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  1. #1
    killagorilla187's Avatar
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    T-Bol Users Report in! :)

    Please post your thoughts and reviews on this compound.

    What dosage worked best for you, does it live up to the hype of no bloating, non-estrogenic.

    I am going to try this out with test prop later on. Please post what you know about this stuff. Thanks very much

  2. #2
    busaboy27's Avatar
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    i used it.. at 50mg ed.. for 6 weeks.. i like it.. it seemed like d-bol to me with less harsh sides.. i actually ran the liquid form...

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
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    Never used it but hear good things, like already stated, people compare it to dbol but with less sides...
    Good for beginers i believe...

  4. #4
    killagorilla187's Avatar
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    I have not used d-bol yet but I hear t-bol is like it, but minus the water retention. Did you get bloated from it? Btw I will be using it in a strict cut.

  5. #5
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    People comparing Dbol to Tbol? Hmm, that is kind of odd. Since everything I have read about T-bol suggests its not a mass gainer like dbol is, for example t-bol's gains take longer to develop but are much more retainable than dbol. Tbol gives lean quality gains while dbol gives mass gains (including water retention).

  6. #6
    killagorilla187's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    People comparing Dbol to Tbol? Hmm, that is kind of odd. Since everything I have read about T-bol suggests its not a mass gainer like dbol is, for example t-bol's gains take longer to develop but are much more retainable than dbol. Tbol gives lean quality gains while dbol gives mass gains (including water retention).
    yes thats what Ive read about it.

    I chose it because of the negligible water retention.

  7. #7
    busaboy27's Avatar
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    my experience with it was it was just like the d... with less water weight and just as strong.. it could have been dosed off a little.... cause it was liquid form...

  8. #8
    Steroidman99 is offline Associate Member
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    I really don't know, what a Turinabol you take in the overseas, but my experience with Turinabol (actually "Trinabolan", made by a well known European UGL) was very disappointing. I would have to take 100 mg/day to feel something noticeable. At 50-75 mg/day I gained 6,7 lbs after 3 weeks, but my strength increase was not worthy of note, which suggested that the weight increase consisted only of useless water. Immediately after I added stanozolol (30-40 mg/day), my strength went eventually up, which was a big relief, because this solo cycle would be an utter waste of money. When I temporarily stopped using Trinabolan for 4 days, my weight started to drop dramatically (I lost 3 pounds), but after I started to use it again, it quickly returned back. This shows that it must aromatize and the weight gain on it is only water. It was an useless stuff for me; I would take it only because of its effect on libido and permanent euphoria.

    I have read that lab tests of Turinabol produced by some UGL labs found traces of stanozolol and Dianabol in it. This may explain, why you have a better Turinabol than we here in Europe.

  9. #9
    busaboy27's Avatar
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    i dont get my stuff from underground labs..... either its pharm or i have someone make it and knws what there doing

    maybe we just got a better hook up out here in the states
    Last edited by busaboy27; 05-18-2009 at 06:57 PM.

  10. #10
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steroidman99 View Post
    I really don't know, what a Turinabol you take in the overseas, but my experience with Turinabol (actually "Trinabolan", made by a well known European UGL) was very disappointing. I would have to take 100 mg/day to feel something noticeable. At 50-75 mg/day I gained 6,7 lbs after 3 weeks, but my strength increase was not worthy of note, which suggested that the weight increase consisted only of useless water. Immediately after I added stanozolol (30-40 mg/day), my strength went eventually up, which was a big relief, because this solo cycle would be an utter waste of money. When I temporarily stopped using Trinabolan for 4 days, my weight started to drop dramatically (I lost 3 pounds), but after I started to use it again, it quickly returned back. This shows that it must aromatize and the weight gain on it is only water. It was an useless stuff for me; I would take it only because of its effect on libido and permanent euphoria.

    I have read that lab tests of Turinabol produced by some UGL labs found traces of stanozolol and Dianabol in it. This may explain, why you have a better Turinabol than we here in Europe.
    the source that makes that tbol is well known for bullshitting their products. try another lab, theres plenty in europe.

    Quote Originally Posted by busaboy27 View Post
    i dont get my stuff from underground labs..... either its pharm or i have someone make it and knws what there doing

    maybe we just got a better hook up out here in the states
    if you want pharm grade you gotta hop in the delorean and take it back to east germany in the early 60's or you are SOL for human grade

  11. #11
    busaboy27's Avatar
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    i didnt mean the t-bol.. i meant all the other stuff as in test and things like that.. and if its not pharm i get it from someone i trust who makes lol

    george mcfly is what i looked like before a cycle

  12. #12
    killagorilla187's Avatar
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    bump for more reviews

  13. #13
    Gekko101 is offline Junior Member
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    I started it today along with test, I've been 9 weeks on Sustanon Test now (250mg/w and then later 500mg/w), the gear is Turinadrol 10mg. (Chloro....test etc, so it's the turinabol ) I ate few weeks of Pronabol (Dbol ) 30-40mg/d earlier, and now been one week off from oral stuff before starting Tbol.

