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  1. #1
    Rugbyboys is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2009

    a few quick dbol questions

    Okay so dbol is a good starting booster in a test cycle if run for 4 weeks at
    40 mg a day right? Now if your running a test e 10 week cycle at 300 mg weekly will you have a greater chance at keeping the gains made by the dbol(apart from the obvious water retention that will go) keepin in consideration your diet and training program is in check? Also when were talking about water retention it is Fat Free Mass right? Will your abdominal region be affect in a way that makes you look like your bf% is higher? or will it bring out a puffy look out in your abs? Sorry if these questions are noobish theve just been pestering me

  2. #2
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    I would run the dbol for the first time more around 25mg.
    I also would run the test atleast at 400mg a week.
    500mg would be the best
    Your also gunna need a good PCT.
    Water retention is exactly what it says.
    You can help control it with AIs,drinking losts of water and keeping the sodium intake down.
    I don't really hear about guys retaining water too much around there abs.

  3. #3
    Rugbyboys is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2009
    nono i allready have a solid cycle planned out and all my pct is good dosages and all this was more of a knowledge based thread for future you saying if its your first time running dbol its best at a lower dosage? any reasons and if so would you run at a lower dosage for say an extened 2 weeks or 1 week? The test e ive planned was a 150 mg shot every 3.5 days for 10 weeks its my first cycle keeping it simple and not extreme.....So drinking lots of water will decrease water retention possibility?

  4. #4
    Rugbyboys is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2009
    just a quick answer will do so this thread can die fast

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