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  1. #1
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
    StringfellowHawke is offline Junior Member
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    Need Help! Got a prescription for Stanozolol but can't find a pharmacy that can fill

    Hi all, how's this for a dilema, got a doctor to give me a prescription for stanozolol 10 ml vial at 50 mg per ml. Says on prescription to inject 1ml every other day, but after they called my prescription into both a Wal-Mart pharmacy and a home town pharmacy, both said the same thing, that they cannot get it. So, they gave the prescription to me so that I could find a place to get it with the prescription. The problem is, that is has to be a U.S. pharmacy because even with a prescription, it is not legal for a foreign pharmacy to ship it over the U.S. border, at least that is what a canadian pharmacy told me, don't know if it's true or not. I have not called the doctor and told him this, as I fear that he will just tell me to give up on it but if I can find a place to get it, he will keep giving me my refills on it. This prescription only has 1 refill on it, so it is really a prescription for 2 10 ml vials. And in case you are wondering how I got the fine doc to give me the prescription, it is because I am already on hrt (I am 31 yrs old by the way)and already under his supervision and I talked him into it. I tried to get him to prescribe me more test but he said that he could not as it would raise my test levels to a point that is not allowed by the outfit that he worked under he said that this would not affect my testosterone levels that could be detected on my next scheduled blood testing. I told him that I wanted something to get me strong because the low dose test wasn't really doing the trick and he gave me this and said "we'll get those muscles of yours built back up son". He really is a cool doc and I like him allot, really friendly guy. I think he's only going to let me have it till I get built back up again, but i'll take what I can get. 50mg every other day ain't much, but combined with 125 mg of test cypiionate a week that I am already taking, it will be a nice boost. But I am somewhat flustered with my inability to get it. I will probably call him on monday if i don't get any good suggestions on here, but some of you guys here are pretty smart, so I thought I would give this a try. I am somewhat confused about why he would give me a scrip for something that is not available. He works for an hrt clinic and said I was the first one that he had prescribed this for. But said that he didn't think it would cause me any harm for awhile as he said I was in good health. Any help would be appreciated guys and gals, thanks in advance, and have a good day, hawke out.

  2. #2
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
    Hunter-S-Thompson is offline Senior Member
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    well if it was me id call more than 2 pharmacies

  3. #3
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
    StringfellowHawke is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter-S-Thompson View Post
    well if it was me id call more than 2 pharmacies
    I as in me, myself, and I have actually called many pharmacies(no luck so far), I said THEY called 2 pharmacies. They as in the HRT clinic I get my HRT through. They could not get it through the pharmacy that they get their other HRT drugs through, that's why they called the prescription into 2 local pharmacies ON MY BEHALF as they were just trying to be kind, but there was no money in it for the HRT clinic so they just gave up after 2 tries and gave the prescription that the doc gave them for me to me and told me good luck in finding it as I was going to need it. Haven't told the doc all of this yet, but I will. Afraid he will tell me just to forget it. So I really am hoping that I can find a place to get it before I tell the doc that I can't. Thanks for all the help, this site is great and you all rock, keep up the good work in passing on useful knowledge. I know I have learned alot here over the years. Hawke out

