Ive been reading through the threads and soaking up all the knowledge i possibly can in preperation for my first cycle.
Before i start i just wanted to get a few opinions on how to go about it.
I am
29 years old (30 in august)
5 ft 8 inch
172 lbs
9% bodyfat
workout 5 days a week
this will be my first cycle
Goals: Increase strength while getting cut up. Would like to stay around 180. Lean.
My diet is very good.
In preparation for this i have attained:
1 20ml bottle of Test E 200mg/cc
1 20ml bottle of Euipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate) 200mg/cc
200 10mg Nolvadex pills
4x5000 iu of HCG
100 10mg Clomid pills
The one thing i read that stuck with me was to make sure you have everything you need before you start.
I am currently 10 weeks into my HGH somatropin cycle which i will be taking for at least another 15 weeks. I started with 2 ius per day for 3 weeks, and now im currently at 3.5 ius (1.25 2x per day).
I was hoping i could get some of your advice on the optimal way to run this. I have a few ideas but everytime i get my mind set i read of another way.
Thanks Again for all of your posts and threads, they have been very helpful.