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Thread: A question about Test E

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    A question about Test E

    I have been working out for a little more then 3 years. for the past two I have been working on a 5 day split and I have gained some pretty good results. I have done it all natural for the most part as well, though I did do one round of creatine. I went from 135 at 16% to 160 at 9% which is what I am currently at. I am 5'10 and 22 years old.

    My current maxes
    bench: 215x3
    squat: 315x3
    Preacher: 90x5
    bent row: 180x3
    deadlift: 315x2

    I have a pretty good diet, though I will admit I could do better. I eat roughly 4-5 meals a day, all high protein/carbs low fats. Unfortunately, I haven't got the technique of splitting my carbs and proteins up. I will have that solved before starting a stack.

    My goal:

    I want to be 175lbs at 7-8% bf. I don't really care about my maxes, but I want to achieve that weight and keep it at that body fat. I am at a natural plateau and I have been here for about 6-8months. I haven't gained or lost a lb in that long, and I am still eating plenty of calories that I should still be gaining weight.

    My worries:

    I am nervous about it noticing that I am doing steroids. I will use proper pct, etc. 500mg/w of test e for 10-12 weeks?

    What results would I expect with something of this manner?

    I have done a lot of reading, but I still have a ways to go before I run a cycle. I have no one local that I trust getting it from so yea.

    Any help with results theories, etc would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    You need the diet forum, not ready for steroids yet lol...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    500mg/wk of test e for 12 weeks.
    shoot 250mg monday and thursday.

    results depend on how strict you are with diet and working out.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    my current diet is 3250 calories.

    meal 1:
    Protein shake made with
    8ounces raw whole milk
    2tbsp peanut butter
    1 scoop whey
    1/4 cup raw oats

    meal 2:
    4 egg whites
    1/2 cup raw oats
    1 banana (or other fruit)

    meal 3:
    8 ounces raw milk
    1 scoop whey

    meal 4:
    1 cup brown rice

    meal 5:
    steak, other lean meat

    sometimes meal 6
    protein shake as described in meal 3

    My diet is pretty solid imo, but I am up for suggestions on that. I am more looking to see what I am looking at results on the gear.

    I also take an organic natural multivite 3 times daily and natural fish oil 2x daily.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Workout: Current (subject to change)

    Monday Chest:
    Flat Bench
    6-8 reps x 3
    Decline Bench
    6-8 reps x 3
    Flat Dumbbell press
    15 reps x 3
    Decline Dumbbell press
    15 reps x 3
    Flat bench flys
    30 reps x 3
    Decline bench flys
    30 reps x 3
    max x 3

    Tuesday Back:
    Weighted pullups
    6-8 reps x 3
    Bent rows
    6-8 reps x 3
    Upright rows
    6-8 reps x 3
    Lawn mowers
    15 reps x 3
    lat pull downs
    15 reps x 3
    Machine Rows
    30 x 3
    Pulley Cable Lat pulldowns
    30 x 3

    Wednesday Shoulders
    Military Press
    6-8 reps x 3
    Dumbbell Shoulder press
    6-8 reps x 3
    Front, lateral, rear raises
    15 reps x 3
    6-8 reps x 3
    15 reps x 3

    Thursday legs/lower back
    6-8 reps x 3
    6-8 reps x 3
    Good Mornings
    15 reps x 3
    leg extensions/curls
    15 reps x 3
    Lower back hypertensions
    30 reps x 3
    6-8 reps x 5
    20 reps x 3

    Friday Arms
    6-8 reps x 3
    6-8 reps x 3
    Seated Dumbbell
    15 reps x 3
    Tri Pushdown
    15 reps x 3
    Reverse Curls
    30 reps x 3
    30 reps x 3
    That string on a stick
    4 sets
    forearm curls
    4 sets

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    London, England

    Were about the same height, I am 5' 10" or 5' 11" (as I like to think lol)

    Your 160 pounds! I know it may not sound great, but did you know that if you ate like you were on a cycle, for even a month, your weight would increase by quite alot?

    I am at about 190 pounds, which actually is still not anywhere near enough for me!

    What about, trying to get to 180 pounds and then starting a cycle? By the end of the cycle you should be over 200 pounds.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    London, England
    Hmm Bakie you do sound like you have done your reasearch.

    I am interested though, seeing as were the same height, how long have you been eating 3200 calories per day? Because you really should be gaining from that at your weight.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by bakie View Post
    Workout: Current (subject to change)

    Monday Chest:
    Flat Bench
    6-8 reps x 3
    Decline Bench
    6-8 reps x 3
    Flat Dumbbell press
    15 reps x 3
    Decline Dumbbell press
    15 reps x 3
    Flat bench flys
    30 reps x 3
    Decline bench flys
    30 reps x 3
    max x 3

    Tuesday Back:
    Weighted pullups
    6-8 reps x 3
    Bent rows
    6-8 reps x 3
    Upright rows
    6-8 reps x 3
    Lawn mowers
    15 reps x 3
    lat pull downs
    15 reps x 3
    Machine Rows
    30 x 3
    Pulley Cable Lat pulldowns
    30 x 3

    Wednesday Shoulders
    Military Press
    6-8 reps x 3
    Dumbbell Shoulder press
    6-8 reps x 3
    Front, lateral, rear raises
    15 reps x 3
    6-8 reps x 3
    15 reps x 3

    Thursday legs/lower back
    6-8 reps x 3
    6-8 reps x 3
    Good Mornings
    15 reps x 3
    leg extensions/curls
    15 reps x 3
    Lower back hypertensions
    30 reps x 3
    6-8 reps x 5
    20 reps x 3

    Friday Arms
    6-8 reps x 3
    6-8 reps x 3
    Seated Dumbbell
    15 reps x 3
    Tri Pushdown
    15 reps x 3
    Reverse Curls
    30 reps x 3
    30 reps x 3
    That string on a stick
    4 sets
    forearm curls
    4 sets
    I only really looked at your chest work out but that is way to many sets and reps. 24 sets for chest. IMO way to much.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    London, England
    I didnt even see that lol.

    If you can manage 24-30 reps of ANYTHING, your not lifting enough weight!

    Up the weight, and do from 8-12 reps.

    *edit.....Or go until failure, I usually always get to 8 reps, then if I feel I can do a few more, I will do it until failure.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    fairfax va
    i agree with matt you should try to get some more size natty try to get more real food instead of shakes i eat 6 regualr meals a day not counting shakes there are some good stickys in the diet forum with example diets but if your mind is made up use the cycle bigsexy posted

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2009
    When it comes to the workout, I do 95% of my max for the 6-8 rep sets, i do 85% of my max for the 15 rep sets, and I do 70% of my max for the 30... It's just a new workout that I am trying out, and it's wasted me pretty good. My mind definitely isn't made up or not to do roids. I am not after a big boost either, just something to get me over this plateau, because it has me worked. I am just really looking into the hopes of getting 15 lean lbs. I am definitely checking out the diet section first, but I don't want fat weight and I really want it on by the beginning of September.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I have been eating 3k+ calories a day for a few years now. What is weird is that I can continue eating like that and not go to the gym for a week, but keep my eating on high. I will actually lose 5 or so pounds, which come back quick but it's rather odd.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    London, England
    Hmm that is odd, as 3200 calories is quite alot.

    But if you want to grow, it just means you have to eat more.

    Try adding 500 calories per day.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Bleh, that almost makes me sick thinking about it... I am already eating about every 3 hours. Is there a chance that it's because two of my meals are shakes? Maybe try and go an extra meal vs. and extra shake? Now that this thread has lost it's original course and is turning into questions about diets. :P

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