Thread: Best Oral for my brother to take
Best Oral for my brother to take
My brother just turned 41 and he is a bigtime athlete. He has raced motocross since he was 16 and now he is too old to be competative at that he has got into Triathlons and Marathons. Wants something to help get more strength to help his endurance. Also wants to get a little more quickness/agility I heard a lot of the cage fighters ( dont want to use any of the initials for the federations) use winny for this but a few on here said it could screw up his joints. I know there is better options with injectables but he will not go that route.
He is
41yrs old
7% BF
Eats perfect!!
Any thoughts????
05-26-2009, 08:08 PM #2
at 41 he should see a doc and have bloodwork, he may qualify for trt/hrt.
05-26-2009, 08:09 PM #3
How tall is he?
yes winny is hard on joints and shuts down your natural HPTA
05-26-2009, 08:41 PM #4
41 he can get a script. As far as I know the only orals available state side are halo and var max of 20mg per day.
My doc does precribe me halo @ 20mg per day. I am required to get liver and kidney panel E6M. No problems. Although please understand some do have problems with liver issues. Also a @ 41 he might as well get it legally.
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