    I took 20mg yesterday evening, and noticed that I got somehow "high" because of it! :-X I went to bed and felt like my legs and arms would weight hundreds of pounds, and I felt totally "unreal". Not so good thing, that was nasty feeling as I almost panic a lil bit as it felt that strange.

    Well now I took 10mg pill this morning, and again, it feels like you have smoked a little bit of weed or alcohol or something.

    Strange thing, dbol never causes any "feelings" like these, have somebody else noticed this with turinabol?

    Is this the "euphoria" somebody has reported to be felt with turinabol, and if yes why does it cause this?
    Last edited by Gekko101; 06-04-2009 at 12:48 PM.

  14. #14
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gekko101 View Post
    I started it today along with test, I've been 9 weeks on Sustanon Test now (250mg/w and then later 500mg/w), the gear is Lyka Labs Turinadrol 10mg. (Chloro....test etc, so it's the turinabol ) I ate few weeks of Pronabol (Dbol ) 30-40mg/d earlier, and now been one week off from oral stuff before starting Tbol.

    I took 20mg yesterday evening, and noticed that I got somehow "high" because of it! :-X I went to bed and felt like my legs and arms would weight hundreds of pounds, and I felt totally "unreal". Not so good thing, that was nasty feeling as I almost panic a lil bit as it felt that strange.

    Well now I took 10mg pill this morning, and again, it feels like you have smoked a little bit of weed or alcohol or something.

    Strange thing, dbol never causes any "feelings" like these, have somebody else noticed this with turinabol?

    Is this the "euphoria" somebody has reported to be felt with turinabol, and if yes why does it cause this?
    try crushing one up and snorting it. you shouldnt be getting a buzz off any steroid .

  15. #15
    Gekko101 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    try crushing one up and snorting it. you shouldnt be getting a buzz off any steroid.
    Well that's what I think too from my experience, and that's why this is a bit confusing why this does it. Well, let's try for few days and see what happens.

    At least it makes me a little bit "cloudy" feeling, like I would be extremely tired or something. Maybe that and actual tiredness caused that nasty feeling yesterday evening.

    Let's give it a chance, I'm new to this drug still.

  16. #16
    killagorilla187's Avatar
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    Im on day two of this at 50mg daily. I just took 3 10mg tabs and they do not make you feel tired or "euphoria". Maybe your stuff is laced lol

  17. #17
    tboney's Avatar
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    You might want to edit your post! Take the lab name out!

  18. #18
    Gekko101 is offline Junior Member
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    Oh sorry, that didn't came to my mind as in other forums it's very common to always mention the lab. (as every lab's product is different usually..) I edited it now.

    Today I took one 10mg at morning, and half a pill 5mg after few hours from that, and damn I was tired, it was a hard job to keep my eyes open and I forgot things and thoughts and stuff. Now I took 10mg pill at evening and again, I feel tired and little bit like I have drank/smoke something. :P

    I asked about friends who have long history on roids, and have used this same brand tbol, and their first comment was "It's damn strong, and it gives you some pretty deep moods...don't use over 30mg/d" Strange.

    Of course, you never know what they have put in these pills actually? Oxy? Winstrol ? Or some very strong tbol?

    Other products from these labs have always been just what they are supposed to.

  19. #19
    phat_matt85's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gekko101 View Post
    Oh sorry, that didn't came to my mind as in other forums it's very common to always mention the lab. (as every lab's product is different usually..) I edited it now.

    Today I took one 10mg at morning, and half a pill 5mg after few hours from that, and damn I was tired, it was a hard job to keep my eyes open and I forgot things and thoughts and stuff. Now I took 10mg pill at evening and again, I feel tired and little bit like I have drank/smoke something. :P

    I asked about friends who have long history on roids, and have used this same brand tbol, and their first comment was "It's damn strong, and it gives you some pretty deep moods...don't use over 30mg/d" Strange.

    Of course, you never know what they have put in these pills actually? Oxy? Winstrol ? Or some very strong tbol?

    Other products from these labs have always been just what they are supposed to.

    What does your pill look like?

  20. #20
    Gekko101 is offline Junior Member
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    Little round pill, light blue color. Just like the pronabol product from this same lab, just different color as this is light blue, and pronabol is somehow red'ish.

  21. #21
    killagorilla187's Avatar
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    sounds weird to me, I do not think that should be happening to you.

    Im at 50mg on my 3rd day and have not felt anything like that.

  22. #22
    Gekko101 is offline Junior Member
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    This drug has to contain something else than it supposed to, or then it contains more than 10mg a pill... I took only 5mg's this morning and my heart beat was very "heavy" feeling, head was dizzy and feeling was very much like on big time clen or something, not so comfortable.

