what is up with me![]()
what is up with me![]()
start drinking more water milk thistle cran extract check with doctor possibly.
what are you on?
deca and test m8 was using dbol but have finished them .
Drink more water and flush your system out, possible the dbol have put your liver/kidneys under pressure
Wouldn't dark urine be dehydration?
When mine does this i just drink more water, clears it right up.
thanks for all the replys.
Water. Lots of water anyway if you train. Someone also mentioned cranberry juice.
Yes Yes and Yes , that's what exactly happened to me when i dehydrated myself by mistake !! ive noticed this on many occasion , the most obvious was when i was using somekind of diuretics !!! and later on when on clen+zaditen and later later on cuz of L-carnitine ........
that's dehydration
sounds like dehydration drink plenty of water and see if it helps
so much for drinking loads of water . im jaundice now skin eyes . been to the doc he is testing for hep . fvck this lol anyone got a spare rope lol
thought i would let you know . finished all the blood test on thursady . now everything is clear but it was a pain in the backside have to give blood every three days . got a ultra sound liver kidneys came up ok . hep was clear though i had to take a few weeks of work . not allowed near food incase it was hep b. seems my liver couldnt handle the dbol . to much strain on it . should i lower the dosage next time ( was on 50mg) a day or just stay well clear of them . if so can anyone sujest any other oral i can use next time .
sorry 1 more question i had to come of my cycle three weeks early . no ptc or anythingf . because of the blood test could this have caused the out break of acne.
Did you run any liver supports?
lucky it's not Hep B. I had it 20 years ago and never fully recovered. I went from a VERY fit 170 lbs down 2 120 in about a week....
Milk thistle is good. Also get some golden seal and liveron (spelling)
LOTs of water as said.
water ! water, i drink tons!! almost always pissing clear
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