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Thread: holy injection pain......

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    holy injection pain......

    Alright..... i'm not a n00b to injections. Probably have 150 under my belt...... I'm going into week 8 of my 12 week cycle and starting week 7 i opened a new 10ml bottle of test enanthate. The other 2 bottles i had were homebrew and felt FINE..... no injection pain..... no pain for 3 days after..... my 1st and 2nd shots from this new vial which is not homebrew.... atleast not by me LOL..... have been HORRIBLE!

    When im injecting it in my thigh it feels like the oil is shooting all the way up the rest of my thigh and down to my knee. It's not a stinging pain..... but it hurts BAD. I only inject 1 1/2cc's at a time.... have never had a problem. The next day - i can't FVCKIN walk! No bending my leg at all lol..... it sucks.

    What im thinking is the pain after injection is from a high BA% used..... but would this cause the initial injection pain? My next shot will be with a different test bottle..... this sh*t is no good to me if i can't even walk.

    Any idea's? Did i go too deep? Not quite 1 1/2" but almost.....


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    In The Q & A
    Could try cutting it with sterile/ filtered cottonseed oil or something like that ..


  3. #3
    so you are saying the you are getting the pain as you are injecting? theres definitely something up with that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    so you are saying the you are getting the pain as you are injecting? theres definitely something up with that.
    yup..... durring injection. It feels kind of like it's making a bubble or an abcess in my thigh..... Also..... about 12-24 hours after injection i get the bad test prop pain.... but worse.....


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    yup..... durring injection. It feels kind of like it's making a bubble or an abcess in my thigh..... Also..... about 12-24 hours after injection i get the bad test prop pain.... but worse.....

    first thing i would do is try switching to delt or glute and see if you get the same feeling. the thigh is full of nerves and injecting near one will give you that pressure "bubble" feeling and hurt like hell. if i had to guess, thats what i would put my money on.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    first thing i would do is try switching to delt or glute and see if you get the same feeling. the thigh is full of nerves and injecting near one will give you that pressure "bubble" feeling and hurt like hell. if i had to guess, thats what i would put my money on.
    Alright thanks..... i'll try my delts.... im just afraid if i get the after injection pain i wont be able to move my arm LOL.

    The funny thing is..... i've been shooting in my thighs this whole cycle without any problems..... didn't hit 1 single nerve (upper outer quad) - these past 2 have sucked..... coincidence that it's a new test E brand? who knows....

    thanks for the reply man


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Alright thanks..... i'll try my delts.... im just afraid if i get the after injection pain i wont be able to move my arm LOL.

    The funny thing is..... i've been shooting in my thighs this whole cycle without any problems..... didn't hit 1 single nerve (upper outer quad) - these past 2 have sucked..... coincidence that it's a new test E brand? who knows....

    thanks for the reply man

    Yo man, just get your dad to inject into your glute if it's enan...

    I've had some pretty highly concentrated enan before (400mg/mL), and the only place I could inject it was the glute (because they recover so quickly). I still got a pretty sore a*s.. but it was 100% more bearable then any other injection site.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Also... just buy some filtered cottonseed oil... you can cut your gear with that and it should numb the injection pain... otherwise I dunno.. pretty weird situation that it hurts when you are actually injecting the gear :S

    ... Might wanna check the B.A. % of the gear. It should say on the vial.. unless it's a cheap homebrew

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