a mcg doseage (the dose you are comfortable with), how long should you continue to run this dosage? or should you hit your desired level for three or so days and then taper back down and back up again.

    This is with taking benadryl on weeks three and six, maybe a day or two either side.

    Or would it be more beneficial for your receptors to taper down whilst taking benadryl?

    Thanks for any help given I have put a lot of hours into research but have found nothing to answer the above questions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Check out this thread

    Some say benedryl does nothing to help.
    Personally I go 2 on 2 off
    Also there is no need to taper down

  3. #3
    I did read that thread back to front but no solid answer to my question, but you have answered it.

    Ill keep a high dose for at least 7 days and see how I feel.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    i used clen 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. I used benedryl to get my receptors back to how they should be as clen suppresses certain receptors. the dosage should not go beyond 120/140 mcg as after this amount you start getting the bad sides i.e bad headaches, shakes, heart pulpatations etc. mind you this can depend on the person. hope this help!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Wollongong Australia
    if u want to stay on for a longer period of time try taking ketofin at 2-3 mg every day on your third week of clen usage to upgrade your receptors and if u do use the keto remember to take it before you go to bed cause it can make u drowsy

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