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Thread: clenbuterol cycle

  1. #1

    Question clenbuterol cycle

    i have a couple questions
    i am a newbie to this stuff
    first can someone suggest a good clenbuterol cycle with one hundred 50mg pills. i heard 2 weeks on and off is good but i dont know the amount that should be taken per day.
    and another question is is it still safe to take other supplement while on clenbuterol. supplements like halodrol liquigels which is a maximal muscle myotrophic developer?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    I see you down there phate so not sure if I will beat you at this one...

    two weeks on and two weeks off is best.

    I would run it like this

    40mcg ed for three day and go up 20mcg every three days till you max out at 170, now you will be in to your fourth week before you do this and after two weeks off I would come back at 20mcg lower then when you left and see how your body reacts...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by prone2rage View Post
    I see you down there phate so not sure if I will beat you at this one...

    two weeks on and two weeks off is best.

    I would run it like this

    40mcg ed for three day and go up 20mcg every three days till you max out at 170, now you will be in to your fourth week before you do this and after two weeks off I would come back at 20mcg lower then when you left and see how your body reacts...
    i'm not feeling well at all so i'm just monitoring mostly, trying not to throw up since then i'd have to figure out how much nutrition i lost and compensate for it

    here's some info on clen
    Clen FAQ
    contributed by WARmachine ~ Written by perfectbeast2001

  4. #4
    thank you, and i was also wondering if it was safe to also take halodrol liquigels while being on clenbuterol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by sergatron88 View Post
    thank you, and i was also wondering if it was safe to also take halodrol liquigels while being on clenbuterol
    yeah, just watch your blood pressure

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009
    im 22 years old im 5'6" 128 lbs i tried for months animal pack smart gainer musclemilk im really hard to gain weight but really easy to lose, i decide to take some steroids to get some help, i bought a stack with dura 5o primo orals and thay 25 i would like to know if this is a good stack to start and also on the website the cycle they suggest is for 6 weeks , but it says 2capsules/5 days does it means im supposed to take 2 capsules everyday of each steroid(monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday) or 2 capsules within 5 days(like mondays and wednesdays) i know it probably sounds dumb but im really trying to get some help.thanks

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by 84669vinny View Post
    im 22 years old im 5'6" 128 lbs i tried for months animal pack smart gainer musclemilk im really hard to gain weight but really easy to lose, i decide to take some steroids to get some help, i bought a stack with dura 5o primo orals and thay 25 i would like to know if this is a good stack to start and also on the website the cycle they suggest is for 6 weeks , but it says 2capsules/5 days does it means im supposed to take 2 capsules everyday of each steroid(monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday) or 2 capsules within 5 days(like mondays and wednesdays) i know it probably sounds dumb but im really trying to get some help.thanks

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    at the top of the forum is a thread starter, click on it and start your own thread but everyone here is going to tell you diet diet diet, you will make a bunch of gains with diet diet your diet in the diet section and we will teach you how to grow without the gear then when you get your diet in check you can look at the gear...did I say diet..

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