    I don't take this anymore, let's see if these feelings stop tomorrow when I don't take anymore of tbol today, and if it does then I will continue with good ol' familiar Dbol ...

    It's just a shame, I would have liked the tbol as it sounds to be, no water retention, no aromatization, and I think it doesn't raise your blood viscosity like Dbol does big time.

    9weeks with 400mg's of sustanon /week done (inj. E4D), and I'm gonna continue for 12 or 16weeks I think. At this point, I guess there is no sense to add Deca in this cycle as it would had only ~7-8weeks time maximum to affect..?

    So I guess I have to continue with Dbol, something is needed along with that test to gain some size, this test doesn't seem to do that alone even when the diet is good (bulking, ~4000kcal/d).

  23. #23
    killagorilla187's Avatar
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    I wonder if your pills contain some sedative or something crazy.

  24. #24
    killagorilla187's Avatar
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    ok, after 3 days i think this is what kicked in!

    real good pumps and increases strength after only 3days. Im running 50mgs

  25. #25
    Gekko101 is offline Junior Member
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    I took my last 5mg 1/2pill yesterday morning, whole day I was somehow feeling dizzy and not so sharp. Then yesterday evening when I went to bed, I felt very stressed out mentally, and when I tried to sleep my heart beat was around 90-100per minute, and blood pressure was 160/100 when it's been normally in these days around 115/60!! Heart beat was heavy like it would rocked the whole bed when I'm laying on it.

    I took some Emconcor pills (these slow heart beat down) I had from years back when I had little bit of panic disorder kind of things cause of stress, but those didn't slow it down.

    Somehow after 3-4hours I got sleep, and today morning still feeling weird.

    I guess this had to be because of tbol, I don't have any other idea where these problems might have came from so suddenly? Weird feelings started right after first 2 pills of this Turinadrol stuff.

    It was also injection night for Sustanon , but that haven't made me any weird feelings in last 9 week so I guess that's not the reason.

    If this medication has halftime of 16hours, shouldn't it be out of my system by now, as it's almost 30hours of the last 5mg pill, and approximately 40-48h from the pill before that...? I only tried it for 2-3days.

    I guess that stuff just is not suitable for me, others have took the same pills and they haven't noticed this kind of side-effects.

  26. #26
    MACKATTACK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by killagorilla187 View Post
    ok, after 3 days i think this is what kicked in!

    real good pumps and increases strength after only 3days. Im running 50mgs
    Nice I just placed my order for Turanabol and should be here in three weeks, I am looking forward to it.......

    Keep us updated on gains and any sides if you don't mind.......

  27. #27
    killagorilla187's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACKATTACK View Post
    Nice I just placed my order for Turanabol and should be here in three weeks, I am looking forward to it.......

    Keep us updated on gains and any sides if you don't mind.......
    ok sure, i got deadlifts today and im pretty interested in how it goes.

    This is day 4, yesterday I felt something kick in.

  28. #28
    milkoman16 is offline New Member
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    Wait til about week 3 - This stuff takes a bit to really kick in. I noticed strength gains the first week but nothing like it will be in later weeks. Also, gained about 12-14 lbs since I started & have 1 week left to complete 6 week cycle.

    As to the other guys concerns regarding feeling strange on this stuff. I have had feelings of anxiety or slight panic attack feelings during my 5 weeks on it. I've never had panic attacks or anything but I guess its best to describe it as that. I'm assuming its the T-bol as I've never had those symptoms before.

  29. #29
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    i dosed it at 60mgs ed. Loved it. My stomach didn't tho. Had to keep the pepto bismol nearby, lol. Its a good for a lean muscle stack imo.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by milkoman16 View Post
    Wait til about week 3 - This stuff takes a bit to really kick in. I noticed strength gains the first week but nothing like it will be in later weeks. Also, gained about 12-14 lbs since I started & have 1 week left to complete 6 week cycle.

    As to the other guys concerns regarding feeling strange on this stuff. I have had feelings of anxiety or slight panic attack feelings during my 5 weeks on it. I've never had panic attacks or anything but I guess its best to describe it as that. I'm assuming its the T-bol as I've never had those symptoms before.
    what week did you start on packin the weight on?

  31. #31
    milkoman16 is offline New Member
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    Well I gained about 1-2 lbs a week for first 2.5 weeks & then it seemed like I started gaining a bit faster after that. Strength gains were noticable first week but then exploded after about 3 weeks.

  32. #32
    killagorilla187's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by milkoman16 View Post
    Well I gained about 1-2 lbs a week for first 2.5 weeks & then it seemed like I started gaining a bit faster after that. Strength gains were noticable first week but then exploded after about 3 weeks.
    very nice

    Im on my 1st week and strength is up pretty dramatically. I am taking 50mg winny ed, and 100mg test prop eod.

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