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  1. #1
    SupremeSaiyan is offline New Member
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    Does anyone else suffer from Panic Attacks?

    I'm trying to cope with one right now.... and this site is totally not helping.

  2. #2
    bcbrett is offline Associate Member
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    No i dont. What is cause your attacks?

  3. #3
    TRT,MAN's Avatar
    TRT,MAN is offline Member
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    why would this sight help with pannic attack? if your having problem see medical attention.

  4. #4
    normaljoe is offline Junior Member
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    I have had them before. Once you understand them better it helps, but so does my script for xanax.

    A panic attack is nothing but a "fight or flight" response to an incorrect stimuli.

    Think of your brain like a DVD but some how the explosion sound effect from the scene 3 minutes in got saved over the panoramic scene of a tulip field.

    Now you have got this fked up notion that when you see tulips something is about to explode and you have to be ready for the explosion, hence the "fight or flight" surge in adrenalin levels.

    Now since your brain is a LOT more complex you can trigger them with a sound, a smell, a taste, thinking about a taste. It's beyond fked up how stupid these triggers can be, but ALL of them are just the result of a "bad recording" of fear that causes the very real response of adrenalin.

    I had 2 of them that literally put me into a fetal position, total and absolute crippling fear, for no reason....we for no REAL reason. I talked to my MD and explained what I was going through and she nailed the panic attack to a tee. I was given a script that was supposed to last "at least 6 months", well here it is 2 years later and I still have 1/4 of it left.

    if you get a script NEVER take them recreationaly. They are literally a silver bullet that will help you re focus and start to come out of a panic attack within 15 minutes, and be over it in 45.

    Best of luck bro, but do yourself a favor and talk to your MD asap. It's such a common and simple problem, nothing to be embarrassed about, and so easy to treat it would be a shame to ever have another one without "ammo" to take it down.

  5. #5
    bifda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SupremeSaiyan View Post
    I'm trying to cope with one right now.... and this site is totally not helping.
    then go get help from shrink!!
    this is a steriod forum

  6. #6
    SupremeSaiyan is offline New Member
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    I never got panic attacks until my first week in on winstrol .... sooo thank you for pointing out this a roid forum smart guy!

    I guess I should change the topic question to - Does anyone on "Roids" suffer from Panic Attacks but never did before they started juicin?

  7. #7
    bifda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SupremeSaiyan View Post
    I never got panic attacks until my first week in on winstrol .... sooo thank you for pointing out this a roid forum smart guy!

    I guess I should change the topic question to - Does anyone on "Roids" suffer from Panic Attacks but never did before they started juicin?

  8. #8
    The Deuce's Avatar
    The Deuce is offline Anabolic Member
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    No I just suffer from good ole panic attacks via my PTSD.. it sucks.. BIG TIME... but thats why I have Valium...

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by normaljoe View Post
    I have had them before. Once you understand them better it helps, but so does my script for xanax.

    A panic attack is nothing but a "fight or flight" response to an incorrect stimuli.

    Think of your brain like a DVD but some how the explosion sound effect from the scene 3 minutes in got saved over the panoramic scene of a tulip field.

    Now you have got this fked up notion that when you see tulips something is about to explode and you have to be ready for the explosion, hence the "fight or flight" surge in adrenalin levels.

    Now since your brain is a LOT more complex you can trigger them with a sound, a smell, a taste, thinking about a taste. It's beyond fked up how stupid these triggers can be, but ALL of them are just the result of a "bad recording" of fear that causes the very real response of adrenalin.

    I had 2 of them that literally put me into a fetal position, total and absolute crippling fear, for no reason....we for no REAL reason. I talked to my MD and explained what I was going through and she nailed the panic attack to a tee. I was given a script that was supposed to last "at least 6 months", well here it is 2 years later and I still have 1/4 of it left.

    if you get a script NEVER take them recreationaly. They are literally a silver bullet that will help you re focus and start to come out of a panic attack within 15 minutes, and be over it in 45.

    Best of luck bro, but do yourself a favor and talk to your MD asap. It's such a common and simple problem, nothing to be embarrassed about, and so easy to treat it would be a shame to ever have another one without "ammo" to take it down.
    This probably the best written up thing I have ever seen on Panic attacks bro !! AWESOME!!

  10. #10
    sigman roid's Avatar
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    i ve had them before and guess what i was on winny as well and id never had them prior to that, when i stopped the winny the problem was gone not to say it was the winny could have been anxiety or a number of other things

  11. #11
    Dont wanna be old's Avatar
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    I cant imagine panic attack being very fun . I imagine the worry of having another would add stress IMO . Talk to your DR. . There's a few good meds for that generic and brandname depending on insurance. Optional if you want to mention the winny. Depends on your relationshipwith DR.

  12. #12
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    ive had them a few times in the past,, i always related them to stress

  13. #13
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Man up!!! your only on winny

  14. #14
    bma33 is offline Junior Member
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    talk to a psychologist try to work your way off meds. Exercise and good diet can go along way towards mental stability. MENTAL MEDS SUCK!

  15. #15
    firmechicano831's Avatar
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    I never have but my friend did on his first shot of tren and test. He thought he was going to have a heart attack.

  16. #16
    busaboy27's Avatar
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    i think i had a panic attack(almost lol).. when 4 of my girlfriends ended up in the same bar standing next to each other.....

  17. #17
    bifda's Avatar
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    i had a couple when i was a teen, but mine were from weed lol.

    they do suck big time, can you really get them from winny tho?

