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Thread: Bulking options!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Bulking options!

    I've been bulking for over an year now ,most of the time naturally and i'm not pleased with the results.I've got some very decent BMR and even enormous amounts of calories aren't enough for me to bring up some size and move the scale a lil bit.
    So now i'm on my way for AAS cycle which will include 8weeks 100mg test prop ED, 6weeks tren ace 75mg ED 4weeks drol 100mg ed and i'll put some mild anabolic agent like winstrol in the end.
    Since i've got some hair issues in the past and this stuff is way too androgenic proscar will also take place in it.
    HCG won't take place in PCT but will presence during the cycle from 2-8 week in 250iu a week.

    Age:21 ,Weight:91 kg, Height:183cm ,RB:46,LB:45.6., BF:~13%
    Feedbacks are all welcome!

  2. #2
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Apr 2006
    Too young for AAS, you are risking permanent shut down of your HPTA

    Have you had the guys in the diet section check out your diet? That is what determines bulking, NOT steroids

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Diet is 100% in check and it was for some good time back.Too young ,yep i know that but i'm competing and that's the bill that should be paid.
    Never heard of permanent shutting down the HPTA.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    u never heard of PERMANENT SHUT DOWN because of u never did enough research and possibly ur too young.. Just in case just post your diet and see if u need any help

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    insane asylum
    I have never heard of someone having thier diet 100% in check and not seeing any results. Either your trainings off or your diet's off.
    I suggest you go to the diet fourm post your diet and have it critique.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Actually i did and still do, but never heard of permanent shut down.Permanent damage yes ,but shut down never.And if this shit could really appear after AAS use i'm not sure that anyone would even think about running them once..what about running them for long..

    PS:The diet is basic.2.5g prop.Kg Lean mass all came from lean meat,eggs and protein powders, fat intake is rather low sub 100g, and carbs are high to very high depend on the day(training ,other activities etc).

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by canadian meat View Post
    I have never heard of someone having thier diet 100% in check and not seeing any results. Either your trainings off or your diet's off.
    I suggest you go to the diet fourm post your diet and have it critique.
    I'm not saying that there's no progress but that the progress is too slow for me and for that what i'm aiming for.Sorry for the double post.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    insane asylum
    Quote Originally Posted by awd4x4 View Post
    Actually i did and still do, but never heard of permanent shut down.Permanent damage yes ,but shut down never.And if this shit could really appear after AAS use i'm not sure that anyone would even think about running them once..what about running them for long..

    PS:The diet is basic.2.5g prop.Kg Lean mass all came from lean meat,eggs and protein powders, fat intake is rather low sub 100g, and carbs are high to very high depend on the day(training ,other activities etc).
    I have seen tons of people on this site claim they eat perfect and they know how to diet untill its acually posted. post a actual day of meals so we can see how you eat.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Just let me tell ya this.... I had a hard time puttin on mass at 21 also,,, got to the 26 to 28 year old stage and boom ,, started to grow.... I can aslo tell ya I havent did any GEAR,,,, Must of been muscle maturity and late body growth,, because at 25 I had size 11 feet and at 29 they wer 14.5, my hands and even my coller bones and shoulder width got bigger.... So you have no way of knowing if yer really even done growing at 21dude,,,, lay off the GEAR till at least 25 and see what happens.... ANd go post that diet >>>>>

  10. #10
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by awd4x4 View Post
    Actually i did and still do, but never heard of permanent shut down.Permanent damage yes ,but shut down never.And if this shit could really appear after AAS use i'm not sure that anyone would even think about running them once..what about running them for long..

    PS:The diet is basic.2.5g prop.Kg Lean mass all came from lean meat,eggs and protein powders, fat intake is rather low sub 100g, and carbs are high to very high depend on the day(training ,other activities etc).
    If you don't know EXACTLY what macros you are eating daily, then your diet SUCKS, because you need to know the numbers. its all a numbers game.

    calories in VS. calories expended

    you may think you are eating the right things, but if its not enough at the right times, then you will NOT grow, if it is TOO much then you will store fat

    lay out your diet in MEALS

    times you eat
    what each meal consists of
    what size portions
    how many meals a day

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