  4. #4
    Merc. is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by StringfellowHawke View Post
    Hi all, how's this for a dilema, got a doctor to give me a prescription for stanozolol 10 ml vial at 50 mg per ml. Says on prescription to inject 1ml every other day, but after they called my prescription into both a Wal-Mart pharmacy and a home town pharmacy, both said the same thing, that they cannot get it. So, they gave the prescription to me so that I could find a place to get it with the prescription. The problem is, that is has to be a U.S. pharmacy because even with a prescription, it is not legal for a foreign pharmacy to ship it over the U.S. border, at least that is what a canadian pharmacy told me, don't know if it's true or not. I have not called the doctor and told him this, as I fear that he will just tell me to give up on it but if I can find a place to get it, he will keep giving me my refills on it. This prescription only has 1 refill on it, so it is really a prescription for 2 10 ml vials. And in case you are wondering how I got the fine doc to give me the prescription, it is because I am already on hrt (I am 31 yrs old by the way)and already under his supervision and I talked him into it. I tried to get him to prescribe me more test but he said that he could not as it would raise my test levels to a point that is not allowed by the outfit that he worked under he said that this would not affect my testosterone levels that could be detected on my next scheduled blood testing. I told him that I wanted something to get me strong because the low dose test wasn't really doing the trick and he gave me this and said "we'll get those muscles of yours built back up son". He really is a cool doc and I like him allot, really friendly guy. I think he's only going to let me have it till I get built back up again, but i'll take what I can get. 50mg every other day ain't much, but combined with 125 mg of test cypiionate a week that I am already taking, it will be a nice boost. But I am somewhat flustered with my inability to get it. I will probably call him on monday if i don't get any good suggestions on here, but some of you guys here are pretty smart, so I thought I would give this a try. I am somewhat confused about why he would give me a scrip for something that is not available. He works for an hrt clinic and said I was the first one that he had prescribed this for. But said that he didn't think it would cause me any harm for awhile as he said I was in good health. Any help would be appreciated guys and gals, thanks in advance, and have a good day, hawke out.
    Keep in mind Winstrol effects SHBG which in turns INCREASES your free test levels ..


  5. #5
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
    Hunter-S-Thompson is offline Senior Member
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    my mistake, misread it... good luck, no ideas here lol

  6. #6
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    You need to start calling major compounding pharmacies.

    1-They will make it for you and then you can pick it up

    2-They will make it and mail it to you

    3-They can order it and mail it or you can pick it up.

  7. #7
    Jumbo18 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merc1. View Post
    Keep in mind Winstrol effects SHBG which in turns INCREASES your free test levels ..

    those since your already taking synthetic testosterone , what benefit is there to it increasing free test?

  8. #8
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
    StringfellowHawke is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merc1. View Post
    Keep in mind Winstrol effects SHBG which in turns INCREASES your free test levels ..

    I think it's because it was an intramuscular water base that he thought that it would not show up on the next blood test as it has such a short half life. Don't know much about SHBG is or what it stands for, don't know if the doc does either. Thanks for the reply. Hawke out

  9. #9
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
    StringfellowHawke is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    You need to start calling major compounding pharmacies.

    1-They will make it for you and then you can pick it up

    2-They will make it and mail it to you

    3-They can order it and mail it or you can pick it up.
    Thanks, I will definately check that out. Do you think that my prescription will be required for that? As I don't want to do anything illegal. I don't want to buy from a place that DOES NOT require my prescription in order to fill it. I only want to buy from a place that REQUIRES my prescription that is also domestic. Thanks for the advice. Hawke

  10. #10
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    Your going to do this legit youw will need the script to give them ,then they are going to call and talk directtly to your dr

  11. #11
    Merc. is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jumbo18 View Post
    those since your already taking synthetic testosterone, what benefit is there to it increasing free test?
    Free test is the number you are more concerned with - when looking to build mass..

    The More free test the better ..

    Also here is a link to my Blood work sticky if you want to check it out .. has some good info ..

    ALL you need to know about bloodwork

  12. #12
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
    StringfellowHawke is offline Junior Member
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    Hi guys, i'm back. Managed to talk to a large compounding pharmacy that had not closed yet for the evening on the west coast. They said that they could not fill my prescription for me but said that there certainly were some compounding pharmacies that could. They said that they did not synthesize it. So then I went back to google and found another one in florida that I tried to call but was already closed but they had stanozolol on their list of drugs. So I feel confident that I have found what I am looking for. I filled out the contact form and should be hearing back from then on monday. So just when I had lost all hope of filling my prescription after recieving the holy grail of all steroid prescriptions, I come here and yet again you all have bailed me out. This is not the first time. I feel confident now that I will get my stanozolol. The reason I refer to it as the holy grail of all steroid prescriptions is because years ago I got ahold of a 3 week supply of essentially the same dose as my current prescription and in that 3 weeks I gained more strength then I had ever gained in a YEAR!! No joke. That stuff worked miracles on me back then and I have never forgotten that 3 weeks and never will. Awsome is the word I would use. I have used other anabolic compounds in the past but NONE of them even compared to that 3 awsome weeks on stanozolol. So my hopes of some good results are high. I just wanted to give you all an update. I will check back in when I know something more to let those of you who are interested know how this all plays out. Good knowledge for all of us for the future. Koodos to everyone for the help and advice. hawke out.

