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Thread: Wanting to stop juice --Clomid ?? WTF

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Question Wanting to stop juice --Clomid ?? WTF

    Ok look, i know im going to take a bit of heat posting this, but really its the only option i have left
    anyways ive juice for awhlie now, too long ithink, about 15 weeks and i want to stop only problem is that i really wanted to stop after 10 weeks but i couldnt find any clomid or any other substitute, so ive been just "using" still, with i have to say very poor results, i mean ive gained almost nothing on a decca/sust stack

    for my last 3 shots ive spaced them out longer and reduced the gear itself.
    Today i took a shot,it was 1/2 a cc(just tossed the other half of the amp )
    pls comment /give ideas on this matter


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    if your gonna pitch gear then send it to my

  3. #3

    Re: Wanting to stop juice --Clomid ?? WTF

    Originally posted by SuperMac_G4
    Ok look, i know im going to take a bit of heat posting this, but really its the only option i have left
    anyways ive juice for awhlie now, too long ithink, about 15 weeks and i want to stop only problem is that i really wanted to stop after 10 weeks but i couldnt find any clomid or any other substitute, so ive been just "using" still, with i have to say very poor results, i mean ive gained almost nothing on a decca/sust stack

    for my last 3 shots ive spaced them out longer and reduced the gear itself.
    Today i took a shot,it was 1/2 a cc(just tossed the other half of the amp )
    pls comment /give ideas on this matter

    To me, you seem like you are doing things half-assed and not with total commitment.

    First, throwing away half of the juice is supid and immature, you should send it to me!!!
    Second, starting a cycle without clomid/nolvadex is very very foolish, especially when you have no idea where to get it from. The only times I start a cycle without clomid is when I have 10 clomid sources and atleast half will deliver within a week FOR SURE.
    Third, If you stopped at week 10 without clomid you would have a better chance of recovering fairly quickly, even without clomid! Now you waited to the last minute asking what you should do next!!! I say stop what you are taking right now, with or without clomid, coz I dont think you will crash at all. YOUR JUICE IS FAKE. It has to be fake since you have gained nothing on a DECA SUST cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    1. Either your gear is fake or your diet is very poor.
    2. PM me about Clomid.

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