  18. #18
    normaljoe is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Man up!!! your only on winny

    It's not something you can "man up" and just deal with, not at all. You can not control a panic attack like you can fear, it is totally different.

    It's like your ancestors would look at a lion and know "If i don't run like hell I'm going to be lion poop" so their body gets jacked to the gills with adrenalin to get them ready to run for their life. Do or Die, fight or flight, life or death, I'm not exaggerating at all. This is the physiological change that happens to someone having a panic attack, their body jacks them with as much adrenalin as it can thinking its time try and out run a lion.

  19. #19
    LLsoldier's Avatar
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    i had panic attacks 2 times after i smoked W**d and after that fast heart rate.
    2 days after that another panic attack i guess.
    then about a week later another one.

    now it's gone.
    the thing that hurts me is that i have minor chest pain and another undescribeable feeling in my chest in daily basis.the more i think and imagine about my heart the more occurs.

    and i was also on a cycle when i used w**d and i did it before and nothing bad happened to me.
    would be happy if your read my tread too:

    Steroids and my heart(please help if you know something)

  20. #20
    LLsoldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bifda View Post
    i had a couple when i was a teen, but mine were from weed lol.

    they do suck big time, can you really get them from winny tho?
    mine too.
    did you have pain for several months after the attack?
    how many attacks did you have?

  21. #21
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by normaljoe View Post
    I have had them before. Once you understand them better it helps, but so does my script for xanax.

    A panic attack is nothing but a "fight or flight" response to an incorrect stimuli.

    Think of your brain like a DVD but some how the explosion sound effect from the scene 3 minutes in got saved over the panoramic scene of a tulip field.

    Now you have got this fked up notion that when you see tulips something is about to explode and you have to be ready for the explosion, hence the "fight or flight" surge in adrenalin levels.

    Now since your brain is a LOT more complex you can trigger them with a sound, a smell, a taste, thinking about a taste. It's beyond fked up how stupid these triggers can be, but ALL of them are just the result of a "bad recording" of fear that causes the very real response of adrenalin.

    I had 2 of them that literally put me into a fetal position, total and absolute crippling fear, for no reason....we for no REAL reason. I talked to my MD and explained what I was going through and she nailed the panic attack to a tee. I was given a script that was supposed to last "at least 6 months", well here it is 2 years later and I still have 1/4 of it left.

    if you get a script NEVER take them recreationaly. They are literally a silver bullet that will help you re focus and start to come out of a panic attack within 15 minutes, and be over it in 45.

    Best of luck bro, but do yourself a favor and talk to your MD asap. It's such a common and simple problem, nothing to be embarrassed about, and so easy to treat it would be a shame to ever have another one without "ammo" to take it down.
    Nicely written.

    I think you will be OK since you realize what they are and you need to deal with it. Many people just vegetate and feel sorry for themself without ever trying to find the cause.

  22. #22
    ezlimitz's Avatar
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    I started having "panic attacks" a few years ago. Not like the one described as in curling up in a ball but rather a really bad "emotional state" that was hard to describe. I also had a lot of anxiety. Not just being nervous about raising three kids and being the sole breadwinner for a family of 5 but sick twisted thoughts that just came out of no where.

    Saw the Doc and he asked what I was feeling... I told him;

    I could be just sitting in the parking lot of a store I would would get this overwhelming feeling of ...well I couldn't really describe it...or didn't want to.

    The doc said "do you feel like your dying"...I actually felt a little embarrased but when HE said it I said..."EXACTLY". He said I was having panic attacks and anxiety was probably the cause of the random thoughts.

    Started @ 20ml of paxil and now take 30 daily. The anxity comes on occassionally and briefly but nothing like what it was. I also have xanax which I don't use that often now but I will tell you that when I first got them I was a "bad boy".

    Hope this helps...some say paxil makes it harder to loose weight...I don't know but I did go off them for about a year..worked out like a mad man daily, lost 60 lbs (more to do with diet probably as I wasn't eating much) and I felt fuking miserable. Had some other things going on that I won't go into here but I was "out of the house" for a while.

    Last edited by ezlimitz; 06-20-2009 at 07:34 AM.

  23. #23
    Bad Viking's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by normaljoe View Post
    I have had them before. Once you understand them better it helps, but so does my script for xanax.

    A panic attack is nothing but a "fight or flight" response to an incorrect stimuli.

    Think of your brain like a DVD but some how the explosion sound effect from the scene 3 minutes in got saved over the panoramic scene of a tulip field.

    Now you have got this fked up notion that when you see tulips something is about to explode and you have to be ready for the explosion, hence the "fight or flight" surge in adrenalin levels.

    Now since your brain is a LOT more complex you can trigger them with a sound, a smell, a taste, thinking about a taste. It's beyond fked up how stupid these triggers can be, but ALL of them are just the result of a "bad recording" of fear that causes the very real response of adrenalin.

    I had 2 of them that literally put me into a fetal position, total and absolute crippling fear, for no reason....we for no REAL reason. I talked to my MD and explained what I was going through and she nailed the panic attack to a tee. I was given a script that was supposed to last "at least 6 months", well here it is 2 years later and I still have 1/4 of it left.

    if you get a script NEVER take them recreationaly. They are literally a silver bullet that will help you re focus and start to come out of a panic attack within 15 minutes, and be over it in 45.

    Best of luck bro, but do yourself a favor and talk to your MD asap. It's such a common and simple problem, nothing to be embarrassed about, and so easy to treat it would be a shame to ever have another one without "ammo" to take it down.
    Really good post!

  24. #24
    cro's Avatar
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    nice 1st post ... NOT

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