  13. #13
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
    StringfellowHawke is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merc1. View Post
    Free test is the number you are more concerned with - when looking to build mass..

    The More free test the better ..

    Also here is a link to my Blood work sticky if you want to check it out .. has some good info ..

    ALL you need to know about bloodwork
    Thanks, i'll have a look at it.

  14. #14
    Merc. is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by StringfellowHawke View Post
    Hi guys, i'm back. Managed to talk to a large compounding pharmacy that had not closed yet for the evening on the west coast. They said that they could not fill my prescription for me but said that there certainly were some compounding pharmacies that could. They said that they did not synthesize it. So then I went back to google and found another one in florida that I tried to call but was already closed but they had stanozolol on their list of drugs. So I feel confident that I have found what I am looking for. I filled out the contact form and should be hearing back from then on monday. So just when I had lost all hope of filling my prescription after recieving the holy grail of all steroid prescriptions, I come here and yet again you all have bailed me out. This is not the first time. I feel confident now that I will get my stanozolol. The reason I refer to it as the holy grail of all steroid prescriptions is because years ago I got ahold of a 3 week supply of essentially the same dose as my current prescription and in that 3 weeks I gained more strength then I had ever gained in a YEAR!! No joke. That stuff worked miracles on me back then and I have never forgotten that 3 weeks and never will. Awsome is the word I would use. I have used other anabolic compounds in the past but NONE of them even compared to that 3 awsome weeks on stanozolol. So my hopes of some good results are high. I just wanted to give you all an update. I will check back in when I know something more to let those of you who are interested know how this all plays out. Good knowledge for all of us for the future. Koodos to everyone for the help and advice. hawke out.

    Glad to hear it ..........

    Keep posted on your results whe nyou run your cycle .. Maybe do a log or something if you like ....


  15. #15
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I've never heard of anyone being prescribed winstrol . Is this a normal practice that I don't know about?

  16. #16
    Merc. is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    I've never heard of anyone being prescribed winstrol. Is this a normal practice that I don't know about?
    It is a FDA approved drug that docs can prescribe... So is anavar , deca , halotestin and a few others... alot of peeps dont releize that these drugs are doc prescribed ( of course totally up to the doc if he thinks you need it ) ..

    I am on HRT for years .. I get all my scripts from a legit doc( a endocrinologist) and have them filled at a FDA approved pharm ..


  17. #17
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
    StringfellowHawke is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    I've never heard of anyone being prescribed winstrol. Is this a normal practice that I don't know about?
    Ha ha, I know, isn't it great? You have no idea how excited I was when I got the prescription, I was as giddy as a school boy. I dreamed of that very moment for years. It's still all quite surreal. It won't really "sink in" until the first injection, no pun intended. LOL Hawke out

  18. #18
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merc1. View Post
    Glad to hear it ..........

    Keep posted on your results whe nyou run your cycle .. Maybe do a log or something if you like ....

    I might not keep a log, but I will post my results from time to time. I can't wait for the sting of that first injection. My dick gets hard just thinking about it. LOL

  19. #19
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    My father is on HRT.... he see's an HRT specialist for his prescriptions..... he is prescribed sust 250 - 1ml/wk and gets Deca 200 - 1ml/wk for hit joints LOL

    The HRT prescribed aas are WAAAYYYYY HELLA epensive tho..... and so is his PCT.....
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


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